34) Breeding value: definitions, methods of estimation (BLUP, AM, gBV) Flashcards
List the definitions of breeding value
- Genetic merit
- Breeding value
Genetic merit: Types
(Absolute/theoretical value)
Individual, population
Breeding value: Types
(Relative/theoretical value)
Individual, population, general, special, aggregated
Genetic merit: Definition
- Sum of calculated averages
- According to additive + non-additive allelic effects in each loci
- An individual’s genetic merit is theoretical and remains constant
Breeding value: Definition
Deviation of:
- Individual genetic merit from
- Population genetic merit
Breeding value: General value
Only additive gene effects are considered
Breeding value: Special value
Calculation including:
- Additive gene effects
- Nonadditive gene effects
Breeding value: Aggregated value
Complex calculation:
- For more traits simultaneously
List the methods of breeding value estimation
- BV
- AM
- Breeding value
- The difference between individual and population GM
- Estimated from phenotypic performance
Goal of breeding
- Select the best animal for breeding
- Genetically superior to others
Estimated breeding value
h2 x (pi - ppop)
- h2 = Heritability estimate*
- pi = Individual phenotypic performance*
- ppop= Mean of population’s phenotypic performance*
Grades of multistage BV estimation
- Ancestral performance
- Collateral performance
- Own performance
- Progeny performance
- Best linear unbiased prediction
- A complex system of equations used in BV estimation
- General linear mixed model
General linear mixed model equation
y = Xβ + Zu + e
- y = Observation vector*
- β = Unknown vector*
- u = Non-observed random vector*
- RXZ = Known matrices describing random effects*
- Animal model
- Most developed form of the BLUP method
- When more or less pedigree information is available
- Phenotypic performance is adjusted according to degree of relationship
Model types used in BV estimations
- Additive
- Nonadditive
Additive models
- AM
- Correlation factors
- Classification models
Nonadditive models
- Dominance-epistasis
- Cytoplasmic inheritance
- Major genes
Genomic breeding value