14 Flashcards
get the hell out of dodge
To leave somewhere immediately, to evacuate or scram
“Get the hell out of Dodge” is a reference to Dodge City, Kansas, which was a favorite location for westerns in the early to mid 20th century. Most memorably, the phrase was made famous by the TV show “Gunsmoke,” in which villians were often commanded to “get the hell out of Dodge.” The phrase took on its current meaning in the 1960s and 70s when teenagers began to use it in its current form.
Awesome.We’re done here, soletsget the hell out of dodge
Bebek arabası
Bebek önlüğü
fiyat teklifi vermek
shine out
“His masterpiece the Ethics (1677) shines out even amongst the philosophical works of his most original contemporaries—Descartes and Leibniz, for example—as a metaphysical and ethical vision unconstrained by the demands of doctrinal orthodoxy.”
Spinoza’s Religion
Clare Carlisle
Parlamak, belli olmak
Neşe saçmak
= If a quality shines out, it is strong and easy to see:
“Her honesty and sincerity positively shine out.”
Will do
The men ransacked the upper floors of the bungalow. “Where’s the money?” one demanded, briefly removing Michael’s gag.
Ağız tıkacı
dim bulb
With the aura of a cult leader, Nayeri schemed for a payday with dim-bulb high school pals in a bungled plot that left an innocent man mutilated for life.
a stupid person.
“either she’s a dim bulb or she doesn’t respect my feelings
She’d jotted down the license plate of the trio’s white pickup — CA 37063C1 — and the words “big dent,” noting damage on a front fender. Law enforcement were speechless.
(Araba) Çamurluğu
Pull ahead
Avantaj kazanmak
Öne geçmek
Aşırı tutumluluk
:the quality of being careful with money or resources : THRIFT// the necessity of wartime parsimony
b: the quality or state of being stingy//
“The charity was surprised by the parsimony of some larger corporations.”
One after another
Ard arda
Peşi sıra
= one after the other
Öndeki aracı yakın takip etmek
Cave in
Uzun ve yoğun bir baskı sonucunda pes etmek
sink in
What it means for something to ‘sink in’ emotionally
akıllarda yeretmek
nüfuz etmek
içine işlemek
= Become clear in one’s mind
“He knows he’s been naughty, but it will take a while for it to sink in.”
= pass through; “Water permeates sand easily”
get hold of oneself
“Get a hold of yourself and tell me what happened.”
: to get control of ones’ thoughts and emotions and stop behaving in a foolish or uncontrolled way.
Bankanın yaptığı kesinti
“Apple has long built in protections against surreptitious use of AirTags. After numerous cases where stalkers abused the technology to track women”
Gizlice yapılan
Clancy was arraigned on murder and assault charges from her Boston hospital bed on February 7th.
: to call (a defendant) before a court to answer to an indictment : CHARGE
“He chose the methodology of death that he did, a painful solution to atone for his sins of omission,” says Frank Casey, a financial investor who worked with Villehuchet.
= a failure to fulfil a moral or legal obligation.
“to pay compensation for a wrongful act or omission”
on steroids
“One of the reasons the Ponzi continued and got ramped up on steroids is his legitimate business was starting to fail, and so he used that Ponzi money to shore up his legitimate business, because he wanted to be Mr Wall Street. Ego and a sense of belonging to the big club of rich fellas that run the world. It was less about greed and more about status and position.”
= (Slang.) much larger, stronger, or more extreme than is normal or expected:
Yosemite is nature on steroids.
He’s so lovable, he’s like Santa Claus on steroids.
talk into
Madoff repeatedly suggested to Fishman that he was not entirely to blame for the fraud. “I just allowed myself to be talked into something and that’s my fault,” he said, without making it clear who talked him into it. “I thought I could extricate myself after a period of time. I thought it would be a very short period of time, but I just couldn’t.”
: to get (someone) to do something by talking about the good reasons for doing it
: to convince or persuade (someone) to do something.
“The salesman talked us into buying the car”
on the prowl
Stranger on the Prowl (1952)
Av peşinde
= hunting or seeking
“The cat was always on the prowl for bit of string or a dangling shoelace.”
= lying in ambush, lurking, on the look-out
- slang Looking for a sexual partner.
This bar is a favorite destination of young men and women out on the prowl. - slang Actively looking for someone or something. Usually followed by “for.”
I’ve been on the prowl for a new television that I can get for a good price.
Tunisia’s Kais Saied Balks at IMF Bailout
= to refuse abruptly — used with at
// Congress balked at putting up the money
That’s steep
Road rage
Trafik asabiyeti
While you are at it
Hazır elin değmişken,
Hazır ordayken
Tattle (on me)
“I know you think you’re trying to do the right thing, but you’re going to have a hard time making friends if you tattle on your classmates for every little thing they do wrong.”
= Especially of children, to inform an authority figure of one’s bad behavior.
“I can’t believe you tattled on me like that to mom and dad—I’m never telling you anything ever again!’
//A long driveway led to the mansion.
Evlerin kapalı garajına doğru giden kısa yol
:aprivateroadgivingaccessfromapublicway to abuildingonabuttinggrounds
Adriveway(also calleddrivein UK English)is a type ofprivate roadfor local access to one or a small group of structures, and is owned and maintained by an individual or group.