29. Selection of clinical laboratory tests in renal diseases Flashcards
What are the Blood and Urine Tests for Renal Diseases?
- Creatinine Clearance
- pH of Urine
- Urine Protein
- Glomerular Filtration Rate
- Blood Urea Test
1| What is the Reference Range for Creatinine Clearance?
1.33 - 3 ml / s
1| What Causes HIGH Creatinine Clearance?
Strenuous Exercise
Muscle Injury = Crushing Injuries
Carbon Monoxide
2| What Causes LOW Creatinine Clearance?
Kidney Damage from:
- Life-Threatening Infection
- Shock
- Cancer
- LOW Blood Flow to Kidneys
- ## Urinary Tract BlockageHeart Failure
Liver Cirrhosis
2| What is the Purpose of Measuring the pH of Urine?
For Urinary Tract Infections
Control of Nephrolithiasis Treatment
2| How is pH of Urine Measured?
Spontaneous Urine Portion
At Least 6x for 24hr
2| What does a HIGH pH Level Indicate (Alkaline)?
Urinary Tract Infection
MORE than 7 - 8
2| What does a LOW pH Level Indicate (Acidic)?
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Cardiac Failure
Renal Tuberculosis
LESS than 5
3| What is the Reference Range of Urine Protein?
UP-TO 150 mg / 24hr
3| What does a Range of MORE than 1g / 24 Hr Indicate?
Parenchymal Renal Disease
4| What is Measured in the Glomerular Filtration Rate?
Blood Creatinine Test
4| What is the Glomerular Filtration Rate?
Amount of Blood Filtered by Glomeruli
PER Minute
4| What causes a DECREASED GFR?
Kidney Function Failure
DUE to Damage / Disease
Waste Products ACCUMULATE in Blood
5| What is the Indication of Blood Urea Test?
Patients on Haemodialysis
Patients with Acute / Chronic Renal Failure
Control of Food Intake in Patients with CRF
5| What is the Urea Serum Level in MALE?
3.2 - 8.2 mmol / L
5| What is the Urea Serum Level in FEMALE?
2.6 - 7.2 mmol / L
5| What is the Cause of a HIGH Urea Level?
Kidney Injury / Disease = FROM Diabetes
5| What Conditions are Associated with HIGH Urea Levels?
5| What is the Value of Uraemia?
ABOVE 50 mmol / L