39b. English to Latin Flashcards
- We learn by experiencing.
- Experiendo discimus.
- They came to learn (for learning).
- Ad discendum vēnērunt.
- He gave (devoted) himself to learning.
- Sē discendō dedit.
- They came to school to learn (for the sake of learning).
- Discendī causā ad lūdum tuum vēnērunt.
- The boy went to school desirous of learning (eager to learn).
- Puer cupidus discendī ad lūdum iit.
- The fear of dying kept terrifying him.
- Metus moriendī eum terrēbat.
- The hope of living after death encourages many people.
- Spēs vivendī post mortem multōs hortātur.
- By thinking (= by using his head) he overcame them.
- Cōgitandō eōs superāvit.
12.1 He devoted (gave) himself to seeking glory.
12.1 Sē dedit glōriae quaerendae.
12.2. He devoted (gave) himself to waging war.
12.2 Sē dedit bellō gerendō.
12.3 He devoted (gave) himself to making money.
12.3 Sē dedit pecūniae faciendae.
12.4 He devoted (gave) himself to getting power.
12.4 Sē dedit imperiō accipiendō.
12.5 He devoted (gave) himself to destroying states.
12.5 Sē dedit cīvitātibus dēlendīs.
12.6 He devoted (gave) himself to following this leader.
12.6 Sē dedit huic ducī sequendō.
12.7. He devoted (gave) himself to saving his country.
12.7. Sē dedit patriae servandae.
12.8 He devoted (gave) himself to seeking peace.
12.8 Sē dedit pācī petendae.
12.9 He devoted (gave) himself to attacking wrongs.
12.9 Sē dedit iniūriīs oppugnandīs.
12.10 He devoted (gave) himself to writing books.
12.10 Sē dedit librīs scrībendīs.
12.11 He devoted (gave) himself to reading books.
12.11 Sē dedit librīs legendīs.
12.12 He devoted (gave) himself to learning philosophy.
12.12 Sē dedit philosophiae discendae.
12.13 He devoted (gave) himself to learning Latin literature.
12.13 Sē dedit litterīs Latīnīs discendīs.
12.14 He devoted (gave) himself to understanding the truth.
12.14 Sē dedit vēritātī intellegendae.
12.15 He devoted (gave) himself to seeking wisdom.
12.15 Sē dedit sapientiae quaerendae.
12.16 He devoted (gave) himself to helping human beings.
12.16 Sē dedit hominibus adiuvandīs.
13.1 He came to Rome to undertake this work.
13.1 Rōmam vēnit ad hoc opus suscipiendum.
13.2 He came to Rome to see the Roman games.
13.2 Rōmam vēnit ad lūdōs Rōmānōs vivendōs.
13.3 He came to Rome to see the old buildings.
13.3 Rōmam vēnit ad aedificia vetera videnda.
13.4 He came to Rome to seek peace.
13.4 Rōmam vēnit ad pācem petendam.
13.5 He came to Rome for the sake of undertaking this work (to undertake ….)
13.5 Rōmam vēnit huius operis suscipiendī causā.
13.6 He came to Rome for the sake of learning philosophy (to learn ….)
13.6 Rōmam vēnit philosophiae discendae causā.
13.7 He came to Rome for the sake of reading new books (to read ….)
13.7 Rōmam vēnit novōrum librōrum legendōrum causā.
13.8 He came to Rome to see the games.
13.8 Rōmam vēnit lūdōs vīsum.
14.1 He wrote a book about enduring pain.
14.1 Librum scrīpsit dē dolō ferendō.
14.2 He wrote a book about overcoming fear.
14.2 Librum scrīpsit dē metū superandō.
14.3 He wrote a book about living a good life.
14.3 Librum scrīpsit dē bonā vītā vīvendā.
14.4 He wrote a book about managing the state.
14.4 Librum scrīpsit dē rē pūblicā gerendā.
14.5 He wrote a book about waging war.
14.5 Librum scrīpsit dē bellō gerendō.
14.6 He wrote a book about defending liberty.
14.6 Librum scrīpsit philosophiae discendae causā.
14.7 He wrote a book about conquering the enemy.
14.7 Librum scrīpsit dē hostibus vincendīs.
14.8 He wrote a book about giving gifts.
14.8 Librum scrīpsit dē donīs dandīs.
15.1 We become wiser by reading Latin literature.
15.1 Sapientiōrēs fīmus Latīnīs litterīs legendīs.
15.2 We become wiser by learning philosophy.
15.2 Sapientiōrēs fīmus philosophiā discendā.
15.3 We become wiser by experiencing life.
15.3 Sapientiōrēs fīmus vītā experiendā.
15.4 We become wiser by conquering fear.
15.4 Sapientiōrēs fīmus metū vincendō.
15.5 We become wiser by following truth.
15.5 Sapientiōrēs fīmus vēritāte sequendā.
16.1 We help our very selves by always reading good books.
16.1 Nōs ipsōs adiuvāmus bonīs librīs semper legendīs.
16.2 We help our very selves by freeing unfortunate men from fear.
16.2 Nōs ipsōs adiuvāmus virīs miserīs metū līberandīs.
16.3 We help our very selves by offering aid.
16.3 Nōs ipsōs adiuvāmus auxiliō offerendō.
16.4 We help our very selves by helping others.
16.4 Nōs ipsōs adiuvāmus aliīs adiuvandīs.
17.1 He consumed much time in thinking.
17.1 Multum tempus cōnsūmpsit in cōgitandō.
17.1a. He consumed much time in speaking.
17.1a Multum tempus cōnsūmpsit in loquendō.
17.1b He consumed much time in running.
17.1b Multum tempus cōnsūmpsit in currendō.
17.2 He consumed much time in doing these tasks.
17.2 Multum tempus cōnsūmpsit in hīs operibus faciendīs.
17.3 He consumed much time in finding the way.
17.3 Multum tempus cōnsūmpsit in viā inveniendā.
17.4 He consumed much time in preparing an army.
17.4 Multum tempus cōnsūmpsit in exercitū parandō.
17.5 He consumed much time in preparing supplies (troops).
17.5 Multum tempus cōnsūmpsit in cōpiīs parandīs.
- He had time for writing this book only.
- Tempus huic lībrō sōlī scrībendō habuit.