6/4/22 Flashcards
Can immunological treatments break down granulomas?
But IL-7 specific etc. don’t so can be used in TB
How can lupus appear?
Mouth ulcers
Small joint pain
Malar rash
Sjorgens antibodies
Anti Ro
Anti La
The new name for vaginal atrophy?
Genitourinary syndrome of menopause
In aspiration where is the item most likely to go?
Right lower lobe
If someone is lying supine where is the most likely space for the fluid to gather~?
Hepatorenal recess
What would you expect to feel in a Hodgkin’s lymphoma lymph node
Smooth Soft Non-tender Rubbery Mobile
What coagulation test is used to monitor heparin?
What is it’s MoA?
Intesifies the properites of anti-thrombin
What is DI caused by?
What psych drug is it related to? What kind of DI does it cause?
What tests would you want to do?
How would you then manage the paitent?
Insuffiency of ADH
Lithium - nephrogenic DI (resistance to ADH in kidneys)
Serum and urine osmolality
- serum increased
- urine decreased
(lower = more diluted)
After water deprivation test (where desmopressin is given after 8hrs)
- urine osmolaity will remain low before and after synthetic ADH
V. high desmopressin can be used but have to monitor closely - in cranial DI can be given without such close monitoring
Can you prescribe antidepressants to an alcoholic?
Only after a month of abstinence
Self help groups e.g. AA much better
What abnormality on ECG can be seen in patients with anorexia nervosa
Long QT (>450ms)
What is the nice way to remember the triad for normal pressure hydrocepahlus?
‘Wet, weird and wobbly’
What lead is used for the rhythm strip?
Lead II
What rhythms are shockable and unshockable?
- VF
- Pulseless VT
- PEA (pulseless electrical activity)
- Astoyle
What do you include in a sexual history?
- what’s brought you in?
- when did this start?
- discharge
- any smell?
- any colour?
- consitency?
- how much?
any skin changes?
- lumps?
- ulcers?
- multiple or just one?
- where abouts?
- any itchiness?
- any swelling?
- any pain?
- are they bursting open?
- any pain?
- holding in your pee because of it?
Where? - more superifical or deeper (pelvic)
Any unusual bleeding from down there at all?
Sexual history
- when was last sex?
- regular partner? how long seeing them?
- sex of partner?
- oral, (vaginal) or anal?
- receptive or insertive?
keep going for 3 months + note how many in the 3 months
Risk of BBV Questions ‘these are a set of qs I just have to ask regarding your risk of contracting a BBV e.g. HepB and Hep C or HIV
(remember MMOTDD)
- ever had sex with someone from outwith the UK?
- Ever been diagnosed with a BBV e.g. Hepatitis or HIV or had sex with a partner who has?
- ever use recreational drugs during sex?
- ever been paid for sex?
- ever paid someone else for sex?
- Ever injected drugs or had sex with someone who has?
- ever had sex with a man or a MSM?
- ever had any tattoos from somewhere where hygiene practices weren’t up to standard or any stick and poke tattoos?
- normal
- surgeries
- used an online pharmacy to manage symptoms?
- ask if on long term contraception if they ever use barrier methods
- any side effects
- compliance
- any kids?
- ever been preganant before?
- smear tests
- up to date?
- ever had follow up?
- anything else that you see gynaecologist for before?
- regular?
- any bleeding after sex or in-between periods?
- home - partner?
- work?
- alcohol?
- smoker?
- recreational drug user?