4.05 - Digestive system 2 and lympatic system Flashcards
Liver is located in ___________ quadrant of abdomen
Right and left lobes are separated by _________ _________
Falciform ligament
_________ ligament of liver is remnant of _________ vein
Round, umbilical
_________ is seen under right lobe of liver
What lobe in the liver is the largest?
The porta hepatis is where what 3 things enter liver?
Vessels, bile ducts, nerves
Ligamentum venosum is remnant of embryonic _________ _________
Ductus venosus
CT parts liver into thousands of _________ _________ _________ containing _________
Polyhedral hepatic lobules, hepatocytes
At periphery of lobule, what are 3 portal triads?
Hepatic portal vein, hepatic artery, bile ducts
_________ _________ in middle of lobule acts as drain
Central vein
Hepatic portal vein carries NUTRIENT rich blood from _________ _________ capillaries , _________ and _________
TO _________
GI tract, spleen, pancrease to liver
Hepatic artery proper carries OXYGEN rich blood to liver, splits into left and right _________ _________
Hepatic veins empty into _________ _________ _________
Hepatic arteries
Inferior vena cava
Hepatic lobules contain ________ ________ ________
- Leaky capillaries are lined with ________ cells
- They are ________ with immune function
Hepatocytes absorb nutrients and produce ________
- Between cords of hepatocytes are ________ ________ that bring bile to bile duct in portal triad
Radiating hepatic sinusoids
Bile canaliculi
Gallbladder is attached to inferior surface of ________
- store and concentrate ________
________ ________ connect gallbladder to common bile duct
Cystic duct
What are the 3 regions of gallbladder?
neck, body, fundus
Biliary apparatus transports bile from ________ and ________ to ________
liver and gall bladder to duodenum
Left and right lobes of liver drain into left and right ________ ________
Hepatic ducts
Let and right hepatic ducts merge to form ________ ________ ________
Common hepatic duct
The cystic duct and common hepatic merge to form ________ ________ ________
Common bile duct
Common bile duct and main pancreatic duct merge to form ________ ________
-Enteres duodenum at ________ ________
hepatopancreatic ampulla
Major duodenal papilla
Pancreas had endocrine and exocrine functions
-endocrine functions performed by ________ ________
- exocrine functions involve ________ cells secreting ________ ________ (mucin, enzymes) into duodenum via ________ (and accessory) ________ ________
Pancreatic islets
- acinar, pancreatic juice, main pancreatic duct
What are the three unpaired arteries from anterior wall of abdominal aorta and supply blood to GI tract and accessory organs?
Celiac trunk, superior mesentric artery, inferior mesentric artery
What three branches of celiac trunk?
Left gatric, splenic, common hepatic
Left gastric artery: supplies
Splenic artery: supplies
Common hepatic: supplies
Lesser curvature of stomach, lower esophagus
Spleen, part of stomach
Liver, gall bladder, part of stomach
Left gastric artery (from __________ __________) with __________ __________ artery (from __________ __________)
Left gastro-omental artery (from __________ __________) with __________ __________ __________ ( from __________ __________ of __________ __________)
Superior pancreaticoduodenal artery (from __________ __________ from __________ __________) with __________ __________ (from __________ __________)
celiac trunk, right gastric artery (hepatic proper artery)
splenic, right gastro-omental artery (gastroduodenal artery from common hepatic artery)
Gastroduodenal artery from common hepatic, inferior pancreaticoduodenal (superior mesentric)
The superior mesentric artery provides blood to which branches?
Inferior pancreaticoduodenal
Intestineal arteries
Ileocolic artery
Right colic artery
Middle colic artery
What do these arteries supply?
Inferior pancreaticoduodenal
Intestineal arteries
Ileocolic artery
Right colic artery
Middle colic artery
Portions of pancreas and duodenum
Jejunum, ileaum
Ileum, cecum, appendix
ascending colon
transverse colon
Inferior mesentric Branches
- Left colic artery supplies:
- SIgmoid arteries supply:
- Seuperior rectal arteries supply:
distal part of transverse colon and proximal part of descending colon
distal descending colon, sigmoid colon
rectum, upper half of anal canal
Hepatic portal system brings nutrient rich blood from digestive organs to _________
Hepatic portal vein is a fusion of:
inferior mesentric vein: Drains distal part of __________
Splenic vein: drains __________ __________ and __________
Superior mesentric vein: drains blood from __________. __________, __________, __________
Hepatic veins collect blood from liver and return it to __________ __________ __________
Spleen, pancreas, stomach
Small intestine, proximal colon, pancreas, stomach
Inferior vena cava
The lymphatic system transports and helps fight infections
- excess interstitial fluid from blood __________ enter lymph vessels
after entering vessels, fluid is called __________
lymph vessels return fluid to __________ circulation
if not removed, it would cause __________
lymph vessels transport __________ __________
__________ absorb lipids in intestine
Dietary lipids
lymphatic system generates __________ __________ against __________
Lymphatic organs aid in production and maturation of __________
immune response, antigens
Lymphocytes and macrophages monitor body for foreign substances
some cells produce __________ that bind the pathogen and other lymphatic cells attach antigen directly
Some cells become __________ cells to attack antigen if it appears again
Lymph vessel network transports excess fluid back to __________
Lymph is carried through progressively __________ diameter vessels
What is the order of vessels from smallest to large?
Capillaries, vessels, trunks, ducts
Lymphatic capillaries are __________ __________ tubes interspersed among blood capillary beds
Not found in __________ __________ or __________ tissue
associated with __________ __________ __________ of brain
Close ended
Red marrow, avascular
Dural venous sinuses
Lymphatic capillaries resemble blood capillaries but have __________ __________ cells that act as __________ entry flaps
- flaps are attached by anchoring __________ to nearby structures
Overlapping endothelial, one-way
The gastrointestinal tract contain __________
- collects __________ fluid, __________, and __________ __________
- lymph collected from gastrointestinal system is __________
- interstitial, lipids, lipid-soluble vitamins
- Chyle
Lymphatic vessels and trunks
- lymphatic capillaries merge to lymphatic __________
- they have __________
trunks, valve
jugular trunks:
Subclavian trunks:
bronchiomediastinal trunks:
Intestinal trunks:
Lumbar trunks:
Head and neck
upper limbs, breasts, superficial thoracic wall
deep thoracic structures
most abdominal structures
lower limbs, abdominopelvic wall, pelvic organs
lymphatic trunks fuse into lymphatic __________
Right lymphatic duct is deep to __________ and returns lymph at junction of __________ __________ and __________ __________ veins
- returns lymph from __________ side of head and neck, right __________ __________, and right side of __________
Clavicle, right subclavian, internal jugular
Right, upper limbs, thorax
What is largest lymphatic vessel?
Thoracic duct
Thoracic duct begins inferior to __________ as a rounded like structure called __________ __________
- collects lymph from most of body excluding right lymphatic duct
- passes through diaphragm’s __________ __________ and returns lymph into junction between __________ __________ and __________ __________ veins
Cisterna chyli
aortic opening, left subclavian, internal jugular
__________ immune responses are present from birth
- ex skin, mucous membranes, inflammation, natural killer cells, phagocytes
__________ immunity develops during life
- in response to infection or vaccination, involves recognition of antigens and has memory component
- important cells are __________ and __________
B lymphocytes (cells), T lymphocytes (cells)
What cell is 15-30% of lymphocytes?
What cell is 70-80% of lymphocytes?
B cell
T cell
B cells (15-30%)
matures in __________ __________
Turns into:
Bone marrow
Plasma cells (produce a lot of antibodies_
Memory T cells
T cells (70-85% of lymphocytes)
Matures in __________ __________
Turns into:
Thyroid glands
helper T cells (interact with antigen presenting cells)
Cytotoxic T cells (destroys target cells)
Memory cells
What is an autoimmunse disorder?
Immune system fails to recognoze self and attacks body cells
What is an allergic response?
Abnormal immune reaction (false reaction) to something harmless
Primary lymphatic organs
- where __________ cells divide and become __________ (capable of mounting an immune response)
- What are the primary lymphatic organs?
Stem, immunocompetent
Red bone marrow, thymus
Secondary lymphatic organs
- site where __________ __________ occur
- What are the secondary lymphatic organs?
Immune responses
- lymph nodes, spleen , lymphatic nodules
What are the lymphatic organs? (at least have a partially connective tissue capsule)
__________ __________ is not an organ (does not have CT capsule)
Thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, tonsils
Lymph nodules
Lymphoid nodules are clusters of lymphoid cells with some extracurricular matrix but NO __________ __________
Connective tissue capsule
Lymphoid nodules
- center of nodule is __________ __________, contains proliferating __________ and macrophages
- __________ located outside of germinal center
Germinal center, B-lymphocytes
Lymphoid modules __________ and __________ antigens
Filter, attack
MALT (Mucosa associated lymphoid tissue) consists of lymphoid nodules within mucosa of __________, __________, __________, __________ tracts
- nodules monitor and respond to __________ that may enter tracts
Gastrointestinal, respiratory, genital, urinary
MALT is prominent in __________, nodules are called __________
Ileum, peyer patches
__________ are large clusters of lymphoid cells
- Where is it located?
Tonsils, pharynx
pharyngeal tonsils: in posterosuperior wall of __________
__________ tonsils: Posterolateral wall of oral cavity
Lingual tonsils: Along __________ __________ of tongue
posterior 1/3
Tonsils form crypts for trapping antigens, facilitates __________ __________ by lymphocytes
Antigen identification
What are main lymphoid organs?
Thymus, lymph nodes, spleen
Thymus is __________ organ located superficial to __________
- Lobes are divided by __________ __________ __________
- Each lobules has an outer __________ and inner __________
Continues to grow during puberty and __________ in size and function
Bilobed, heart
Connective tissue trabeculae
cortex, medulla
Thymus is site of __________ maturation and differentiation
- cortex contains __________ T- lymphocytes, nurse cells and macrophages
- __________ __________ secrete thymic hormones
- Medulla contains __________ T-lymphocytes and epithelial cells
- in adulthood, T-lymphocytes can only be produced by __________ __________ and not by maturation of new cells in thymus
nurse cells
cell division
Lymph nodes are locate din pathway of __________ __________
- __________ antigens from lymph and __________ immune response
Lymphatic vessels
filter, initiate
What are the lymph nodes?
Axillary, inguinal, cervical
Lymph node is surrounded by tough CT __________
- internal extensions of capsule is __________
- __________ cells surround trabeculae and sinuses and provide pathway
lymphoid cells
lymph node cortex : nodules and sinuses called __________ __________
lymph node medulla: __________ __________ and __________ __________
Cortical sinuses
medullary cords, medullary sinuses
afferent lymphatic vessels from __________ to __________
efferent lymphatic vessels tranposrt filtered lymph __________ __________ lymph node at the __________
lymph to lymph node
away from, hilum
What is the largest lymphoid organ?
Spleen is located lateral to __________ __________
A splenic artery and vein enter spleen via __________
Surrounded by __________ __________ CT capsule
- sends __________ into organ
Left kidney
Dense irregular
__________ __________ (branches of splenic arteries and veins) extend within trabeculae
cells around trabeculae are subdivided into __________ and __________
Trabecular vessels
White, red pulp
White pulp does __________ supply
- what cells does it have?
In center of each cluster is a __________ __________
T-cells, B-cells, macrophages
central artery
__________ __________ surrounds each cluster of white pulp
Red pulp
Red pulp does __________ supply
- has splenic __________ and splenic __________
cords, sinusoids
Splenic cords and sinusoids has what cells?
Erythrocytes, platelets, macrophages, plasma
Blood cells can easily enter and leave blood stream in spleen because capillaries are __________
Function of spleen
- __________ immune response when antigens are found in __________
- stores __________ and __________
- __________ old, defective erythrocytes and platelets
- Phagocytizes __________ and other foreign material
Initiates, blood
erythrocytes, platelets