4A: Pulmonary Review Flashcards
Identify 1
Apical segment of the upper lobe
Identify 2
Anterior segment of the upper lobe
Identify 3
Medial segment of the middle lobe
Identify 4
Lateral segment of the middle lobe
Identify 5
Apico-posterior segment of upper lobe
Identify 6
Anterior segment of the upper lobe
Identify 7
Inferior lingula
Identify 8
Superior lingula
Identify 9
Anterior basalar segment of the lower lobe
Identify 10
Lateral basalar segment of lower lobe
Identify 1
Apico-posterior segment of the upper lobe
Identify 2
Anterior segment of the upper lobe
Identify 3
Superior basalar segment of the lower lobe
Identify 4
Posterior basalar segment of the lower lobe
Identify 5
Lateral segment of the lower lobe
Identify 6
Posterior segment of the upper lobe
Identify 7
Anterior segment of the upper lobe
Identify 8
Superior basalar segment of the lower lobe
Identify 9
Posterior basalar segment of the lower lobe
Identify 10
Lateral basalar segment of the lower lobe
Identify 11
Anterior basalar segment of lower lobe
Identify 12
Apical segment of the upper right lobe
What is the most important period of fetal pulmonary development and why?
Terminal sac period (26 weeks) because type II alveolar cells start to produce surfactant to create surface tension and keep airway open
What is the function of the diaphragm?
Acts are the primary muscle to breathe, creates negative pressure
What happens when the diaphragm contracts?
Pushes abdominal viscera down and elevates and outwardly expands the lower ribs (bucket-handle action)
How are the right and left diaphragm positioned?
Right is higher by 2-3 cm
What is the normal diaphragm excursion at rest?
2 cm
What is the diaphragm excursion during a full inspiration?
8-10 cm
How does the diaphragm rest when in supine?
Higher - not an optimal length-tension relationship
How does the diaphragm rest in sidelying?
Uppermost hemi diaphragm drops to a lower level. so the lower (dependent) hemi diaphragm has greater excursion
What is the relevance of the difference in diaphragm excursion in sidelying?
The dependent lung can get greater ventilation
What are the four accessory muscle groups
- Scalenes
- Upper trap
- Pecs
What is the function of the accessory muscles?
Assist in elevating the upper thorax and create the pump handle movement pattern for the upper ribs
What are the pleurae?
Continuous membranous sacs which cover the lungs
Describe the visceral pleura
Surface is in contact with the lung
Describe the parietal pleura
Outer portion of the pleural sac
What is the pleural space?
The potential space between the visceral pleura and parietal pleura
What is pleurisy?
Inflammatory condition when pleura space becomes inflamed and fills with fluid exudate
What is the effect of lung contusion due to trauma?
Inflammatory process - pleurisy
What is the progression of pleurisy