3. Permanent, long-term and short-term acting factors on the biological variation of the results – examples Flashcards
What Kind of Factors are the Biological Factors Influencing Laboratory Results?
- Permanent Factors
- Long-Term Factors
- Short-Term Factors
1| What are the Permanent Factors?
a. Age
b. Sex
c. Race
1a| What does Age Influence?
ALL Clinical-Chemical Parameters
1a| What are the Divisions of the Age Periods?
Foetal TO Extrauterine Life = In Newborn
Growth + Maturation = In Puberty
End of Reproductive Period = In Women
Period of Involution + Old Age = In Elderly
1b| What does Sex Influence?
Serum Levels of Hormones
N.O of RBCs
N.O of Leucocytes, in Urine
Level of Cholesterol
Levels of LAT, ASAT, GGT, CPK, Creatinine + Uric Acid
1b| Which Sex has HIGHER Levels of Leucocytes in Urine?
Women have HIGHER Levels
1b| Which Sex has LOWER Levels of Cholesterol?
Women, in Reproductive Period
1b| Which Sex has LOWER Levels of LAT, ASAT, GGT, CPK, Creatinine + Uric Acid?
1c| What Contributes to Different Races?
and How?
Genetic Factors
Leading to Variety in Body mass + Constitution
Along with Religion, Social-Economical Status, Diet
2| What are the Long-Term Factors?
a. Weight + Muscle Mass
b. Lifestyle
c. Pregnancy
d. Diet
e. Environmental Factors = Climate + Seasons
2a| What does Weight and Muscle Mass Correlate with?
POSITIVE +ve Correlation
With Serum Concentrations
- Uric Acid
- Cholesterol + TAGs
- Creatinine
- Total Protein
- Postprandial Glucose
- Insulin
2b| When does Lifestyle have a HIGHER Influence?
In Developing Countries
Irrational Feeding + Malnutrition; Frequency of Infections + Parasitic Diseases
Are in CLOSE Relation with Social-Economical Status
2c| What Levels does Pregnancy INCREASE?
ELEVATED Alkaline Phosphatase
INCREASED N.O of Leucocytes, Cholesterol, TAGs + a-1-Fetoprotein
2c| What Levels does Pregnancy DECREASE?
DECREASED Haematocrit
DECREASED Ca2+, Total Protein, Mg2+, Fe2+
2c| What Other Serum Levels are Changed, Due to Pregnancy?
2d| What does Diet Influence?
As Long-Term Factor = Vegetarian
As Short-Term Factor = Eating before the Investigation
2d| What Levels does Diet INCREASE?
Glucose = After Eating
Triglycerides = Fatty Foods
Transferin, GGT , ASAT , ALAT + MCV = Chronic Alcoholism
GGT + ALAT = Consuming Alcohol one time
СЕА + CO-haemoglobin + ( Cholesterol + ANA)
= Tobacco Smokers
2d| What Other Serum Levels are Changed, Due to Diet?
Urea + Uric Acid = From Protein
2e| What does the Environment Influence?
Coagulation Factors
N.O of RBCs
3| What are the Short-Term Factors?
Circadian Variations = Day / Night
Physical Activity
Improper Fasting
Position of the Body
Venous Stasis
3| What Levels does Physical Inactivity DECREASE?
DECREASED Blood Volume
3| What Levels does Physical Inactivity INCREASE?
ELEVATED Excretion in Urine, of
- Calcium
- Phosphorous
- Sodium
- Chloride
3| What Levels does Stress INCREASE?
3| What Else is Influenced, Due to Stress?
Parameters of Acid-Alkaline Balance
DUE to Hyperventilation
Which are the biological factors with permanent activity of the variation of the results:
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When in healthy individuals there is a higher activity of MM-CK:
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Physical Activity
İn what cases in healthy individuals the activity of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is over 1000 U/I:
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