4.03 - Respiratory system Flashcards
Conducting portion is where only _________ _________ occurs
Respiratory portion is where _________ _________ occurs
Air transport
Gas exchange
External respiration is exchange between _________ and _________
Internal respiration is exchange between _________ and _________ _________
Atmosphere and blood
blood and body cells
The _________ is the main conducting airway for inhaled air
Supported anteroinferiorly from bridge by _________ _________
- Contains _________ and _________ cartilage
Dorsum nasi
Lateral, alar
The nasal cavity begins as the internal component of the nose and ends as openings to the _________ known as _________
Nasopharnx, choanae
_________ is the anterior region of nasal cavity
Hairs are called _________
Nasal cavity is lined with _________ epithelium
Superior part of nasal cavity has _________ epithelium
Superior, middle, and inferior _________ _________ form the lateral wall
- condition the air within the nasal cavity
- each concha has a _________ _________ (air passage) underneat it
Nasal conchae
Nasal meatus
The superior, middle, and inferior nasal concha form the ___________ ___________
Nasal cavity
What forms the larynx?
Epiglottis, thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage
What are the four paranasal sinuses?
Ethmoid, sphenoid, frontal, maxillary
The pharynx is the ___________
Posterior to ___________ ___________ and superior to ___________ ___________
- Lined with ___________ ___________ ___________ epithelium
- Only ___________ passes through
- opening of ___________ ___________ found in lateral walls
- Posterior there is a ___________ Tonsil
nasal cavity, soft palate
- pseudostratified ciliated columnar
- air
- auditory tubes
- pharyngeal
Oropharynx is bounded
- superiorly by ___________ ___________
- Inferiorly by ___________ ___________
Line with ___________ ___________ ___________epithelium
opening of oral cavity into oropharynx is the ___________
Two pair of muscular arches on lateral walls of fauces
___________ tonsils are embedded in lateral walls between arches
___________ tonsils are at base of the tongue
soft palate
hyoid bone
Nonkeratinized stratified squamous
- Starts inferior to ___________ ___________ and extends on top of ___________
Lined with ___________ ___________ ___________ epithelium
- resists ___________ from food
Hyoid bone, esophagus
nonkeratinized stratified squamous
Larynx connects ___________ to ___________
- serves as a passageway for air
- Prevents ingested materials from entering ___________ and ___________
- Produces sounds for ___________
Pharynx to trachea
Trachea, bronchi
What is valsalva maneuver?
Attempting to exhale while nose and mouth are both closed
___________ ___________ connects pharynx and larynx
The ___________ cartilage is the largest cartilage
- has anterior and lateral wall but no ___________ wall
- V- shaped anterior projection is called ___________ ___________
- Usually larger in ___________
Laryngeal inlet
- posterior
- laryngeal prominence
- males
Ring shaped ___________ cartilage is inferior to thyroid cartilage
___________ is a spoon shaped cartilage projecting superiorly into the pharynx
- swallowing causes epiglottis to close the opening to the ___________
What are the smaller, paired cartilages that help with sound production
Arytenoid, corniculate, cuneiform
Vocal folds are found in ___________ and are comprised of ___________ ligaments covered by mucous membrane
Larynx, vocal ligaments
The opening between vocal cords is called ___________ ___________
Rima glottis
Glottis consists of ___________ and ___________
Vocal folds, rima glottidis
What folds enclose the rima vestibuli?
Contain ___________ ligaments
Vestibular folds
Vestibular folds are superior to ___________ ___________ to protect them
- Called ___________ vocal cords because doesn’t make sound
vocal folds
What air is forced through rima glottidis, it causes ___________ of vocal cords, resulting in sound
- Vocal range depends on ___________ and ___________ of vocal cords
- Pitch is determined by ___________ on vocal cords
- Loudness depends on ___________ of air passing across vocal cords
Length, thickness
Trachea is anterior to ___________
inferior to ___________
superior to ___________
Supported by C shaped ___________ ___________ connected by ___________ ___________
Tracheal cartilages, annular ligaments
Posteriorly, the ends of tracheal cartilage are connected by ___________ muscle
The mucosa is lined with ___________ ___________ epithelium containing mucin secreting ___________ cells
Pseudostratified columnar
At ___________ ___________, trachea splits into right and left main bronchi (primary bronchi)
- Continues splitting to smaller tubes
- Each main bronchi splits into ___________ ___________ (secondary)
Sternal angle
Lobar bronchi
Each lobar bronchi splits into ___________ bronchi (tertiary)
Large bronchi lined with ___________ epithelium
Small bronchi lined with ___________ epithelium
A ring of ___________ muscle sits between mucosa and cartilage bronchial wall
Bronchi less than 1 mm are ___________
Bronchiole walls do not contain ___________ but have a thick layer of ___________ muscle
- contraction and relaxation of smooth muscle results in ___________ and ___________
- Final segment of conducting pathway has ___________ ___________
Cartilage, smooth
Bronchoconstriction, bronchodilation
Terminal bronchioles
Terminal bronchioles branch into ___________ bronchioles
Respiratory bronchioles branch into ___________ ___________
- end with dilated ___________ ___________
Contain small saccular outpocketings called ___________
- Thin wall of alveoli is where ___________ diffuse between blood and air in lungs
Respiratory bronchioles
Alveolar ducts
Alveolar sac
Alveolar type 1:
Abundant ___________ ___________ epithelial cells promote rapid ___________ of gases
Simple squamous
Alveolar type 2:
___________ in shape
Produce ___________ ___________ which decreases ___________ tensions within alveolus and prevents collapse
___________ ___________ may be fixed or free and engulf microorganism and particulates in alveolus
Pulmonary surfactant
Alveolar macrophages
Respiratory membrane is the thin well between ___________ ___________ and ___________ across which gases diffuse
Consists of
- Membrane of type ___________ alveolar cells
- membrane of ___________ cell
- Fused ___________ ___________
Alveolar lumen, blood
- 1
- capillary
- Basement membrane
The outside of the lung and inside of thoracic wall is lined by ___________ which is ___________ membrane formed by ___________ ___________ epithelium
Pleura, serious
Simple squamous
___________ pleura tightly adheres to lung
___________ pleura lines the inside of chest wall
The space between the two pleura is called the ___________ ___________
Pleural cavity
Each lung has a ___________ inferior base resting on diaphragm and a pointed superior ___________ projective above ___________.
Lungs ___________ surface contacts rubs
Broad, apex, clavicle
___________ lung is slight smaller then ___________ lung to accomodate heart
Left, right
Left lung has a medial surface indentation called the ___________ ___________
Anterior surface indentation called ___________ ___________
- Has ___________ ___________ that divides lung into superior and inferior lobs
Superior lobe has ___________ that is homologous to middle lobe of right lung
Cardiac impression
Cardiac notch
Oblique fissure
Right lung: ___________ fissure and ___________ fissure divide into superior, middle, inferior lobes
Oblique, horizontal
Lungs mediastinal surface faces ___________
- houses a concave called ___________
- The ___________ of lung enters it
- Consists of ___________, ___________,___________, ___________
bronchi, pulmonary vessels, lymphatic vessels, nerves
How many bronchopulmonary segments are in left lobe?
How many in right lobe?
Order segment, lobule, lobe from largest to smallest
___________ circulation conducts blood to and from the gas exchange surfaces of lungs
___________ circulation is part of systemic circulation that delivers blood to and from the bronchi and bronchioles
- ___________ (larger or smaller) than pulmonary system
- tiny bronchial arteries branch off ___________ to supply ___________ ___________
- bronchial veins drain into ___________ system
- smaller
- aorta, bronchial tree
- azygous
___________ ___________ and vessels are located within lungs and around bronchi and pleura
lymph nodes
Order of lymph flow
Pulmonary lymph nodes –> bronchopulmonary lymp nodes –> tracheobronchial lymph nodes –> left and right bronchomediastinal trunks
Skeletal muscles of respiration and sound production involve ___________ (voluntary control)
The larynx, trachea, bronchial tree, lungs are innervated by the ___________ nervous system
- Sympathetic and parasympathetic form the ___________ ___________
Pulmonary plexus
Sympathetic stimulation causes ___________
Parasympathetic stimulation causes ___________
Brain step respirator center controls rate and depth of breathing
- includes ___________ respiratory center ___________
- ___________ respiratory with ___________
Medullary, medulla
Pontine, pons
Muscles of quiet inhalation:
Muscles of quiet exhalation
Diaphragm, external intercostals
Passive recoil
Muscles of forced inhalation:
- Allow deeper inspirations by increasing thoracic cavity expansions when they contract
Sternocleidomastoid, scalenes, pextoralis minor, serratus posterior superior, erector spinae
Muscles of forced exhalation:
- Contract during hard exhalations and decreases thoracic volume
Internal intercostals, abdominal muscles, transversus thoracis, serratus posterior inferior
Boyle’s law: volume and pressure are ___________ related
During inhalation and exhalation, the thoracic cavity exchanges in all 3 dimensions
- Vertical changes result from ___________ movement
- Lateral changes from ___________ ___________ elevation or depression
- anterior/posterior changes occur as the ___________ moves
Rib cage
- sternum