34b. English to Latin Flashcards
- He thinks that these evils ought to be endured.
- Arbitrātur haec mala patienda esse.
- We shall try to endure these evils.
- Cōnābimur haec mala patī.
- If you do not wish to die, endure these evils.
- Nisi morī vīs, patere haec mala.
12a simple present
12a Name the type of condition in: Nisi morī vīs, patere haec mala.
- Having endured the greatest evils, the poor man died.
- Maxima mala passus, homō miser mortuus est.
- The tyrant thought that those two men would endure these evils a long time.
- Tyrannus arbitrātus est eōs duōs haec mala diū passūrōs esse.
14a. passūrōs esse is future infinitive in indirect statement.
14a. Tyrannus arbitrātus est eōs duōs haec mala diū passūrōs esse. Explain the syntax of passūros esse.
- When they had endured three wars, they dared to force that tyrant into exile.
- Cum tria bella passī essent, istum tyrannum in exsilium expellere ausī sunt.
- If you follow this new leader, you will enjoy liberty and leisure.
- Sī hunc ducem novum sequēminī, lībertāte et ōtiō ūtēminī.
16a. simple future.
16a. Name the type of condition in: Sī hunc ducem novum sequēminī, lībertāte et ōtiō ūtēminī.
- When these words had been said, we dared to follow him.
- Hīs verbīs dictīs, eum sequī ausī sumus.
17a. verbīs is ablative plural in an ablative absolute.
17a. Hīs verbīs dictīs, eum sequī ausī sumus. Explain the syntax of verbīs.
- Having spoken these words, we set out so that we might not die in that miserable place.
- Haec verba locūtī, profectī sumus nē in eō locō miserō morerēmur.
18a locuti is nominative plural of the perfect participle, agreeing with the subject of the verb; morerēmur is imperfect subjunctive in a purpose clause.
18a Haec verba locūtī, profectī sumus nē in eō locō miserō morerēmur. Explain the syntax of locūtī and morerēmur.
- Although he thought that you had used a bad plan, nevertheless he spoke with you freely.
- Cum vōs cōnsiliō malō ūsōs esse arbitrārētur, tamen vōbīscum līberē lōcūtus est.
19a. cōnsiliō is ablative with a special deponent; arbitrārētur is imperfect subjunctive in a concessive cum clause.
19a. Cum vōs cōnsiliō malō ūsōs esse arbitrārētur, tamen vōbīscum līberē lōcūtus est. Explain the syntax of cōnsiliō and arbitrārētur.
- If anyone should dare to use wine of that sort, he would quickly die.
- Sī quis vīnō eius generis ūtī audeat, celeriter moriātur.
20a future less vivid condition.
20a Name the type of condition in: Sī quis vīnō eius generis ūtī audeat, celeriter moriātur.
- His sone was born and died on the same day.
- Eōdem diē fīlius eius natus est et mortuus est.
21a. diē is ablative of time when.
21a. Eōdem diē fīlius eius natus est et mortuus est. Explain the syntax of diē.
- Let us all use our resources so that our country may be saved.
- Omnibus opibus nostrīs ūtāmur ut patria nostra servētur.
- When he tried to set out into another land, he was captured by soldiers.
- Cum in aliam terram proficīscī cōnārētur, ā mīlitibus captus est.
- I kept thinkin that he would go out of the city with ten friends.
- Arbitrābar eum ex urbe cum decem amīcīs ēgressūrum esse.
- Having set out that night, Caesar came to a certain very famous island.
- Eā nocte profectus, Caesar ad quandam īnsulam clārissimam vēnit.
- If they had used better books, they would have learned more.
- Sī meliōribus librīs ūsī essent, plūra didicissent.
26a. past contrary to fact; librīs is ablative with a special deponent.
26a. Name the type of condition in: Sī meliōribus librīs ūsī essent, plūra didicissent. Explain the syntax of librīs.
- If you wish to have many friends, do not be arrogant.
- Sī multōs amīcōs habēre vīs, nōlī esse superbus.