32 Flashcards
Çok az
with a will
= with a lot of enthusiasm and energy
“She set about the workwith a will.”
His narrow eyes peer over a long, stern nose, and his resting scowl is framed by an untidy white beard, which he occasionally strokes, more in irritation than in contemplation.
Kaş çatmak
“My vineyard goes way across. See those cypress trees? I go beyond that.”
R. Scott
“In one experiment, scientists took asmall portion of developing brain tissue from a quail and put it into the samespot of a chicken embryo.”
Seeking Wisdom: From Darwin to Munger
Peter Bevelin
I thought as much
Hiç şaşırmadım
Zaten bunu bekliyordum
I need some space
Biraz yalnız kalmaya ihtiyacım var
swing by
geçerken uğramak
“We can even get a taste of their private lives: their marital tiffs, their cash-flow problems, their grief at the death of beloved children, or occasionally of their beloved slaves.”
SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome
Mary Beard
a petty quarrel
force of habit
down the drain
boşa gitti
Yarık, dar aralık
Hey, yourself
Sana da merhaba
walk up
“I walked up to Bob and handed him the note.”
= To come up to someone or something on foot. Often followed by “to” and a specific person or thing.
“The thief just walked right up and took the merchandise off the table in broad daylight.”
walk away
Çekip gitmek
“The men who were successful in the elections had the chance to recoup their outlay, legally or illegally, with some of the perks of office.”
SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome
Mary Beard
= regain (something lost or expended).
“rains have helped recoup water levels”
foregone conclusion
“That crowning success had not been an entirely foregone conclusion. For all his celebrity, Cicero faced the disadvantage of being a ‘new man’, ”
SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome
Mary Beard
= a result that can be predicted with certainty.
“the result of her trial was a foregone conclusion”
Turn in
“I usually turn in at about midnight.”
Uyumaya gitmek
Yatmaya gitmek
Your fly is down
Fermuarın açık
= romantic appeal or charm
Çekici ve karizmatik
“Ultimately, everyone has their own special sort of rizz. Maybe it’s a pick-up line (are you from Tennessee?) or the fact that they go to therapy (that’s hot)”
Here you go
Buyur al
And there you have it
İşte bu kadar
Right as rain
Turp gibi sağlam
Don’t be a dead horse
Boşa kürek çekme
Don’t get smart with me
Bilmiş bilmiş konuşma
“Cassandra’s warnings were vivid but cryptic: “Keep the bull away from the heifer! “
Doğurmamış genç inek
Has it in for someone
“That new boss has it in for me”
Birine takmak
Gıcık olmak
(Biriyle uğraşmak)
Every nook and cranny
Köşe bucak, didik didik