560H Developmental Nutrition Flashcards
Use of which of the following herbs will reduce milk flow? (3)
- Castor bean
- Jasmine flower
- Sage
Which of the following nutrition factors would be related to infertility in men? (4)
- Following a weight-loss diet that resulted in a body weight 15% below normal
- A high alcohol intake
- An inadequate intake of antioxidants
- An inadequate intake of zinc
What nutrients have been found to be most effected in women who use Oral Contraceptives? (3)
- Low levels of Vitamin B6
- Low levels of Vitamin B12
- High levels of Copper
A body mass index (BMI) greater than_____ is typically needed to sustain normal reproductive function in women.
The recommended daily intake of folate for ALL women who may become pregnant is?
400 mcg
_____ during the first 2 months of pregnancy is teratogenic and leads to a two- to three-fold risk of congenital abnormalities.
A high blood glucose level
The change in lipid blood levels that occurs during pregnancy can best be explained in this way: _____.
cholesterol and triglyceride levels increase dramatically from pre-pregnancy levels
The recommended daily protein (g) intake for pregnant women is _____.
71 grams
Research is emerging that suggests pregnant women should increase their food sources of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Which of the following foods would provide the most DHA to pregnant women?
- ¼ cup granola containing 1 tsp sunflower seed
- 1 cup broccoli
- 8-oz glass whole milk
- ½ tuna salad sandwich
- ½ tuna salad sandwich
It is recommended that OVERWEIGHT women gain approximately _____ during pregnancy.
15 - 25 pounds
The recommended weight gain range for
25 - 35 pounds
Women with which of the following characteristics are at increased risk of developing preeclampsia?
- Obesity
- Insulin resistance
- First pregnancy
- High triglyceride levels
It is recommended that women with gestational diabetes aim for a range of _____ % fat calories during pregnancy.
30 - 40
Which of the following is a maternal benefit of breastfeeding?
- Minimizes postpartum blood loss
- Helps uterus return to nonpregnant size
- Delays return to fertility
- MAY help lose weight more quickly
On the second feeding after birth, a first-time mom was concerned that her infant was not getting enough milk. What would the lactation consultant want the new mom to know?
- The first milk is highly concentrated in nutrients and provides a high amount of protein.
AND - The infant needs only ½ - 2 tsp at each feeding for the first two days.
What fat-soluble vitamin is given to all infants at birth?
Vitamin K
What is a possible reason that breastfeeding may prevent allergies?
- Influence on gut microbial flora
- Transfers maternal proteins and immunity
- Transfer of maternal fatty acids and IGA in breast milk
- Low content of allergens
A breastfeeding mother asks you if alcohol can be eliminated from her breast milk by pumping immediatedly after drinking a few glasses of wine. What would you tell her?
No, the alcohol will still be in the breast milk and will clear from the milk as soon as it clears from the blood stream: roughly 2 to 3 hours per drink for a 120-pound woman.
Hyperemesis gravidarum (morning sickness) may be prevented and/or treated by: (3)
A pregnant woman who is vegan need to take supplemental (3) during pregnancy.
Vitamin D, Iron, B12
Prenatal vitamins are routinely recommended at least _________ months prior to pregnancy to ensure adequate folate status.
The amniotic fluid and breast milk are influenced by internal and external environments such as diet, exposure to cigarette smoke and pleasant scents. If there is a particular flavor or aroma a parent wants their child to learn how many times during the 2nd and 3rd trimester should exposure occur?
When breastfeeding is not an option the alternatives available are
Donor Milk
Standard Formula
Hydrolyzed Formula
Soy Formula
The following foods should be avoided during pregnancy EXCEPT:
- Raw nuts and seeds
- Raw or undercooked food such as fish, eggs, meat
- Unpasteurized juices and dairy products
- Raw sprouts
- Fish high in mercury
- Raw nuts and seeds
Dietary recommendations for a woman with PCOS that is trying to conceive should include
High fiber
Lean protein
A body mass index (BMI) in the 90th percentile would indicate that a 3 year old was:
One rule of thumb regarding portion sizes for toddlers is:
1 tablespoon of food per year of age.
Studies have shown that restricting a young child access to palatable (“junk”) food may:
- promote desirability of that particular food.
and - encourage them to overeat these foods and have negative feelings.
Approximately how many exposures to a new food might it take for a toddler to accept the flavor or taste?
Common, or likely, nutrition problems among young children include all of the following (4)
- iron-deficiency anemia
- dental caries
- constipation
- lead poisoning
A mother is interested how to prevent iron-deficiency anemia in her 2 year old son. What advice would you give her?
a. Counsel her about making sure his diet includes red meats, fortified cereals, and fruit juices with vitamin C
c. Advise her to not give more than 24 oz milk/day
Overweight and obesity are common in Down syndrome children because they have lower caloric needs due to: (3)
a. low muscle mass
b. lower mobility
c. short stature
Signs that indicate feeding problems in toddlers include: (4)
- low interest in eating
- long mealtimes (>30 minutes)
- preferring liquids over solids
- refusing foods
Healthy toddlers are likely to develop diarrhea from _____.
drinking too much fruit juice
Celiac sprue is a disease that usually develops by _____ years of age.
Dietary management of celiac disease requires the elimination of:
wheat, rye, oats, and barley
Breathing problems in children:
a. increase nutritional needs.
c. slow growth rate.
Typical food allergies include (4)
- eggs
- soy
- peanuts
- wheat
The AVERAGE caloric need of infants in the first six months of life is _____ per kg of body weight, based on growth in breast-fed infants.
108 calories
The two essential fatty acids required in an infants diet are ______ acid and _____ acid.
linolenic and linoleic
If an infant is exclusively breastfed and not exposed to adequate amounts of sunlight, he/she would need a _____ supplement.
Vitamin D
Which of the following is a warning sign indicating growth problems? (4)
- Plateau in head circumference gain for more than one month
- Lack of height gain
- Plateau in weight gain for more than one month
- Drop in weight without regain within a few weeks