32a Latin to English Flashcards
- What is the regular positive ending of adverbs made from adjectives of the 1st and 2nd declensions?
- -ē (e.g. līberē)
1b. What is the regular positive ending of adverbs made from adjectives of the 3rd declension?
1b. -iter (e.g. celeriter)
- In English what adverbial ending is the equivalent to the Latin adverbial -ē or -iter?
- The ending -ly (e.g. freely, quickly).
- Do all Latin adverbs of the positive degree end in -ē or -iter?
- No. e.g. sapienter, facile, bene, male, multum, magnopere, parum, diū.
- What is the ending of the comparative degree of the adverb in Latin?
- -ius (e.g. līberius, celerius)
4b. With what form of the adjective is this identical?
4b. It is identical with the neuter singular nominative and accusative of the comparative adjective (cf. fortior, fortius)
4c. In English how is the comparative degree of the adverb usually formed?
4c. It is usually formed by using “more” (“too,” “rather”) with the positive degree of the adverb (e.g. more/ too freely, more quickly)
- How does the base of the superlative degree of a Latin adverb compare with that of the corresponding adjective?
- The base is the same in both instances.
- translate the following adverb in three ways: līberius.
- more freely, too freely, rather freely
6b. translate the following adverb in two ways: līberrimē.
6b. most freely, very freely
- Translate this adverb in accordance with its form: iūcundē.
- pleasantly
- Translate this adverb in accordance with its form: iūcundius.
- more / too pleasantly / rather pleasantly
- Translate this adverb in accordance with its form: iūcundissimē.
- most / very pleasantly
- Translate this adverb in accordance with its form: melius.
- better
- Translate this adverb in accordance with its form: fidēlissimē.
- very faithfully
- Translate this adverb in accordance with its form: breviter.
- briefly
- Translate this adverb in accordance with its form: celerrimē.
- very quickly
- Translate this adverb in accordance with its form: peius.
- worse
- Translate this adverb in accordance with its form: fidēlius.
- more faithfully
- Translate this adverb in accordance with its form: facilius.
- more easily
- Translate this adverb in accordance with its form: minimē.
- very little, least of all
- Translate this adverb in accordance with its form: magis.
- more, rather
- Translate this adverb in accordance with its form: diūtius.
- longer
- Translate this adverb in accordance with its form: male.
- badly
- Translate this adverb in accordance with its form: miserius.
- more wretchedly
- Translate this adverb in accordance with its form: minus.
- less
- Translate this adverb in accordance with its form: facile.
- easily
- Translate this adverb in accordance with its form: maxime.
- especially, most of all
- Translate this adverb in accordance with its form: gravissimē.
- very seriously
- Translate this adverb in accordance with its form: celerius.
- more swiftly
- What is the stem of volō in the indicative?
- vol- (volō, vīs, vult, volumus, vultis, volunt)
1b. What is the stem of volō in the present and imperfect subjunctive?
1b. vel- (velim, velīs, velit, velīmus, velītis, velint; vellem, vellēs, vellet, vellēmus, vellētis, vellent)
- To what other irregular verb is volō similar in the present subjunctive?
- It is similar to sum (sim, sīs, sit, sīmus, sītis, sint / velim, velīs, velit, velīmus, velītis, velint)
- Identify the form if subjunctive or, if not, translate according to its form: volēs.
- you (sg.) will wish
- Identify the form if subjunctive or, if not, translate according to its form: velīs.
- pres. subjunct., 2. sg.
- Identify the form if subjunctive or, if not, translate according to its form: vīs.
- you (sg.) wish
- Identify the form if subjunctive or, if not, translate according to its form: vellēs.
- impf. subjunct., 2 sg.
- Identify the form if subjunctive or, if not, translate according to its form: māvult.
- he prefers
- Identify the form if subjunctive or, if not, translate according to its form: velīmus.
- pres. subjunct., 1 pl.
- Identify the form if subjunctive or, if not, translate according to its form: māllēmus.
- impf. subjunct. 1 pl.
- Identify the form if subjunctive or, if not, translate according to its form: voluissēs.
- pluperf. subjunct. 2 sg.
- Identify the form if subjunctive or, if not, translate according to its form: volam.
- I shall wish
- Identify the form if subjunctive or, if not, translate according to its form: volēbant.
- they kept wishing
- Identify the form if subjunctive or, if not, translate according to its form: volet.
- he will wish
- Identify the form if subjunctive or, if not, translate according to its form: vultis.
- you (pl.) wish
- Identify the form if subjunctive or, if not, translate according to its form: voluisse.
- to have wished
- Identify the form if subjunctive or, if not, translate according to its form: volunt.
- they wish
- Identify the form if subjunctive or, if not, translate according to its form: voluimus.
- we wished
- Identify the form if subjunctive or, if not, translate according to its form: velle.
- to wish
- Identify the form if subjunctive or, if not, translate according to its form: voluerat.
- he had wished
- Identify the form if subjunctive or, if not, translate according to its form: voluērunt.
- they wished
- Identify the form if subjunctive or, if not, translate according to its form: voluistī.
- you (sg.) wished
- Identify the form if subjunctive or, if not, translate according to its form: vellet.
- impf. subjunct., 3 sg.
- Identify the form if subjunctive or, if not, translate according to its form: nōlunt.
- they do not wish
- Identify the form if subjunctive or, if not, translate according to its form: nōllet.
- impf. subjunct., 3 sg.
- Identify the form if subjunctive or, if not, translate according to its form: mālit.
- pres. subjunct., 3 sg.
- Identify the form if subjunctive or, if not, translate according to its form: nōlet.
- he will not wish
- Quīdam mālunt crēdere omnēs esse parēs.
- Certain men prefer to believe that all men are equal.
- Quīdam negant mentēs quidem omnium hominum esse pārēs.
- Certain men say that all men’s minds at least are not equal.
- Hī dīvitiās celerrimē invēnērunt; illī diūtissimē erunt pauperēs.
- These men obtained wealth very quickly; those will be poor for a very long time.
- Hic plūrimōs honōrēs quam facillimē accipere vult.
- This man wishes to get very many honors as easily as possible.
- Nōlīte hanc scientiam āmittere.
- Do not lose this knowledge
- Cīvēs ipsī rem publicam melius gessērunt quam ille dux.
- The citizens themselves managed the state better than the leader.
- Ibi terra est aequior et plūs patet.
- The the land is more level and is more open.
- Nōs ā scientiā prohibēre nōlent virī līberī; sed tyrannī maximē sīc volunt.
- Free men will not wish to keep us from knowledge; but tyrants especially so wish.
- Tyrannus cīvēs suōs ita male opprimēbat ut semper līberī esse vellent.
- The tyrant used to oppress his citizens so badly that they always wished to be free.
- Plūrima dōna līberrimē offeret ut exercitus istum tyrannum adiuvāre velit.
- He will offer very many gifts very freely so that the army may be willing to help that tyrant.
- Cum auxilium offerre minimē vellent, nōluimus eīs beneficia multa praestāre.
- Since they had very little wish to offer aid, we were unwilling to show them many favors.
- Cum hostēs contrā nōs celeriter veniant, volumus nostrōs ad arma quam celerrimē vocāre.
- Since the enemy are coming swiftly against us, we want to call our men to arms as quickly as possible.
- Cum lībertātem lēgēsque cōnservāre vērē vellent, tamen scelera tyrannī diūtissimē ferenda erant.
- Although they truly wanted to preserve their liberty and laws, nevertheless the crimes of the tyrant had to be endured very long.
- Māvult haec sapientius facere nē hanc quidem occasiōnem āmittat.
- He prefers to do these things more wisely so that he may not lose this occasion at least.
- Nōlī discēdere, mī amīce.
- Do not leave, my friend.