560G Lifelong Healing With Food Flashcards
What does CAFO stand for?
Concentrated Animal feeding operations
What is given to animals to make them grow faster and larger for human consumption?
Hormone therapy
What are the most common genetically modified foods in the US?
Corn and Soy
What were the most revered “tools” of the domestic scientists when it came to cooking?
White sauce, gelatin and the chafing dish
What fueled the fast food industry in the 1940s and 1950s?
The automoblie, film business, low start-up costs and thriving oil fueled the fast food industry. People wanted low cost easy food that they didn’t have to cook and marketing strategies targeted the youth.
What does the story about beef tell you about the food industry and government?
The food industry and government are concerned about business power and profits. They care more about themselves than the health of the people in this country.
When it comes to food processing, where are most of the dollars spent?
Most of the money in food processing is spent on marketing, labor, packaging, transportation and other overhead.
What is undermining dietary advice on a large-scale basis?
Governments ties to industry
The Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 was meant to:
To prevent the manufacture sale of adulterated misbranded or poisonous food and drugs
How long is it safe to leave meat and dairy out of the refrigerator or freezer before risk for bacterial growth?
2 hours
When reading food ingredient lists, the highest quantity of an ingredient is notated as the:
First ingredient
In referring to Stefanie Sacks top 10 rated terminators which below is not included:
- carrageenan
- sugars and its many euphemisms
- chemical preservatives
- artificial flavors
- carrageenan
What gives you the most valuable information about a food product?
Food ingredient list
All of these ingredients are derived from corn except:
- Dextrose
- Aspartame
- Maltodextrin
- Tapioca
- Tapioca
______means products should be tested properly before they are introduced into the marketplace. However, it does not require premarket testing or labeling and testing cannot totally prove that a product is safe.
(GRAS) Generally Recognized as Safe
Why has there been an incredible increase in food borne illness?
due to the food industry being consolidated into larger industrial farms so when there is a problem many more people get affected. The overuse of antibiotics has caused “antibiotic resistance” so bacteria and pathogen
_____ was developed to help with NASA so the astronauts would not get microbial food poisoning in space. They developed a scientific approach which examined control points instead of examining animals or meat products to make sure the USDA inspectors were
HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points)
What are considered other food safety measures by the US government?
- Irradiation
- Pasteurization
- Consumer education
Why are GMOs bad?
- GMO’s can cause cancer
- antibiotic resistance
- toxins
- allergens
What diet would you best recommend for a patient suffering from allergies, asthma, and obesity?
Anti-inflammatory diet
What is the gold standard for chronic food allergy sensitivity testing:
Elimination/reintroduction diet
What foods are considered acid forming?
Processed foods
According to Walter Willet, which statement does NOT summarize his recommendations created on his Food Guide Pyramid?
Use alcohol in moderation
Eat unlimited whole grains
Take a multivitamin plus Vitamin D for insurance
Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit, without limit to any in particular
Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit, without limit to any in particular
Colbin talks about 4 living systems in her book, Food and Healing, and how they impact health. Which one is NOT on her list? Wholeness and order Intra and Inter systemic hierarchies Metabolism Adaptive self stabilization
What is whole food versus fragmented food? Why is this such an issue for Annmarie Colbin in her book, Food and Healing?
Fragmented food is taking a whole food and refining it or separating it into parts. This reduces the chemical and cellular layers of the food and makes it very unhealthy.
Describe Walter Willett’s food guide pyramid, illustrated in his book Eat, Drink and Be Healthy, and how it differs from the Standard American Diet.
Willet emphasizes eating less animal foods, more unsaturated plant oils, distinguishes between whole and refined grains, emphasizes weight loss, and 1-2 servings of dairy a day.
How would you define food theory?
Food theory is not based on science and are general principles that are accepted about food.
If working with a patient one on one and they continually check their phone do you:
- Kindly ask them to please stop
- Tell them you have a policy that no cell phones are on during a session
- Let them continually check and ignore it
- You recognize that this could be a nervous habit and what you are talking about is very difficult for them. The best thing to say is a sense what we are talking about maybe making you nervous, can you please talk to me about this
You recognize that this could be a nervous habit and what you are talking about is very difficult for them. The best thing to say is a sense what we are talking about maybe making you nervous, can you please talk to me about this
What is NOT a common obstacle in preventing patients from eating healthy?
Food taste
Food taste
If you have a patient where you sense a deep rooted eating disorder what do you NOT do?
Refer her to counseling
Give her a food diary to keep
Put her on any type of dietary program
Call on the help of an eating disorder specialist
Put her on any type of dietary program
What is one of the most critical questions to ask when assessing a patient?
Food/drug sensitivities and allergies
If a patient comes in telling you that they have sensitivities to upwards of 10 foods what do you do?
Request to speak to their doctor to see the blood test that indicate the sensitivities
According to Leon Rappoport in his book, How we Eat, what is specifically the first and second criteria for people when choosing food?
Pleasure then health
What 3 general factors contribute to food habits?
Food habits are usually defined by social class, ethnics and the regional area in which people live.
T or F: Rappaport says we need to look at values, traditions and what is accepted as the norm in cultures and social groups. People have common eating behaviors that are irrational.
In the book, What We Eat, Rappaport discusses some of the factors that effect what we eat. Which is NOT included as one of the factors?
Cultural values and attitudes
Developmental experiences
Colors, textures and temperature of food
Emotional traumasIn
Colors, textures and temperature of food
According to the book What We Eat, what is the most potent of the emotional forces that prevent weight loss?
Depression is the most potent emotional force to prevent weight loss.
Which one is NOT an anti-inflammatory spice?
Culinary nutrition tools include everything except:
Food scale
Hands on cooking
Menu Plan
Shopping education
Food scale
For the person who doesn’t eat dark leafy greens, what is the most palatable way to introduce this nutrient rich vegetable?
Sauted with garlic and olive oil with some apple juice to cut the bitterness
In a green drink
Sauted with garlic and olive oil with some apple juice to cut the bitterness
When reviewing a person’s food diary, what is the most important thing to understand?
The amount of salt a person is eating
Repetitive patterns that lend itself to an overview of a person’s relationship with food
If a person drinks enough water
Repetitive patterns that lend itself to an overview of a person’s relationship with food
If your patient consumes 3 sodas a day consistently and wants to eliminate soda from his diet, do you:
Do you understand that he has an oral fixation and suggest gum as an alternative
Find a replacement beverage and have him stop cold turkey
Set up a timetable to request him to cut back
Set up a timetable to request him to cut back
After your patient intake, what is the single most important thing to consider when it comes to setting your patient up for success?
Advise they remove all sugar from their diet
Focus on weight loss
Meeting them where they are at
Meeting them where they are at
Why is a Plan of Action so important to your work with your patients?
To be organized and know how to proceed
Why is the Food Diary so critical to your work with your patient?
To gain an understanding of what they like and their relationship with food.
What is the purpose of a Cycle Menu? Choose the answer that makes the most sense.
To serve as a guide for your patient as they transition to healthier food lifestyle
To ensure your client eats at very specific times and intervals throughout the day
To serve as a guide for your patient as they transition to healthier food lifestyle
List 4 food and nutrition tools can you offer your patient:
cycle menu, elimination diet, top-rated terminators, food diary, dirty dozen pesticide foods
What are some of the most important factors to consider when building a patient’s Cycle Menu?
taste, lifestyle, food allergies/sensitivities, medical conditions
A plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain food.
Food Theory
A prescribed course of eating & drinking in which the amount and kind of food, as well as the times at which it is to be taken, are.
Medical Diet
A claim to be scientific but do not follow the scientific method in establishing validity.
Diet Fad
What chemical company introduced the first pesticide for agriculture? Round up Calgene Monsanto Syngenta
How would you define Food fad?
Food fad is usually popular for a certain amount of time, it is not based on science but pretends to be for validity.
How would you define medical diet?
A medical diet is based on science and design