07 Flashcards
(bağlaç): dikkate alındığında.
“Ebenezer Scrooge was a stereotypical miser, he spent nothing he could save; neither giving to charity nor enjoying his wealth.”
“The miser generally longs to gorge on other people’s food and drink.”
“PEN Germany quickly put out a press release to the effect that deranged twenty-first-century politicians shouldn’t be conflated with great writers who happened to be from the same country. The header read “The enemy is Putin, not Pushkin.””
1a : to bring together : BLEND
//Even more often, outsiders conflate the couple, and credit them with each other’s characteristics.
— Alison Lurie
//Given its name, St. Thomas in Houston has on occasion been conflated with St. Thomas in Minnesota …
— David Barron
2 : to combine (things, such as two versions of a text) into a composite whole
“An archaeological dig that began last summer for the start of the Appian Way has been stymied by ground water.”
Engellemek, taş koymak
= to present an obstacle to : stand in the way of
//stymied by red tape
A highlight at this year’s @sxsw, Matthew Puccini’s short film DIRTY—now playing on @criterionchannl—depicts a moment of sexual intimacy between two young men with a candor that’s still rare in American independent cinema.
=unreserved,honest, or sincere expression: FORTHRIGHTNESS
//the candor with which he acknowledged a weakness in his own case — AldousHuxley
hold sway
“The deportation system held sway over immigrant communities long before Trump became president, but under his direction it has become even more far-reaching, arbitrary, and cruel.”
= Bir şey üzerinde güç ve etki sahibi olmak
“Fundamentalist beliefs hold sway over whole districts, ensuring the popularity of religious leaders.”
hold sway over = üzerinde etkili olmak
Re-reading Wuthering Heights is a great reminder that 150 years ago, if you, say, sprained an ankle at a neighbor’s house, you just lived there for five weeks until it healed.
Burkmak, burkulmak
:to injure by a sudden or severe twist
= wrench or twist theligamentsof (an ankle, wrist, or other joint)violentlyso as to cause pain andswellingbut notdislocation.
“Let us mention a small selection of some other egregious errors in the book, which K-S find so commendable in terms of not compromising “from historical and philological scrutiny” (K-S), even invoking Erich Auerbach in their support.”
Romancing “American Selim” - K24
1.fevkalade kötü
2.{s} fevkalade kötü, korkunç:
” an egregious mistake= korkunç bir yanlış”
:conspicuously bad: FLAGRANT
“egregious errors”
availed itself
“In 1917, in Buchanan v. Warley, the Supreme Court availed itself of the Fourteenth Amendment not to guarantee equal protection for blacks but to guarantee what the court had come to understand as the “liberty of contract”—the liberty of businesses to discriminate.16”
ByThese Truths
1.avail oneself of: değerlendirmek
2.avail oneself of: -den faydalanmak
3.avail oneself of an offer: (Politika, Siyaset) bir tekliften yararlanmak
4.avail oneself of: den yararlan(mak)
to make use of something:
“Employees should avail themselves of the opportunity to buy cheap shares in the company.”
fitilli kadife pantolon. (isim) fitilli kadife pantolon.
you got it
: used to say that you will quickly do what someone has asked you to do:
“Would you get me a coffee?” “Sure, you got it!”
Haddini bilmez
:not genuine: COUNTERFEIT, SHAM
Düzmece, sahte, taklit
//a bogus claim
//The evidence was completely bogus.
I’m on it
Ben hallediyorum
i} ip (hayvan)
(fiil) bağlamak (hayvan)
{i} hayvanın sınırlı bir alan içinde serbestçe hareket etmesini sağlayan ip
grain of salt
= A bit of common sense and skepticism. Generally used in some form of to take with a grain of salt
“I’d take anything I read in that paper with a grain of salt.”
To stoop to someone’s level
Seviyesine düşmek (?)
:to behave as badly as someone who has treated one wrongly.
” Despite my opponent’s personal attacks against me, I refuse to stoop to his level.”
“Psychopaths are as logical as you and me – in fact, they outsmart us all the time, hence their everyday depiction as connivers and con artists.”
= gizlice işbirliği yapmak
= {f} with ile dolap/entrika çevirmek. We connived together in the plot. Komployu birlikte
= {f} at -i görmezlikten gelmek, -e göz yummak
Conniver (n.)
“I end nearly every interview with the question, “What do you like most about your writing?” Writers often equivocate and dance around the question, afraid to admit they think well of themselves and their work. With Ms. Morrison, there was no hesitation or equivocation. She said she appreciated her ability to “say more and write less,” and her “desire to give the reader space.””
Opinion | The Legacy of Toni Morrison
{f} kaçamaklı konuşmak; ne evet ne de hayır demek
= use ambiguous language so as to conceal the truth or avoid committing oneself.
“the government have equivocated too often in the past”
Insouciance (n.)
“One need only step back from the story to see that insouciant roughnecks like these were not being phased out in 1969; it’s more that, fifty years later, they have become anachronisms replaced by the CGI cyborgs of Hollywood’s comic-book movies”
Once Upon a Time in Tarantino’s Hollywood
:lighthearted unconcern:NONCHALANCE
insouciant(adj.) =Carefree, nonchalant, indifferent; casually unconcerned
“psychopaths are selfish, glib and irresponsible.”
You have more in common with a psychopath than you realise – Heidi Maibom | Aeon Essays
: {s} kolaya kaçan ve içtenliksiz (cevap/söz)
: içten olmasa da kolayca söylenen
= (of words or a speaker) fluent but insincere and shallow.
“the glib phrases soon roll off the tongue”
Look before you leap
Yapmadan önce iyice düşün!
You have a company
Misafirin var
What’s new?
Ne var ne yok?
You’re mistaken
Point taken
Mesaj anlaşıldı
I would if I could
Yapabilseydim yapardım
Olsa dükkan senin
Count your blessings.
Yat kalk haline şükret
Buy someone off
Birisini satın almak
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