5022 - Rehab At Emergency Incidents And Training Exercises Flashcards
Who shall be responsible for ensuring that all personnel have been trained in:
- Implementation of a Rehab area
- Recognition of heat, cold and fatigue related symptoms and injuries
The Assistant Chief of Training and Safety
Who shall be responsible for:
- Ensuring all precautions are taken to protect the health and safety of personnel operating at emergency scenes or participating in training exercises
- Maintaining this document in consultation with the TFD Medical Advisor as appropriate
The Administrative Battalion Chief, Safety Division
Who shall be responsible for:
- Making adequate provisions for the rest and rehabilitation of all TFD personnel operating at an emergency scene or participating in a training exercise in accordance with the guidelines set forth in this document
- Designating a Rehab Manager as indicated
- Assigning ALS personnel to staff the Rehab area as needed
The Incident Commander
Who shall be responsible for:
- Maintaining an awareness of the physical and mental condition of personnel operating within his/her span of control
- Ensuring that adequate steps are taken to protect personnel health and safety during emergency operations and/or training exercises
- Requesting relief and reassignment of fatigued crews in accordance with the guidelines set forth in this document
The Company Officers
Who shall be responsible for:
- Setting up and managing the Rehab area in accordance with the guidelines set forth in this document
- Ensuring personnel in the rehab area are evaluated and treated in accordance with the guidelines set forth in this document
- Keeping the Incident Commander updated on:
a. Crew availability to be re-assigned
b. Condition status of any injured personnel
c. Changing conditions that require relocation of the Rehab area
The Rehab Manager
Who shall be responsible for:
- Evaluating and treating personnel in the Rehab area in accordance with the guidelines set forth in this document
- Arranging for transport of injured personnel to hospital emergency departments as necessary
The ALS personnel
Who shall be responsible for ensuring that:
- Battalion Chief vehicles are stocked with fresh water
- The established Rehab area is fully operational
- CO monitors are calibrated semi-annually
The Incident Safety Officer
Indicators of Exhaustion or Overheating. Symptoms exhibited by an individual that include, but may not be limited to:
- Red face
- Excessive perspiration
- Pulse over 110
- Systolic blood pressure above 150 or below 110
In regards to returning to duty, The Incident Commander shall ensure that:
a. Personnel are not required to return to duty before they are fully rested
b. There are fresh or fully rehabilitated crews in the staging area available for assignment.
Who shall assume the role of Rehab Manager?
Only TFD personnel
Personnel who are transported to a medical facility for treatment shall:
a. Be relieved of duty for the remainder of his/her shift
b. Call the Battalion Sick recorder to report the absence before the end of his/her duty period
c. Obtain a Medical Fitness Report recommending return to duty and signed by the treating physician
d. Complete a Supervisor’s Report of Injury (HRE 703)
e. Route completed reports to Fire Headquarters through his/her supervisor
The Incident Commander and/or Incident Safety Officer shall assign to Rehab any firefighters who meet any one of the following:
a. S/he is exhibiting signs or symptoms of physical and/or mental fatigue
b. S/he has expended two (2) full 30 minute rated SCBA cylinders in succession
c. S/he has spent 45 minutes doing physical work
During periods of hot weather, TFD personnel shall:
a. Drink adequate amounts of the following types of fluids throughout his/her work shift to maintain hydration
i. Water
ii. Electrolyte replacement beverages
b. Minimize intake of caffeinated beverages
i. Coffee
ii. Tea
iii. Soda
While participating in an emergency incident or training exercise, TFD personnel shall:
a. Drink at least one quart of water per hour
b. Be aware of and monitor his/her own status for symptoms of fatigue and/or stress
c. Remain aware of the health and safety of surrounding personnel
d. Advise his/her officer upon becoming aware that his/her own physical condition could jeopardize the safety of his/her self, his/her crew members and/or the operation in which s/he is involved
The Incident Commander shall, during the initial planning stages of an emergency incident, determine the need for a Rehab area based on the following:
a. Environmental and/or other factors that may deplete the energy and strength of personnel and/or expose them to toxic gases such as—
i. Size of the incident
ii. Type of incident (e.g., brush fires)
iii. Duration iv. Labor intensity
v. Adverse weather or temperature conditions
b. Any time in the Incident Commander’s judgment the workload and/or temperature indicate a probability of heat/cold-related injury or illness
Situational examples include: • Heat Stress Index above 90 • Extreme wind chill factor • Multiple alarm incidents • Working fires with extended duration • Hazardous materials incidents that require personnel to use encapsulating suits