16/4/22 Flashcards
What is a nice way to remember lateral medullary syndrome?
PICA (posterior inferior cerebellar artery) Pain and temp Impaired Contralaterally A
PICA P Ipsilateral Cranial Nerve Affected
What is first line management of trigeminal neuralgia?
How does your management change for pregnant women exposed to chickenpox?
Early = VZIG Mid = VZIG or acyclovir Late/rash = oral acyclovir
VZIG = varicella zoster IG
What is ‘cyroprecipiatate’ most commonly used to replace?
Fibrinogen (what is converted into fibrin to form clots)
How long is warfarin treatment post VE?
Provoked - 3 months
Unprovoked - 6 months
How do you manage cord prolapse?
- Push back in the presenting part of foteus
- Do NOT touch cord!!
- Mum on all 4s
Go over the motor part of GCS again!!
- need to get this in head
- Obeys commands
- Localises pain
- Withdraws from pain
- Abnormal flexion
- Abnormal extension
- No response
Think that withdrawing is a normal flexion = 4
Abnormal flexion = 3
How can you tell difference between acoustic neuromas and Meniere’s disease?
Meniere’s = attacks with duration of several hours
Acoustic neuroma = constant
What is the diagnostic criteria for HG?
- 5% pre-prego weight loss
- dehydration
- electolyte imbalance
After how many days the IUD/IUS no longer be fitted post-birth?
What is the prognosis of endometrial cancer?
What is the inital management?
Total abdo hysterectomy w/bilateral salpingo-oohorectomy
What is serotonin syndrome?
- Hypertonia
- Hyperreflexia
- Hyperthermia
What stage is normal for foetal movements to be felt?
If not felt by when do you refer?
Normal 18-20 wks
Range 16-24wks
If not felt at 24wks refer
CT head showing temporal lobe changes in encephalitis = ?
Herpes simplex encephalitis
What is the investigation of choice for gestational diabetes?
Oral glucose tolerance test at 24-28wks
What impact does dopamine have on prolactin?
Inhibits prolactin secretion
Describe the differences between the following types of trial:
- Prospective cohort
- Case-control
- Cross-sectional
- Randomised clinical trial
- Retrospective cohort
Prospective cohort
- individuals differ with 1/1+ factors watch to see how affect
- individuals with given outcome and control
- look back RETROSPECTIVELY at how many had interest
- prevelance at any given time
Randomised control trial
- placebo vs drug
Retrospective cohort
- AFTER outcome and looks back on factors causing it (opposite of prospective)
What kind of headache can be found after lumbar puncture?
Low pressure headache
How long do patients need to fast pre-operatively?
2hrs liquids
6hrs solids
First line treatment for sinus bradycardia?
What should you test for if a patient has recurrent thrush?
What is your next investigation in nephrotic syndrome?
Renal biopsy
Gritty eye sensation = ?
Draw out causes of red eye flowchart
What are the Ottowa ankle rules?
What is your first line management in broken ankle?
Pain in malleolar zone (+1 of…)
- bony tenderness at medial malleolus
- bony tenderness at lateral malleolus
- inability to weight bear immediately after or in ED
Ottowa ankle rules = X-ray
Closed reduction immediately to reduce damage to skin