5007 - Vehicle, Apparatus, Or Specialty Trailer Accidents Flashcards
Who shall be responsible for:
- Ensuring accidents involving TFD vehicles, apparatus and specialty trailer are handled according to the guidelines set forth in this document
- Providing Vehicle/Apparatus Safety Packets
- Notifying the appropriate City departments/offices in accordance with the guidelines set forth in this document
- Maintaining this document
The Administrative Battalion Chief for Safety or his/her designee.
Who shall be responsible for:
- Investigating accidents involving TFD vehicles, apparatus and specialty trailers
- Photographing the accident or damage scene in accordance with the guidelines set forth in this document
- Completing required written reports in accordance with the guidelines set forth in this document
TFD Battalion Chiefs and Incident Safety Officers.
Who shall be responsible for:
- Taking initial action at the accident scene in accordance with the guidelines set forth in this document
- Relieving the driver of driving responsibilities as necessary and appropriate
- Ensuring that the accident and any resulting damage is documented photographically in accordance with the guidelines set forth in this document
- Ensuring that the accident is reported to the TFD Safety Office and his/her respective TFD supervisor in a timely manner
- Completing and submitting all required written reports in a timely manner
Company Officers, In-charge Firefighter/Paramedics and other in-charge personnel.
Who shall be responsible for:
- Maintaining the Vehicle/Apparatus Safety Packet and requesting replacement items as needed
- Taking initial action at the accident scene in accordance with the guidelines set forth in this document
- Completing and submitting all required written reports in a timely manner
Drivers/Operators/Pilots of TFD vehicles, apparatus and specialty trailers.
Every TFD employee who drives, operates and/or tows a TFD vehicle, apparatus or specialty trailer shall do what four things?
a. Carry his/her driver’s license while on duty
b. Obey all traffic laws and boating regulations
c. Drive defensively
d. Use his/her best judgment and operating abilities to avoid any type of motor vehicle accident
Who should respond to all accident scenes involving TFD vehicles, apparatus or specialty trailers and conduct an immediate on-scene investigation?
Battalion Chiefs and Incident Safety Officers (ISO).
Who shall The Administrative Battalion Chief for Safety report accidents to
other City departments/offices as follows:
a. Accidents involving citizens and/or their property to the Legal Department
b. Actual or potential accident claims to the Risk Management Office
For accidents that do not result in an injury or fatality, the Officer, In- charge Firefighter/Paramedic or Supervisor shall call the TFD Safety Office as soon as possible, especially when private vehicles or property are involved and provide the following information:
a. Date and location of the accident
b. Vehicle, apparatus and/or specialty trailer involved
c. TFD personnel involved
d. Private parties involved
e. Brief description of the accident
The Administrative Battalion Chief for Safety or his/her designee shall review and classify all accidents involving TFD vehicles, apparatus and/or specialty trailers as one of the following:
a. Collision
b. Incident
c. Deliberate Occurrence L.D. (Line of Duty)
The Administrative Battalion Chief for Safety or his/her designee shall further classify accidents deemed to be incidents as one of the following:
a. Road Hazard
b. No Fault
c. Unfounded
d. Vandalism
The Administrative Battalion Chief for Safety or his/her designee shall refer the following accident classifications to the Accident Review Board for further action as delineated in TFD Policy 5008:
a. Collision
b. Reviewable incident
c. Deliberate Occurrence L.D. (Line of Duty)
Each TFD vehicle and apparatus shall have on board a Vehicle/Apparatus Safety Packet that contains the following items:
a. Laminated Accident Procedure checklist
b. City of Tacoma Motor Vehicle Accident Report (PER 708)
c. State of Washington Vehicle Collision Report
d. One disposable camera for accident and damage documentation
e. City of Tacoma Risk Management Office business cards
TFD personnel shall give the Accident Procedure checklist to the other party involved in the accident.
True or false?
False. Do not give it to the other party involved.
The Officer, In-charge Firefighter/Paramedic or other in-charge personnel, in consultation with TFD Fire Garage personnel as necessary and appropriate, shall place a TFD vehicle, apparatus and/or specialty trailer out of service when:
a. The accident involves a serious injury or fatality
b. The damage sustained in the accident prevents its safe operation
The Officer, In-charge Firefighter/Paramedic or other in-charge personnel shall relieve the engine or ladder driver of his/her driving responsibilities for the rest of the shift when:
The accident involves an injury or fatality
b. The damage sustained in the accident prevents safe operation of the apparatus