13 Flashcards
Double down
“Iran Doubles Down on Arms for Russia - Despite fresh salvos of Western sanctions, Tehran and Moscow are buddying up on defense ties.”
1.Bahsi iki katına çıkarmak
2.bir şeyi iki kat artırmak
I slept funny
Rahatsız, garip bir pozisyonda uyudum
(may) come in handy
İşine yarayabilir
turn out to be useful.
“the sort of junk that might come in handy one day”
dot the i’s and cross the t’s
“The negotiations are nearly finished, but we still have to dot the i’s and cross the t’s.”
Her bir ayrıntıya büyük önem vermek
= they pay great attention to every small detail in a task; often used to express your annoyance because such detailed work seems unnecessary and takes a very long time
= to paycarefulattentionto all thedetailswhen you arefinishingsomething
Let sleeping dogs lie
İşi oluruna bırakmak
= said to warn someone that they should not talk about a bad situation that most people have forgotten about
Stay sharp
Tetikte, uyanık ol
I stand corrected
Yanıldığımı kabul ediyorum
What’s with you?
Neyin var senin?
We’ve got company
(Beklenmedik) ziyaretçimiz var
Who am I kidding?
Kimi kandırıyorum?
“He gets crabby if he doesn’t have his morning coffee.”
Uyuz, huysuz, sinirli
= easily irritated: peevish and irritable: GROUCHY
Fawn over someone
“I hate waiters who fawn over you. “
Birine yalakalık yapmak, yaltaklanmak, yılışmak
= to praise someone too much and give them a lot of attention that is not sincere, in order to get a positive reaction:
Praising insincerely or too eagerly.
spill the tea
Girl, did you knowReneeis having ANOTHER baby? And thebabbydaddy is the same guy who she found out has beencheatingon her!”
“OMG, spill the tea on that drama!!!!”
= To share or reveal gossip. “Tea” is a slang term for gossip.
“OK, what happened at Blair’s party last night? Spill the tea!”
= when one tells an especially juicy bit of gossip
read the tea leaves
“Everyone says things are going great for our company, but if you read the tea leaves you’ll see trouble ahead.”
= Predict the future from small signs
This comes from the practice of fortune-telling by examining the patterns of tea leaves in the bottom of a cup.
= to use signs or signals to predict something that’s going to happen in the near future. It all started with the fortune telling community. Fortune tellers would use actual tea leave patterns at the bottom of a cup when the tea was gone to try and predict the future.
Girdap, anafor
Bite the bullet
Göğüs germek, katlanmak, dişini sıkmak
Giyim eşyası, esvap
well advised
Progressives would be well advised to steer clear of the losing battle over hurt feelings and focus on promoting their economic and political agendas.
Ian Bruma
sensible; wise.
“you would be well advised to obtain legal advice”
We have a openning
Boş bir kadromuz var
Openning = boşalan yer, kadro açığı
“You can cry, ain’t no shame in it”
There is not
Ağlayabilirsin, bunda utanacak bir şey yok
When are you due?
Doğum ne zaman
It’s no picnic
“Bring up six children is no picnic”
Hiç kolay iş değil
You’re a peach
Sen bir tanesin
Çok yardımcı olmak,
Müthiş olmak
You went behind my back
Arkamdan iş çevirdin
“System 2 needs time and labor to process new information—and as a result, it uses more brain energy and can be tiring or draining. That flustered and fatigued feeling you might get while studying or reading a book isn’t because you can’t understand it or are bored; it’s an actual biological imperative.”
Excerpt From
Mental Models
Peter Hollins
make (someone) agitated or confused.
“there’s nothing you can do or say to fluster Bernie”
be all about (someone, something, or oneself)
“Seeing and thinking clearly is not something we instinctually do. Humans are all about survival, pleasure, avoiding pain, food, sex, and sleep.”
Mental Models
Peter Hollins
- To be focused on someone or something as the subject or topic.
“This documentary is all about the fashion industry.”
“I think the book is really all about the ways that we deceive ourselves.” - To be completely preoccupied with oneself.
“She’s all about herself these days, so I doubt she even heard a word you said.” - To be passionate about or very much in favor of someone or something.
“Yes I’d like one! I’m all about getting free stuff!”
“I never liked them as a group, but I’m all about their solo projects.”
Why are going through my stuff
Go through one’s stuff
Neden eşyalarımı karıştırıyorsun?
“Did you go through my phone?”
İç içe geçmek
Badi badi yürümek
paytak paytak yürüyüş
Sallayarak yürümek
Boş boş dolaşmak