4.01 - Heart Flashcards
________ carry blood away from the heart
________ carry blood towards the heart
Right side of heart pumps deoxygenated blood through ________ ________ to lungs
Pulmonary arteries
After oxygen pickup and carbon dioxide from lungs ________ ________ carry blood to left side of heart
pulmonary veins
left side of heart pumps oxygenated blood through ________ ________ to body cells
systemic arteries
Nutrients, respiratory gases and wastes are exchanged from body cells and ________ ________ carry blood to right side
Systemic veins
________ ________ from ascending aorta supply blood to heart walls
Coronary arteries
________ ________ drain blood back to right atrium
Cardiac veins
The heart is inside the ________ ________
Middle mediastinum
Sternal angle is the level of transverse thoracic plane
T- to T-
________ starts and ends at this level
The heart is slightly rotated
________ border is located more anteriorly
Base of the heart: it’s posterosuperior surface is mainly the ________ atrium
________ ________ of the heart is formed by the great arterial vessels and the superior vena cava
superior border
The heart is slightly rotated
________ border is located more anteriorly
Base of the heart: it’s posterosuperior surface is mainly the ________ atrium
________ ________ of the heart is formed by the great arterial vessels and the superior vena cava
Superior border
________ is the inferior conical end
________ ________ is formed by right ventricle
Inferior border
The ________ ________is a tough sac around the heart that restricts heart movements within thorax
Fibrous pericardium
The serous pericardium has what two layers
Parietal and visceral
The ________ ________ is a thin space between the parietal and visceral layers of serous pericardium containing serous fluid
Pericardial caity
Fibrous pericardium is fused to ________ pericardium
Visceral layer of serous pericardium is also called
The cardiac muscle and thickest of three layers is
The internal surface of heart chambers is called
Epicardium is made of what CT
Endocardium is made of what 2 CTs
Simple squamous, areolar
The wall of the _________ ventricle is about 3 times thicker than the _________ ventricle
Left, Right
The 2 coordinated masses of fibers that coordinate the heart are called
Cardiac muscle cells are arranged in _________ bundles around the heart chambers
When atria contract, they _________ the walls of the chambers inwards to move blood into ventricles
When _________ contracts, the heart contracts like the wringing of a mop;
- Begins at _________ of heart of heart and compresses superiorly, moving blood into the _________ _________
Apex, great arteries
Heart development begins in week _________ of embryonic development.
- Heart tubes (endocardial tubes) form from the _________ and fuse in day 21
What are the expansions of the tube?
Tube folds to become S-shape
Sinus venosus, primitve atrium, primitive ventricle, bulbus cordis
What are the 2 fetal remnants?
Ligamentum arteriosum
Fossa ovalis
anterior part of each atrium forms an _________
_________ _________ is a groove separating atria and ventricles
Coronary sulcus
_________ ______ _________ and _________ _________ _________ bring blood from circulation
Superior and inferior vena cava
Ligamentum arteriosum connects _________ _________ to _________ _________ _________
Ascending aorta, left pulmonary artery
The right and left coronary arteries travel within _________ _________ and supply _________ _________ with oxygen and nutrients
Branches off _________ _________ just superior to aortic semilunar valve
Coronary sulcus, heart wall
Ascending aorta
The right coronary artery branches into
_________ artery
- This artery supplies the _________ border of the heart
_________ _________ artery
- Supplies _________ surfaces of left and right ventricles
Right marginal
Posterior inventricular artery
The left coronary artery branches into
_________ _________ artery
- also called left anterior descending artery
- Supplies _________ surfaces of both ventricles and most of _________ _________
_________ artery
- Supplies the _________ atrium and ventricle
Anterior inventricular
- anterior, inventricular septum
- Left
What vein runs alongside anterior interventricular artery
Great cardiac
What vein runs alongside posterior interventricular artery
Middle cardiac vein
What vein travels close to right marginal artery
Small cardiac
What two valves close and cause the first “lubb” sound
What two valves close and cause the second “dupp” sound
What are the two atrioventricular valves
Tricuspid and bicuspid valves
What are the two semilunar valves
Pulmonary, aortic
_________ _________ separates ventricles
_________separates atria
Interventricular septum
Interatrial septum
Pectinate muscles are in the _________
Trabeculae carneae and papillary muscles are in the _________
The semilunar valves are at the base of _________
What the bicuspid valve is open, the _________ _________ are slacking and the _________ _________ are relaxed
Chordae tendineae and papillary muscles
When the bicuspid valve is closed, the chordae tendinae is _________ and the papillary muscles are _________
Taut, contracted
There is _________ CT between atria and ventricles
Provides structural support and acts as an _________ _________ between atria and ventricles
Dense irregular, electrical insulator
A cardiac cycle is the time from the start of one heartbeat to the start of the next one.
A cycle contains contraction and relaxation
- Contraction of the chamber is called _________
- Relaxation of the chamber is called _________
_________ valves open in systole
_________ valves open in distole
Blood flows from high pressure to low pressure
Blood flows from _________ to atria under LOW pressure
Heart _________ keep blood flowing in one directly
About 70% of ventricular filling occurs when chambers are _________
_________ _________ fulls the final 30%
Atrial systole
Ventricular systole _________ blood pressure in ventricles
_________ valves are forced closed
_________ valves open to allow blood to pass to _________ _________
Semilunar, great arteries
What are the steps of blood flow starting from systemic vein?
systemic veins, Superior/inferior vena cava, right atrium, right atrioventricular valve, right ventricle, pulmonary semilunar valve, pulmonary trunk and arteries, gas exchange in lungs, pulmonary veins, left atrium, left atrioventricular valve, left ventricle, aortic semilunar valve, aorta, systemic arteries, gas exchange in peripheral tissue
The heart exhibits ___________
Electrical impulses begin at the ___________ ___________ (heart’s pacemaker)
- Located on ___________ wall of ___________adjacent to opening of superior vena cava
Sinoatrial node
- posterior, right atrium
Impulse from SA node travel via ___________ junctions to left atrium and ___________ node on floor of right atrium
- Impulse is paused at __________ node delaying activation of ventricles as they fill with blood
Gap, atrioventricular
Impulse leaves AV node, enters ___________ ___________ extending into interventricular septum
AV bundle (Bundle of His)
Once within the septum, the AV bundle divides into ___________ and ___________ bundles (bundle branches)
Left and right
Bundle branches pass impulse to ___________ ___________
Purkinje fibers
Purkinje fibers begin at ___________ ___________
Heart apex
Purkinje fibers spread impulse superiorly from apex to all of ___________ myocardium
P wave:
QRS complex:
T wave:
Atrial depolarization
Ventricular (And atrial) depolarization
Ventricular repolarization
Cardiac muscle is striated with extensive ___________ ___________ similar to skeletal muscle
Cardiac muscle fibers contract as a single unit
- Connected with ___________ junctions as parts of ___________ ___________ between adjacent fibers
Capillary networks
Gap, intercalated discs
Each electrical impulse is distributed immediately and spontaneously throughout myocardium
There is also ___________ contact between SR and T-tubules
(There are no triads)
What does autonomic innervation do?
Increase or decreases rate of heartbeat
does not INITIATE heartbeat
Sympathetic innervation starts with neurons T- to T-
___________ axons enter sympathetic trunk and synapse on ___________ ___________
Preganglionic, ganglionic neurons
___________ axons project from cervical and thoracic ganglia and travel to heart via cardia nerves
Sympathetic input ___________ rate and force of heart contractions
Parasympathetic innervation starts with neurons in ___________ ___________ via left and right ___________ nerve
- PS activity ___________ heart rate but has no effect on force of contraction
medulla oblangata, vagus nerve