560A Review Flashcards
A disturbance of structure or function
Subjective manifestion, pain
Objective manifestion, swelling
Process of development of disease
Outcome of disease
Describe the inheritance pattern of genes
Inheritance patterns differ for genes on sex chromosomes (chromosomes X and Y) compared to genes located on autosomes, non-sex chromosomes (chromosomes numbers 1-22). This is due to the fact that, in general, females carry two X chromosomes (XX), while males carry one X and one Y chromosome (XY). Therefore, females carry two copies of each X-linked gene, but males carry only one copy each of X-linked and Y-linked genes. Females carry no copies of Y-linked genes.
Co-dominant inheritance
Both alleles of a pair fully expressed in heterozygous state. Transmission illustrated by genes responsible for synthesis of sickle (S) hemoglobin
Common chromosomal abnormalities
Failure of homologous chromosomes in germ cells to separate (nondisjunction)
Sex chromosome abnormalities
Fragile X syndrome (X-linked mental deficiency)
Autosomal Abnormalities
General causes of cell injury and its response to injury
Hypoxia, reduced blood flow (ischemia), inadequate oxygenation of the blood, decreased blood oxygen-carrying capacity.
Inflammatory response, causes of inflammation
Nonspecific response to any agent that causes cell injury
Cardinal signs of inflammation
- Heat and redness (dilated blood vessel)
- Swelling (accumulation of fluid and exudate)
- Tenderness and pain (irritation of nerve endings)
Acute vs Chronic inflammation
Acute inflammation starts rapidly and becomes severe in a short space of time. Signs and symptoms are normally only present for a few days but may persist for a few weeks in some cases.
Chronic: slow onset, can last for years, and is caused by tissue death and the thickening and scarring of connective tissue
Role of lymphocytes
Act to recognize antigens, produce antibodies, and destroy cells that could cause damage.
The complement system
part of the immune system that enhances (complements) the ability of antibodies and phagocytic cells to clear microbes and damaged cells from an organism, promotes inflammation, and attacks the pathogen’s cell membrane.
Humoral vs Cell-mediated immunity
Humoral: Production of antibodies and main defense against bacteria and bacterial toxins.
Cellular: Formation of a population of lymphocytes that attack and destroy foreign material. Main defense against viruses, fungi, parasites, and some bacteria
Antibody that combines with large complex substances; effective in combining with fungi
Principal antibody formed against the majority of infectious agents
Antibody produced by cells in respiratory and GI tracts
Antibody that is increased in allergic persons. Attaches to mast cells and basophils
4 stages of wound healing:
Hem In Pro Mat
- Hemostasis
- Inflammatory
- Proliferative
- Maturation
Complications of healing
Infections, osteomyelitis, necrosis, dermatitis, and edema
X-linked inheritance
Male is affected if carrying X chromosome-containing defective gene. Females may be a carrier but isn’t affected
Autosomal recessive inheritance
Gene expressed only in homozygous individualb.Both parents must carry abnormal gene to transmit: 1:4 chance infant is homozygous for defective gene
example: Phenylketonuria
Autosomal dominant inheritance
Gene expressed in heterozygous stateb.If either parent carries abnormal dominant gene: 1:2 chance offspring will receive abnormal gene
Benign vs malignant tumor
Begin: Slow growth rate and remains localized
Malignant: rapid growth rate and Metastasis by bloodstream or lymphatics
What is true of Leukemia?
- neoplasm of blood-forming tissues
- Usually does not form solid tumors
- Proliferates diffusely within bone marrow
- Overgrows and crowd outs normal blood-forming cells
- Neoplastic cells spill over in the bloodstream
- Large number of abnormal cells circulate in peripheral blood
Valvular Heart Disease
A.Rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart diseasea.Complication of group A beta-streptococcal infection (streptococcal sore throat and scarlet fever)
b.Form anti-streptococcal antibodies against strep antigens that cross react with similar antigens in tissues; antigen-antibody reaction causes fever and injures connective tissuesc.Fever and inflammation of connective tissue throughout body, especially heart and jointsd.Acute arthritis involving multiple joints and inflammation of heart
Congenital heart disease cause
Faulty pump construction
How blood coagulates
Phase I: prothrombin activator generateda.Intrinsic system: components derived from bloodb.Extrinsic system: tissue injury yields tissue thromboplastin1)Both pathways activated at same time2)Both pathways interact to initiate the blood clotting process
Phase II: conversion of prothrombin into thrombina.After thromboplastin interacts with other substances to form prothrombin activator
Phase III: conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin by thrombina.Thrombin splits off a part of the fibrinogen, forms smaller molecules, fibrin monomers
Coagulation disorders:
Hemophilia A: Classic Hemophilia = Factor VIII (anti-hemophilic factor) most common
Hemophilia B: Christmas disease (after affected patient) = Factor IX (Christmas factor)
von Willebrand’s disease: Large protein molecule produced by endothelial cells required for platelets to adhere to vessel wall at site of injury
Blood clots in leg veins
Blocks major artery or branch
What is the difference between systemic and essential hypertension?
Systemic: high blood pressure in the systemic arteries - the vessels that carry blood from the heart to the body’s tissues
Essential: Primary hypertension with no known cause.