20 Flashcards
Hamur yoğurmak
Check out
Look at it
My legs are asleep
Ayağım uyuştu
Nothing fancy
Ahım şahım (abartılacak) bir şey yok
= something is simple or basic, and not overly elaborate or ornate.
You are grounded
Whatever will be, will be
Her şey olacağına varır
I know, right?
Bilmem mi, tabi, aynen
Be the bigger man
Büyüklük sende kalsın
What’s the occasion?
Eat your heart out
Çatla da patla
There is nothing to it
Bunda bir şey yok, çok kolay
Two heads are better than one
Bir elin nesi var, iki elin sesi var
On pins and needles
Diken üstünde
Go, fly a kite!
Git başımdan, defol!
I can’t wrap my head around it
Aklım almıyor
Don’t jinx it
Nazar etme
Once bitten, twice a shine
Sütten ağzı yanan yoğurdu üfleyerek yer
Come off it
Hadi ordan
Every now and then
“He comes to visit us every now and then.”
Arada sırada
Bear with me
Bana sabır gösterin
Super duper
= Excellent or awesome. Usually hyphenated and used before a noun.
“Tommy got a super-duper new video game console for Christmas.”
A: “How was the water park, Billy?” B: “Oh gee, Mom, it was super duper!”
= (adverb) Extremely; very much or to a great degree.
“We’re all super duper excited to meet your new girlfriend!”
“It was super duper hot in Spain, so we stayed on the beach most of the time.”
Handy dandy
Kullanışlı elverişli
Check back
Ask again
Check with
Ask for permission
= To verify something with someone; to ask for permission before doing something.
- To consult or confer with someone about something.
“I’m the lead person on this campaign, so please check with me before making any big decisions.Check with Harold if you have any questions about this case.”
- To match or agree with something.Run this test again and see
” if the results check with the ones from yesterday.”
Fırıl fırıl döndürmek
girdap yaparak dönmek
helezonlaşarak dönmek
ill gotten
yasadışı kazanılmış
Yanlışlıkla arma
Popomla aramışım
Not even close
Alakası yok