4.8 - Anatomy & Function of the Brain (Synapse included) Flashcards
What are the 3 parts to the brain stem?
What do they do?
1) Medula Oblongata: connects spinal cord to the cerebellum and deals with autonomic nerve control
2) Pons: transfers nerve signals between cerebellum and medula oblongata
3) Midbrain: carries out higher level functions
What is the cerebellum?
It deals with muscle movement and balance
What is the corpus collosum?
It connects the 2 hemispheres of the brain, as well as coordinates their functions
What is the homunculus?
- It’s a map of the somatosensory strip (sensory area) and motor strip (motor area).
- for the sensory portion: it maps out where afferent connections lead from into the brain
- for the motor portion: it maps out where efferent connects lead out of the brain
What is grey matter?
It is made up of cell bodies with NO myelin. Usually where info is processed
What is white matter?
It is made up of mostly axons and transmits signals. It is considered “white” b/c it’s insulated by myelin
What are three examples of neuro-toxins?
- tetrodotoxin
- botox
- tetanus (like the needle/shot)
What is the synaptic cleft?
- It’s a tiny gap between the presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons (in between 2 neurons)
- neurotransmitters diffuse around here
What connects a chain of neurons and allows for it to transmit signals over a distance WITHOUT direct contact?
Synaptic connections
(aka the synapse)
Briefly discribe how the synapse is used to send a signal.
- a transmitting neuron releases a chemical known as neurotransmitter
- that diffuses across the synapse and binds to the receptors on the next/receving neuron
- neurotransmitters fuse with the membrane, and dump the transmitter into the synapse
- the binding causes the neuron to activate and pass on the signal
- common neurotransmitters are serotonine & dopamine
Briefly discribe how the synapse clears a signal.
- Esterasers are enzymes that remove and break down neurotransmitters
- the NTs can be pumped back into the neuron and recycled
Where are neurotransmitters stored?
They are kept in vessicles within the terminal branches of a neuron
True or False:
Neurotransmitters are only activators
Neurotransmitters can be activators but also inhibitors, which can be used to shut down some connections (ex. some narcotics, insect & snake posion, etrodoxin, tetanus, botox)