5027 - Civil Disturbances/Riots Flashcards
Who shall arrange for the security of fire stations and other TFD facilities affected by civil disturbance in order to prevent injury to personnel and damage to equipment and property?
Deputy Chiefs
Who shall:
- Respond, in order to evaluate the situation, whenever a first arriving unit encounters a previously unreported situation that meets the definition of a civil disturbance
- Activate the civil disturbance operating procedures and precautions in accordance with Section 6.3 and 7.0 of this document, if he or she determines that a civil disturbance does in fact exist.
- Respond to all emergency incidents where TFD resources are being utilized in areas of known civil disturbance
A Battalion Chief
Who shall:
- Make dispatches and notifications in accordance with section 6.2
- Modify normal dispatch procedures in accordance with section 7.2, should a civil disturbance be confirmed
Fire Communications Personnel
Who shall:
- Report to Fire Communications any hostile acts against personnel, apparatus, or stations
- Should a civil disturbance be confirmed, institute precautions for personnel, apparatus, and stations, as listed in section 7.0.
Company Officers
All TFD Personnel, upon confirmation of a civil disturbance:
- Follow the procedures and precautions contained in Section 7.0 of this document in order to reduce the risk of injury to TFD personnel, equipment, and facilities.
- Continue to exhibit professionalism so as not to provoke mob violence
Who shall maintain this document?
The TFD Safety Officer
Tacoma Fire Department personnel, equipment, or apparatus shall not be used to quell riots or other civil disturbances.
True or false?
To protect personnel and apparatus, the resources stationed in the vicinity of a known civil disturbance may be __________.
reassigned to another station or area.
Encountering a previously unreported civil disturbance
What shall the First-arriving unit do?
a. Notify Fire Communications as part of the normal scene size-up.
b. Designate a stand-by location for other responding units.
c. Consider withdrawing from the vicinity until law enforcement secures the area and a Battalion Chief is dispatched.
d. Control your actions and behavior.
e. “Back-off” if you encounter potentially hostile or violent situations.
Encountering a previously unreported civil disturbance
What shall Fire Communications do?
a. Notify Tacoma Police or other appropriate law enforcement agency.
b. Dispatch a Battalion Chief, if one is not already en route
c. Should a civil disturbance be confirmed, notify the Fire Chief, Deputy Chiefs, and personnel at all TFD stations and TFD facilities.
Encountering a previously unreported civil disturbance
What shall Battalion Chief do?
a. Determine whether the situation reported by a first-arriving unit meets the definition of a civil disturbance.
b. If indicated, activate the civil disturbance operating procedures and precautions listed in section 7.0.
Encountering a previously unreported civil disturbance
What shall Other Responding Units do?
a. When hearing a first arriving unit’s report of a civil disturbance, stand-by unless otherwise ordered.
Operations within areas of known riot or other ongoing civil disturbance. Regulations.
- Initial response shall consist of a Battalion Chief and one Engine Company, unless otherwise authorized by the Fire Chief. 2. No single company responses will be permitted.
- All fire units will enter the area, travel, and return as intact groups.
- Police escorts will be required.
- Emergency lights may be employed, but sirens or air horns shall not be used.
- Apparatus shall be placed on the emergency scene so as to afford protection for crews, and to permit a rapid, unobstructed retreat if necessary.
- The Incident commander may elect to withdraw personnel and delay operations until police agencies secure the area.
- When lives are at risk or property is savable, the prime objectives of the Incident Commander should be rescue and extinguishment.
a. Emphasis should be placed on fast attack with heavy streams to rapidly control and extinguish the fire so that fire personnel can get out of the area.
b. Hydrants, hose lines, apparatus, tools, and equipment should be protected; employ law enforcement for this role, if necessary
c. Use of personnel on hand lines should be avoided.
d. Routine operations such as ventilation, overhaul, and salvage may be discontinued.
e. Fire investigations may be discontinued or suspended if the safety of personnel is at risk. - Buildings, vehicles, or other property that are fully involved with little or no exposure problems may be left to burn.
- Patients may be more safely and effectively treated if they are removed from the scene to a safe area.
- As soon as possible, apparatus and personnel shall be returned to quarters or other areas designated as safe.
What shall Fire Communications do?
- For all incidents in the vicinity of a known civil disturbance: a. Include a battalion chief in the dispatch. In no case dispatch only a single company.
b. Direct responding units to stand-by.
c. Notify Tacoma Police or other law enforcement agency that fire units will require an escort while traveling from the stand-by location to the incident, while on scene, and while returning from the incident to the stand-by location or other location outside the affected area.
Precautions for all personnel (5):
- Respond to and from all emergencies in full protective clothing. 2. Remain in full protective gear until you return to a stand-by location or to your station.
- Keep helmet face shield down.
- Be careful what you say over the radio as outside speakers on apparatus may broadcast your message to the public. Use MDTs or cell phones as much as possible for sensitive communications. 5. Be prepared to further identify yourself when sending any type of transmission.
Apparatus Precautions:
- All companies
Ma. Remove tools and all readily accessible equipment located on the exterior of the apparatus and place them in interior compartments. - Engine Companies
a. Put hose bed cover in position, securing the rear flap if provided.
b. Stow the hydrant wrench toward the front position of the load, well out of site.
c. For rigs without hose bed covers, place a tarp over the hose bed and any top equipment basket. - Ladder Companies
a. Secure all axes, crowbars, and other such tools in compartments, or in the cab.
b. Store belt axes where they are concealed yet readily available. - Aid/Medic Units
a. Lock all cab and patient compartment doors from the inside to prevent unauthorized entry.
Pb. Lock all doors when leaving the vehicle.