4.7 - The Nervous System Flashcards
What is the central nervous systems and what parts does it consist of?
- the brain
- the spinal cord > its the central bundle of nerves running down the body
- there is a highly concentrated area of neurons at the top of the spinal cord
What is the peripheral nervous sytem?
What 2 parts does it seperate into?
- it is nerves that branch off from the central nervous system
- sperates into the autonomic and somatic nervous system
What is the somatic nervous sytem?
What 2 parts does it seperate into?
- nerves that regulate activities under voluntary control (like muscules)
- it splits into spinal and cranial nerves
What are sensory (cranial) nerves?
Afferent (towards) nerves that bring info towards the central nervous system
What are motor (spinal) nerves?
Efferent (away) nerves that send info out of the central nervous system. It iniates appropriate responses/movement
What is the autonomic nervous sytem?
What 2 parts does it seperate into?
- nerves that regulate activities which occur involuntarily without thought (controls organs)
- splits into sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system
What is the sypmathetic nervous sytem?
What part does it seperate into?
- uses to activate systems especially as part of fight or flight
- preps body for stress, increase energy consumption
- splits into spinal nerves only
What is the parasypmathetic nervous sytem?
What parts does it seperate into?
- used to deactivate systems and bring them to rest
- “rest and digest”
- restore to normal from stress, preserving energy
- seperates in spinal and cranial nerves
What is a neuron?
Specialized cells that transmits chemical and electrical signals
What are dendrites?
- convey signals
- incoming towards cell body
- short but many
- extensively branched (increased surface are)
What are axons?
- they send messages away from the cell body
- larger in size
- only one insultated by myelin & schwann cells
What are myelin & schwann cells?
- myelin insulate the axon
- schwann cells are within the myelin
There are small gaps in myelin codes. What is it called
the Nodes of Raniver
What is a reflex arc?
- a stimulus will by-pass the brain, going to the spinal cord, then back to the point of the stimulus
- stimulus-> sensory neuron-> interneurons-> motor neurons-> effector
What is the purpose of the spinal cord?
To carry impusles between the brain and the rest of the body (PNS)