16/4/22 Flashcards
What is a nice way to remember lateral medullary syndrome?
PICA (posterior inferior cerebellar artery) Pain and temp Impaired Contralaterally A
PICA P Ipsilateral Cranial Nerve Affected
What is first line management of trigeminal neuralgia?
How does your management change for pregnant women exposed to chickenpox?
Early = VZIG Mid = VZIG or acyclovir Late/rash = oral acyclovir
VZIG = varicella zoster IG
What is ‘cyroprecipiatate’ most commonly used to replace?
Fibrinogen (what is converted into fibrin to form clots)
How long is warfarin treatment post VE?
Provoked - 3 months
Unprovoked - 6 months
How do you manage cord prolapse?
- Push back in the presenting part of foteus
- Do NOT touch cord!!
- Mum on all 4s
Go over the motor part of GCS again!!
- need to get this in head
- Obeys commands
- Localises pain
- Withdraws from pain
- Abnormal flexion
- Abnormal extension
- No response
Think that withdrawing is a normal flexion = 4
Abnormal flexion = 3
How can you tell difference between acoustic neuromas and Meniere’s disease?
Meniere’s = attacks with duration of several hours
Acoustic neuroma = constant
What is the diagnostic criteria for HG?
- 5% pre-prego weight loss
- dehydration
- electolyte imbalance
After how many days the IUD/IUS no longer be fitted post-birth?
What is the prognosis of endometrial cancer?
What is the inital management?
Total abdo hysterectomy w/bilateral salpingo-oohorectomy
What is serotonin syndrome?
- Hypertonia
- Hyperreflexia
- Hyperthermia
What stage is normal for foetal movements to be felt?
If not felt by when do you refer?
Normal 18-20 wks
Range 16-24wks
If not felt at 24wks refer
CT head showing temporal lobe changes in encephalitis = ?
Herpes simplex encephalitis
What is the investigation of choice for gestational diabetes?
Oral glucose tolerance test at 24-28wks