5-2- President Jefferson Flashcards
John Marshall
Federalist Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
Marbury v. Madison (1803)
Supreme Court case that declared that a Writ of Mandamus under the Judiciary Act of 1789 was unconstitutional. Marbury lost the case and the Supreme Court gave itself the power of judicial review.
judicial review
Power of the Supreme Court to decide whether the acts of a president or laws passed by Congress are constitutional.
Louisiana Purchase
1803 purchase($15 million) from France by the U.S. of the territory between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains. Originally, President Jefferson just wanted to purchase New Orleans, but Napoleon and France offered all of the Louisiana Territory. President Jefferson got around the constitutionality of the purchase by making a treaty for the land.
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark
Led an expedition through the northern part of the Louisiana Purchase to the Pacific Ocean. They were led by Sacajawea.
Zebulon Pike
Led an expedition through the central part of the Louisiana Purchase. He was captured after entering Spanish territory. I was later released by the Spanish.
Barbary War
War between the Barbary States and the U.S. in the Mediterranean Sea. President Jefferson sent the U.S. Navy and Marines to fight the Barbary Pirates and end the seizing of U.S. ships.
Policy of seizing people or property for military or public service
Official ban or restriction on trade. Congress and President Jefferson created the Embargo Act to force Britain and France from interfering with American shipping. The act backfired because U.S. ships couldn’t leave the nation and the economy struggled. Many Americans smuggled to get around the embargo.
President Jefferson
-Wanted a smaller federal government and more power to the states
-Strict interpretation of the Constitution
-Reduced the military and the national debt
-Got rid of the Alien and Sedition Acts
-Got rid of many taxes created by the Federalists
-Believed in laissez-faire economics(Government should have none or very little interference in the economy.)
Writ of Mandamus
A court order that requires a government official or entity to perform a legal duty. This part of the Judiciary Act of 1789 was declared unconstitutional.