4.2 Effects of Land and Water use (1) Flashcards
the process of turning soil
why is tilling done
to prepare soil for seeding – loosen it to easier plant crops – helps control weeds and pests
is tilling bad
tilling is bad when too much happens
tilling produces
soil aggregates
why is too much tilling bad
compacts lower layers of the soil and makes the top layers so loose that it cant hold water or nutrients – It can blow or rian away
what can too much tilling lead to
soil collects in runoff and eroded so soils, nutrients, etc. are washed away
slash and burn farming
trees and plants are cut and left to dry and then burned
slash In slash and burned is what
the stuff that’s cut up and left to dry
why is slash and burning done
ash fertilizes soil temporarily
why is slash and burning bad
loss of nutrients and weeds start to grow and lots of CO2 into atmosphere from combustion
what do ppl do once the fields are bad bc too much slash and burn
they js move on and abuse some other land
what are some alternatives to slash and burn methods
putting animal fertilizer to give them more nutrients or do alley cropping
alley cropping
tress and other vegetation are planted in between crops to keep moisture in the soil
stuffs that help plants growth
how many types of fertilizer are there and what are they
2 –> natural and artificial
natural fertilizer examples
manure, left over crops, bones, etc.
what particular chemicals are key to plant growth
nitrogen phosphorus and potassium
artificial fertilizers
fertilizers that are man made and have more concentrations of nitrogen phosphorous and potassium
what is bad about artificial fertilizers
polluted runoff water and local surface water and eutrophication
what is good about artificial fertilizers
lots of crops made
when there’s too many nutrients in water so algea grows and then no more sun in the lake and then the productivity goes even more down because no energy
eutrophicaiton can cause what in lakes
oxygen depletion
oxygen depletion due to eutrophication makes what
dead zones of fish and other organisms
how can fetiizliers be lessened (artificial)
use compost or less artificial fertilziwrs
underground layer of porous rock and sediment that contains groundwater
what are aquifers important for
source of fresh water, drinking, and crop irrigation
Groundwater recharge
the process by which water from precipitation percolates through the soil and makes its way into an aquifer, filling it up
do aquifers refill up fast why or why not
no bc groundwater moves rly slow through soil and rock
are aquifiers a reliable source for water why or why not
no bc if we take too much it’ll outpace the groundwater recharge cycle and they might get overused and depelted
clear cut
forestry practice where most or all trees in an area are uniformly cut down, often to regenerate the stand with a single age class of trees
selective cut
timber harvesting method that removes only specific trees based on factors such as size, age, species, and health