05 Flashcards
You can’t take it with you
Kefenin cebi yok
Dünya malı dünyada kalır
I wasn’t hitting on you
Sana asılmıyordum
Play it cool
Sakin ol
Soğukkanlığını koru
Be down in the dumps
“I knew you were down in the dumps. So I brought you sth to cheer you up”
Canının sıkkın olması
“But because science supposedly gives clear answers about everything from how to open schools in a pandemic to who will be elected president, we tend to rush to embrace it as a panacea.”
: a remedy for all ills or difficulties: CURE-ALL
“The law will improve the lives of local farmers , but it is no panacea.”
gear towards
“What was cemented in place this week is a new GOP. They’re nationalist, culturally conservative, geared toward the losers of capitalism as well as its winners, and mildly protectionist and isolationist”
- Adopt something to make it suitable for someone or something
- Organise or arrange something for a particular purpose, audience, et
Take your pick
Birini seç
İstediğini al
What’s in it for me?
Bu işten benim çıkarım ne olacak?
Time will tell
Zaman gösterir
Tomorrow is another day
Gün doğmadan neler doğar
Don’t sweat it
Kafanı yorma
If I do say so myself
Övünmek gibi olmasın ama
If you can’t beat them, join them.
Bükemediğin eli öpeceksin
= if you are unable to outdo rivals in some endeavour, you might as well cooperate with them and thereby possibly gain an advantage.
Cope with
“It’s the only way I can cope with the stress of the job”
Başa çıkmak
Üstesinden gelmek
” we cope with the press every single day”
“Meeting the growing food demands of the global population –projectedto reach ten billion by 2050 – amid accelerating climate change presents an unprecedented high-wire act that requires human ingenuity, good governance, and technology.”
: involving great risk
“a financial high-wire act”
“high-wire prose”
take a page from
“Farmers have taken a page from ride-sharing apps like Uber, using GPS tracking devices and fleet-management software that allows small producers to share assets required for agricultural mechanization.”
= to do the same thing that someone else has done.
” You may want to borrow/take a page from her and study harder for your finals.”
“so that it is possible not to experience anger, practices that can extirpate anger, cleanse the soul of tendencies to anger.”
How to Live a Good Life by Massimo Pigliucci
Kökünü kazımak
: to destroy completely : WIPE OUT
: to pull up by the root
“The aim of ethics is to do good, to reduce pain and suffering (dukkha), and, if possible, to bring happiness in its stead.”
How to Live a Good Life by Massimo Pigliucci
“Başkan gelmedi ama, yerine başkan yardımcısını gönderdi. - The president did not come, but sent the vice-president in his stead.”
“Some hospitals are going as far as suing their patients, garnishing their wages and putting liens on their homes over unpaid bills”
Fair enough
Gayet makul
Ring a bell
Bir sey çağrıştırmak
Yabancı gelmemek
Let bygones be bygones
Geçmişi unutalım
Eski defterleri kapatalım
Drop in on
“Sorry to drop in on you like this, Miss Lane”
Ziyaret etmek
Drop off
“She wanted drop off your staff”
Arabayla bırakmak
Birini ya da bir şeyi bırakmak
“Can you drop me off on the way? = Beni yol üstünde bırakır mısın?”
“She wanted drop off your staff”
Fall for
” I guess nobody’s dumb enough to fall for that twice”
Fall for somebody = abayı yakmak, aşık olmak
Muadil (yasal)
Knock-off = çakma (yasal değil)
Another one bites the dust
Make do
İdare etmek