16.2 the psychological kind Flashcards
insight therapies
the goal is to resolve psychological problems by finding their root cause
psychodynamic therapies
the goal is to carefully seek out the unconscious causes of psychological problems, with the assumption that awareness of the cause of those problems will provide the cure
- freudian psychology
- idea is that unconscious conflicts originate from persons past experience
defense mechanisms
unconscious conflicts bw the ID and superego can generate irrational thinking and behaviours
free association
clients talk about or write down their thoughts without constraint or censorship
dream analysis
seeking to understand the nature of unconscious conflicts based on the contents of a clients dreams
- manifest content
- latent content
manifest content
is the symbolic way our conscious minds experience our dreams
latent content
is the deeper meaning of our dreams that reflect unconscious conflicts
aggressive behaviours and strong emotional rxns that provide clues of an unconscious conflict that the clients conscious mind is reluctant to confront
- finding clients unconscious conflicts
- analyzing how the client reacts to the therapist based on the idea that it is possible to reveal unconscious conflicts formed in relationships with other ppl in a clients past such as parents based on how they relate in the social context of therapy sessions
- works best when therapist work in a way that is quite neutral and not responsive to the thoughts expressed by their clients so that the way the client acts toward the therapist can be a pure indicator of their clients unconscious habits in social relationships that have been moulded by painful relationship conflicts from childhood
object- relations therapy
relying on a clients conscious self-reflection and what they remember about their past to understand the source of their mental health problems
interpersonal therapy(IPT)
to help improve their clients success in relationships, the therapist interacts with them as a participant observer to determine the social patterns they engage in
humanistic-existential psychotherapy
the idea is that ppl will naturally pursue self-fulfillment if they receive enough support, acceptance, and encouragement
-in this type of therapy, the therapist is not so directive, but plays a more supportive, coach-type role
humanistic psychotherapy
the focus is on helping clients eliminate the obstacles that prevent themselves from achieving self-actualization
- carl rogers
- the founder of client-(or person-) centred psychotherapy
- conditions of worth
conditions of worth
expectations imposed by other people and ourselves that lead us away from being our true selves and reaching our fullest potential
unconditional positive regard
the therapist accepts, non-judgementally and supportively, all of the views that their clients express
existentialist psychotherapy
the main goal is for a client to confront sources of sadness, discomfort, or fear
a phenomenological approach
the emphasis is on current, ongoing conscious thoughts, perceptions, and feelings, instead of unconscious conflicts and long ago experiences
emotion-focused therapy
clients consciously experience negative emotions and explore sources of their sadness, anxiety or anger to develop skill in controlling negative thoughts and extreme emotional rxns
the effectiveness of insight therapies
very much depends on the quality of the relationship bw the client and the therapist, and on the clients verbal skills
behavioural therapies
the approach is to determine the rewards or habits that support negative behaviours to eliminate those and replace them with positive behaviours
systematic desensitization
eliminating phobias by combining gradual exposure to the source of the phobia with relaxation techniques
eliminating phobias through extreme exposure
method used in certain techniques of psychotherapy whereby the clint learns by imitation alone, w/o any specific verbal direction by the therapist
virtual-reality exposure (VRE)
reducing fear responses through safe exposure using virtual-reality technology
-this is promising treatment for soldiers with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) allowing them to reduce fear responses that remain with them from their experiences in war zones
aversive conditioning
seeking to eliminate negative behaviours by replacing the reward ppl experience with a punishment
a drug meant to help ppl overcome alcohol addiction by generating extreme nausea in them when they consume it
cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT)
thought-behaviour-emotion affects of we think and feel
no side effects from drugs, more time consuming
cognitive restructuring
showing a person how to recognize when their thoughts are irrationally negative and to adopt perspectives and patterns of thinking that are more productive and hopeful
stress inoculation training
helping a client develop skills in reducing severe emotional responses that they experience in stressful situations
systematic desensitization: fear of heights
- teach relaxation technique
- write the word height and relax
- enter bottom of tall building and relax
- enter higher floor and relax
- progress to an even higher floor and relax
no side effects from drugs, more time consuming
mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT)
the goal is to develop greater self-awareness and self-acceptance through non-judgmental self-reflection
Daniel siegal
the 4 goals of mindfulness C-curious O-open A-accepting L-loving
interpersonal atunement
having a positive and healthy relationship with oneself, based on a deep understanding and appreciation for one’s unique characteristics and life experiences
involves processing one’s own behaviours and experiences from a more objective point of view, which can be a more positive perspective for some ppl
group therapy
common for people who are share a similar challenge
family therapy
type of group therapy
a systems approach to psychotherapy
this approach assumes that psychological problems are not only caused by the person suffering them, but can also emerge from the actions of the other ppl in their lives
psychological therapies
any technique for improving mental health that doesn’t involve either taking medications or having surgery