5009 - Driver Retraining Flashcards
Who shall be responsible for: 1. Reviewing the record of any driver with a chargeable/preventable or preventable ruling by the Accident Review Board (ARB) 2. Determining on a case-by-case basis whether an employee found responsible for serious or numerous collisions or incidents will be subject to progressive discipline, driver retraining and/or withdrawal of driving privileges
The Fire Chief or his/her designee.
Who shall be responsible for:
- Ensuring that TFD has in place a sustainable and effective Driver Retraining program
- Organizing and convening an Internal Advisory Board (IAB) as needed to review driving records of individuals found responsible for multiple preventable, chargeable-preventable and/or numerous collisions or incidents
- Forwarding IAB recommendations to the Fire Chief
The Deputy Chief of Support Services.
Who shall be responsible for:
- Organizing and scheduling the driver retraining classes
- Providing all necessary instruction materials and equipment, including apparatus to be driven
- Maintaining the appropriate cones course
- Ensuring each candidate receives a Driver Retraining packet
- Maintaining a cadre of qualified Driver Retraining instructors
- Tracking each employee’s 28 shift officer evaluation syllabus
- Maintaining this document
The Administrative Battalion Chief for Safety or his/her designee.
What shall all drivers of TFD vehicles and/or apparatus be responsible for?
- Obeying all traffic laws and TFD policies
- Using defensive driving techniques and best judgment to avoid collisions or incidents that cause injury to people and/or damage to property or equipment
- Completing driver retraining and/or the 28 shift officer evaluation syllabus as assigned
What is the 28 Shift Driver Retraining Syllabus?
A detailed list of drills, reading and practical evaluations intended to achieve demonstrated improvement in driving skills.
Chargeable-Preventable. Any collision, reviewable incident or deliberate occurrence L.D. meeting one or more of the following criteria:
- The employee involved has shown willful violation of any law, regulation or order made or given by a superior officer
- The employee involved has shown negligence in the operation of the vehicle, apparatus or specialty trailer or violation of TFD policy
- The employee involved was under the influence of substance(s) taken into the body in any form, which impaired his/her mental faculties and/or physical performance, including alcohol and controlled substances
a. This does not apply to a person who used prescription drugs as directed by a physician or dentist, provided such use does not endanger the employee or others
Any TFD employee involved in an accident found by the ARB to be either “Preventable” or “Chargeable-Preventable” and who meets the following criteria shall have his/her driving privileges suspended:
a. Any single occurrence of a “Chargeable-Preventable”
b. Two “Preventables” within a one year period
c. Three “Preventables” within a five year period
Any individual whose driving privileges have been suspended, including those relative to watercraft, shall do what to regain their driving privileges?
Apply for driver retraining via an e-mail to the Administrative Battalion Chief for Safety.
Participation in any driver retraining shall be subject to approval by the Fire Chief.
Any TFD employee who is found by the ARB and/or Fire Chief to have a “Chargeable-Preventable” or “Preventable” any time after completing a previous TFD Driver Retraining Program shall:
a. Have his/her driving privileges suspended
b. Reapply for repeat driver retraining in accordance with the guidelines set forth in this document subject to Fire Chief approval
c. Successfully complete the 28 shift driver retraining syllabus
What happens with accidents that occur after completion of the 28 shift driver retraining syllabus?
They will be reviewed on a case by case basis by the Fire Chief.
The Fire Chief may after a review of an employee’s driving record on a case-by-case basis:
a. Deny the employee the opportunity to participate in initial or repeat driver retraining
b. Require the employee to complete the 28 shift driver retraining syllabus as part of initial driver retraining
c. Permanently rescind the employee’s driving privileges and driving pay
TFD’s Driver Retraining Program shall include:
a. 4 to 6 hours of classroom sessions, including a written test
i. Minimum passing score on the written test is 80%
b. One hour cones course on the TFD Training Center drill grounds
c. One hour practical driving on an open road course, including the Training Center Road Course or a comparable District Course/Road Test
d. 28 shift driver retraining syllabus for repeat drivers
The IDC documentation of employee driving capabilities shall include at least the following information:
a. Number of emergency incidents driven
b. Number of non-emergency incidents driven
c. Number of route business trips out of station (e.g.; driving to Training Center or FCC)
d. Evaluation of driving drills and driver performance on each shift
What is done with employees who have had numerous collisions or incidents or who have been involved in a collision or incident involving an injury, fatality and/or major property damage?
The Fire Chief will review, on a case-by-case basis, the driving records of employees who have had numerous collisions or incidents or who have been involved in a collision or incident involving an injury, fatality and/or major property damage.
a. Further action regarding progressive disciplinary action and driving privileges will be at the discretion of the Fire Chief
What must be completed every seven day period during driver retraining?
- Perform and document the TFD “Cones Course Driver Evaluation” one time during the shift 1 thru 7.
- Perform and document the TFD “District Course/Road Test” a minimum of three times during shift 1 thru 7. Copies can be printed from the Fire Web in Policy 5034: EVAP, pages 9 and 10.
- The Officer shall enter completed drills and reading assignments into training tracker and forward an e-mail outlining the driver’s performance by the end of each shift. If e-mail documentation is not received, an extension of this syllabus may be required. Send the e-mail to the driver’s Battalion Chief with CC to Administrative Battalion Chief for Safety.