24 Flashcards
I owe you big time
Hakkını ödeyemem
= I am really grateful, I owe you a lot.
Don’t strain yourself
Aman zahmet etme
= to not work too hard or do too much physical activity– often used in an ironic way
the jig is up
“The jig is up: where did you hide the stolen goods?”
Foyan ortaya çıktı
= used to say that a dishonest plan or activity has been discovered and will not be allowed to continue
Wear down
“they wore down their opponents to win the marathon match that lasted more than two hours”
Israrla ikna etmek, yıpratıp razı etmek
= overcome someone or something bypersistence.
wear out
yıpratmak, eskitmek
Go get ‘em tiger
A: “I’m nervous about this interview.” B: “Don’t be silly! You’ve got plenty of experience and qualifications. Now, go get ‘em, tiger!”
Göreyim seni
= An expression of encouragement or support.
I mean it
magical thinking
“I’m often accused of magical thinking, with people saying it’s nostalgia and that I just want things to be the way they were,” he says.
But he believes it was in fact the studios that were engaged in magical thinking, illustrating his point with a reference to the HBO series Succession”
C. Nolan
= the belief that one’s ideas, thoughts, actions, words, or use of symbols can influence the course of events in the material world. Magical thinking presumes a causal link between one’s inner, personal experience and the external physical world.
““This is such a key moment now for labour,” he says. “[The studios and tech companies] were using streaming as a loophole to essentially not pay residuals and not pay the true cost of production . . . And now they’re going to have to. It’s essential.”
C. Nolan
Açık kapı
Yasal boşluk
Gözetleme deliği
especially:anambiguityoromissionin thetextthroughwhichtheintentof astatute,contract, orobligationmay beevaded
2a:asmallopeningthroughwhichsmallarmsmay befired
b:asimilaropeningtoadmitlightand air or topermitobservation
Don’t sell yourself short
Kendine haksızlık etme
Kendini küçümseme
Short and sweet
Kısa ve öz
be a sucker for sth/sb
“I’m a total sucker for seafood.”
bayılmak, düşkün olmak
= to like someone or something very much, especially so that you cannotrefusethem
I call dibs
Önce ben
Birinci benim
play it by ear
“We can’t make a decision yet. Let’s just play it by ear.”
Duruma göre hareket edelim
= proceed instinctively according to results and circumstances rather than according to rules or a plan.
= to decide how to deal with a situation as it develops, rather than acting according to plans made earlier:
That’s a bummer!
. Someone peed on ya rug man, that’s a bummer ! (The Big Lebowsky,1998)
Tüh ya
- A word describing the misfortune of something or someone.
- A situation in which nodesireableresult can occurq
{s} vaktinde gerekli tedbirleri almayı bilen, tedbirli
Tutumlu, ihtiyatlı
= With care and consideration for the future
= anticipating and making ready for future wants or emergencies
2:making provision for the future: PRUDENT
Get off my case!
Kendi işine bak!
= to stop criticizing someone or telling someone what to do.
: REPRIMAND— often used without
“reams out his players so severely”
= scold
Stand a chance
Şansı olmak
by all accounts
“by all accounts he is a pretty nice guy”
Söylentilere göre
Denilene göre
= according to what one has heard or read.
“by all accounts he is a pretty nice guy”
Don’t tempt me
Damarıma basma
come down to something
= If a situation or decision comes down to something, that is the thing that influences it most:
“What it all comes down to is your incredible insecurity.”
“It all comes down to money in the end.”
[+ question word]Eventuallyourchoiceofhotelwill come down to how much we canafford.
= the act of entering something:
“There had been an ingress of water into the site.”
“they’d egress the area by heading south-west”
go out of or leave (a place).
“they’d egress the area by heading south-west”
And so
Therefore (informal)
take the high road
“US diplomats say the president is likely to take the high road in his statements about trade.”
Doğru olanı yapmak
= to follow the course of action which is the most moral or most correct and which is least likely to harm or upset other people.
Poor taste or not impressive
tatlı patates
harikulade, baş döndürücü, göz kamaştırıcı, zekâ kokan, parıltılı.
: brilliantly lively, stimulating, or witty
//a scintillating conversation