5-1- President Washington to the French Revolution Flashcards
George Washington
First president and set many precedents for the nation.
Group of senior officials appointed by the President that heads the executive departments and advises the President.
Act or statement that becomes an example, rule or tradition to be followed.
John Adams
First Vice President and second President of the U.S.
Alexander Hamilton
First Secretary of the Treasury who had a economic plan for the young nation. The plan included issuing new bonds to pay off national and state debts, a protective tariff to raise money and help American businesses, a National Bank is loan money and issue currency and a tax on liquor.
Thomas Jefferson
First Secretary of State and wanted strict interpretation of the Constitution to prevent the federal government from getting too much power.
Edmund Randolph
First Attorney General of the U.S.
Henry Knox
First Secretary of War
Whiskey Rebellion
Western Pennsylvania farmers refused to pay the federal liquor tax. Pres. Washington sent 12,000 troops and the rebellion was crushed. This action set a precedent that federal laws would be enforced.
District of Columbia
Land chosen to build a new national capital on the Potomac River.
Tax on foreign goods imported into a nation.
Judiciary Act of 1789
Created the federal court system under the Supreme Court.
Federalist Party
Led by Alexander Hamilton
Democrat-Republican Party
Led by Thomas Jefferson
John Jay
First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court