36 Flashcards
Name the layers of the uterine wall from outer most to inner most. Which layer is shed during mestruation ?
- perimetrium
- myometrium
- endometrium (shed)
Which artery associated with the female reproductive tract branches directly off the abdominal aorta? Which ligament does this artery run through?
- avarian artery
- runs through the suspensory ligament
Name the finger like projections on the infundibulum. What is their purpose?
- fimbriae
- help guide the oocyte to the opening of the unterine tube
Name the ligament labeled X:
What is Oogenesis
• Formation and development of the oocyte (female gamete)
from oogonia.
Oogenesis requires ____ and _____
What are the stem cells of female sex cells called
When does oogenesis happen?
- initiated before birth
You are born with a lifetime supply of gametes - then halts
- continues between puberty and menopause
- cyclic - 1 ovulation every 28 days
- (only the dominant oocyte within the dominant follicle
goes onto ovulation)
Where do oocytes develop?
within ovarian follicles (1 oocyte per follicle).
Before Birth - what process happens in oogenesis
• Oogonium (diploid, 2n=46) in gonad
• Population of oogonia increase by mitosis (stops before
• Oogonia differentiate to form primary oocytes
- they are encased in primordial follicle
- many primary oocytes undergo atresia
• Primary oocytes start meiosis.
• Meiosis halts at prophase I
• Halts until puberty begins
Female born with all the primordial follicles - each of which contains an oocyte
From Menarche till Menopause - what process is happening in Oogenesis ?
• At puberty, females have ~300,000 oocytes (they had been undergoing atresia and reduced from 700,00)
• Under GnRH influence, small number of follicles recruited each ovarian/menstrual cycle. (This cohort grows to a point and then they’ll all start regressing except one - the dominant one)
• Only one oocyte will complete development and ovulate (within dominant follicle).
• Primary oocyte completes meiosis I. (ONLY THE DOMINANT
• Forms a secondary oocyte and 1st polar body (both haploid, n=23).
From Menarche till Menopause - what process of oogenesis happens after meiosis 1
• Secondary oocyte starts meiosis II
• Halts at metaphase II
• Suspended until fertilisation.
• Meiosis II resumes when the sperm penetrates plasma membrane of the ovum at fertilisation
- if not fertilised, will degenerate (atresia) and therefore
never complete meiosis
Meiosis two only happens if…
Fertilisation takes place
Oogenesis occurs within….
Oogenesis occurs within developing follicle
Oocyte develops within developing …
Is a follicle layered?
• Follicles are multilayered
• Granulosa cells
• Theca cells
What do granulosa cells produce?
oocyte and corona radiata released into peritoneal cavity
• Oogenesis occurs in the ___________ and is the process of
oocyte formation from oogonia.
The number of oogonia increases in the ovary by mitosis
before birth.
• Primary oocytes start meiosis prior to birth but the process
halts at ___________ until puberty begins.
Prophase 1
• After puberty, small groups of follicles start to grow each
ovarian cycle – only one of these follicles goes on to ovulate
(the ___________ follicle).
• The dominant follicle begins meiosis II, but the process halts
at ___________ until fertilisation occurs.
Metaphase 2
• Oocyte growth and development occurs within ovarian
Female Reproductive Hormones
- GnRH (Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone)
Anterior Pituitary:
- FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)
- LH (Luteinizing Hormone)
Ovary (follicles): Estradiol (an estrogen), Inhibin
Ovary (corpus luteum): Inhibin, Progesterone
Function of GnRH
GnRH (hypothalamus): Release of FSH and LH.
Function of FSH
FSH (anterior pituitary): Stimulates the growth of ovarian follicles.
Function of LH
LH (anterior pituitary): Surge of LH involved in ovulation, formation of corpus luteum.
Fucngtion of Estradiol
Estradiol (developing follicles): Assists follicle growth (with FSH); bone and muscle growth; endometrial growth; secondary sex characteristics; feedback to anterior pituitary.
Function of inhibin
Inhibin (granulosa cells): Negative feedback to anterior pituitary to suppress FSH.
Function of Progesterone
Progesterone (corpus luteum): Negatively feeds back to suppress GnRH (therefore LH and FSH); endometrial maturation; maintains pregnant state.
- helps thicken civical mucus to prevent the movement of spermatazoa
What are the Ovarian/Menstrual Cycles
The regular cyclic changes in the ovary and uterus that prepare an oocyte/ova for fertilisation and the endometrium for embryo implantation.
• Menstrual cycles occur on an approximately _____ basis
(average 28 days) between _______ and ______.
• Menstrual cycles occur on an approximately monthly basis
(average 28 days) between menarche and menopause.
What is menarche
first menstrual period
When does menarche occur?
• Occurs at age 12-13 y on average
• Part of puberty – orchestrated by increase in sex steroid
production (estrogens) by the gonads
What is menopause ?
cessation of menstruation
When does menopause occur?
• Typically occurs in early 50s
What happens when menopause
• Reduction of estradiol and progesterone due to absence of
or lack of response by follicles
• Anterior pituitary feedback no longer active ∴ FSH/LH high
Why does menopause happen
No follicles
Female Reproductive Cycle - Ovarian - what are the two phases called and how long do they last?
• Follicular (preovulatory phase): Day 1 - 14
• Luteal (postovulatory phase): Day 15 - 28
Follicular (preovulatory) phase: Day 1 - 14.
• Increased FSH from the anterior pituitary
• Stimulates follicular growth
• Growing follicles secrete estradiol and inhibin
• Reduces FSH from anterior pituitary (negative feedback)
• Growing follicles undergo atresia (as they are dependent
on FSH for servival), except dominant follicle.
• Dominant follicle secretes large amounts of estradiol
• High estradiol stimulates surge of LH (positive feedback) -
(the surge in LH is what causes ovulation to take place)
• Follicle ruptures and ovulation occurs
• Oocyte enters peritoneal space/collected into uterine
Luteal (postovulatory phase): day 15 - 28
• Ovulated follicle collapses & forms corpus luteum
• Secretes progesterone, estradiol & inhibin.
• These decrease FSH & LH secretion.
• Negative feedback on hypothalamus.
• If fertilisation and implantation do not occur, the corpus luteum involutes (luteolysis).
• Fall in progesterone & estradiol.
• Removes negative feedback on FSH and LH…. Cycle starts
Learn this yay
Menstrual (Endometrial) Cycle
- two phases and when they happen
- Menstrual and Proliferative: Day 1 - 14.
- Secretory (and premenstrual phase): Day 15 - 28.
Menstrual and Proliferative Phase
• Days 1 – 14
• Endometrium breaks down and bleeds during
menstruation (in response to the reduction on
• Estradiol stimulates endometrial growth from approx days
• Rapid tissue growth, including growth of glands and
vasculature (in response to estradiol)
Secretory Phase
• Days 15 – 28
• After ovulation (day 14) - corpus luteum secrets progesterone.
• Progesterone promotes endometrial maturation
• Glands become secretory
• Spiral arterioles grow and coil
- prepares for fert
• Corpus luteum atrophies
• Progesterone levels fall
• Spiral arteries contract
• Endometrial tissue breaks down and bleeding occurs
• Shed tissue and blood removed via cervix and vagina (menstruation / menses)
Secretory Phase and back to…… If fertilisation and implantation do not occur:
• Corpus luteum atrophies
• Progesterone levels fall
• Spiral arteries contract
• Endometrial tissue breaks down and bleeding occurs
• Shed tissue and blood removed via cervix and vagina (menstruation / menses)
• Ovarian/menstrual cycles occur between ___________ and
• A cohort of follicles begin to grow in response to signals from the ___________ and pituitary – all but one of these follicles will undergo atresia.
• Secretion of large amounts of estradiol by the ___________
follicle will cause the ___________ and subsequently ovulation
and formation of the corpus luteum.
LH surge
• The endometrium undergoes cyclic periods of growth,
maturation and breakdown in response to cyclic patterns in
___________ and ___________.