29 - SOP's Flashcards
What is the total out of pocket amount that can be submitted for petty cash reimbursement?
What is the stand time sequence for apparatus bay doors closed with a pull chain?
2 minites and 30 seconds to 3 minutes
Section D of the vehicle log book contains what information?
Specific information for the vehicle
For vehicles with medication compartments sequered by key locks, where can the spare medication key be found?
Secured in the key box at the fire station
Once a determination is made that a post incident analysis is to be completed, what form is to be filled out by the unit officer?
After DPSC’s announcement for an evacuation of an unsafe structure, DPSC shall immediately activate the evacuation signal for how many seconds?
15 seconds
Who should be notified immediately when an injury or illness is reported?
BC, UFO and Safety Officer
Who should be notified of any fire alarm impairments prior to leaving a scene?
Fire Inspections Section
Where is the personal injury kit located in the vehicle log book?
Section F
How many complete sets of heavy and cable chains should each vehicle have?
How many feet of 4” supply hose should all engines carry?
1,000 Feet minimum
What is the minimum number of horizontal and vertical reserve vehicle identification placards for each vehicle?
8 horizontal and 4 vertical
How many seconds should apparatus operators sound the air horn for while the emergency evacuation signal is being transmitted?
15 seconds
How often does fire IT update the ipads?
Twice annually
A maximum of how many days are permitted to resolve an issue with an employee’s drivers license change?
15 calander days
Which of these is not something a driver should do while backing a vehicle?
Use the vehicles back-up camera
When backing a vehicle, where should the backer be positioned?
Left rear of the vehicle
When backing a vehicle, where should the first spotter be located?
O.I.C side front and rear
What FRD form must be filled out by the driver if an accident occures?
While hose testing, with pressures over 100 psi, how far should personnel stay away from the hose?
15 feet
Who is responsible for apparatus placement to avoid backup situations?
the driver and the officer
Where shall the backer be located when commencing backup procedures?
left rear corner of the vehicle
Personnel responding priority 1 in a piece of apparatus shall use “due regard” and not exceed the posted speed limit by:
15 mph
Personnel responding priority 1 in a piece of apparatus on a limited access highway shall use “due regard” and not exceed the maximum speed limit of:
80 mph
While approaching a red traffic signal or stop light, personnel responding priority 1 in a piece of apparatus shall:
reduce speed to 5 mph then proceed through the intersection
The maximum speed through any traffic controlled intersection with a green light is:
the posted speed limit
What is the maximum speed at which a piece of apparatus responding priority 1 can travel through right of way intersection?
30 mph
An inspection and inventory of all snow chains shall be completed by:
To order necessary materials, and verify their compliance using the “Snow Chain Query” application by: April 30th
What are the primary snow chains for heavy apparatus?
automatic snow chains
What is the maximum speed limit while using snow chains?
30 mph
Automatic chains are can be used in snow accumulations up to:
6 inches
What snow chains should be used on heavy apparatus when snow accumulations are more than 6 inches?
heavy chains
Slide in mount pumps shall be drained when temperatures are predicted to be below:
32 degrees
Mid-ship mounted pumps shall be drained when temperatures are predicted to be below:
20 degrees
What is the minimum amount of 3 inch hose carried on all Fairfax County Engine companies?
300 feet
What is the minimum amount of 21/2 inch hose carried on all Fairfax County Engine companies?
300 feet
What is the minimum amount of 1.88 inch hose carried on all Fairfax County Engine companies?
1150 feet
How many Akron assault nozzles with a 15/16 inch tip are carried on all Fairfax County Engine companies?
What is the numeric assigned to designate 1.88 inch hose in the hose numbering system?
What size mercury vacuum is used to test hard sleeve hose?
22 inch
When possible, how should a vehicle be positioned?
To avoid situations that require close quarter moving
Where is the standard position for a backer?
On the driver side in a continuous line of sight with the left side mirror
When does the driver identify the location of their spotter?
When only one spotter is available
If there is no backer available, what procedure shall the DPO complete?
Walk around the vehicle, turn on four-way flashers, emergency warning lights, and tap horn as a warning before backing
If a driver must visualize something else other than the backer, what shall they do?
Stop the vehicle fully while completing the action, then regain visual contact with the backer prror to any further motion
The safe arrival of personnel and apparatus to the incident scene is the FRD’s main priority. Therefore, personnel responding to incidents must what?
be seat belted
On a limited access highway, what is the maximum speed a vehicle may respond?
No more than 15 mph above the posted speed limit
What apparatus shall reduce their speed to 5 mph prior to proceeding through an intersection?
All apparatus
The maximum speed through any traffic controlled intersection in which the vehicle has the right of way is what?
The posted speed limit, no more than 30 mph
A vehicle that is responding Priority 1 and encounters an unguarded railroad grade crossing shall what?
Come to a complete stop
Apparatus found defective or damaged rendering it unsafe to operate need to be removed from servive in what time frame?
Providers may remove their seatbelts when what type of patient care is required?
What personal safety device cannot safely be donned while an apparatus is in motion?
Whenever a driver is out of the driver’s seat, which of the following is not necessary?
Four way flashers
Which of the following is not required when working in or near moving traffic?
Surgical mask or N95
Annual inspection of cable, heavy, and automatic snow chains is done in which month?
How many sets of chains must be available for each vehicle in a station?
4 total
Two cable chains
Two heavy snow chains
Do not exceed speeds of what when any chains are being used?
30 mph
Automatic tire chaines are designed to work on what?
Ice, packed snow, and up to six inches of snow
Engines shall carry a minimum of how many feet of 4-Inch hose?
An employee placed either in front or to the right rear of a vehicle who assists the driver with backing the vehicle is known as a:
A backer should be positioned where in relation to the vehicle?
Left rear
Which statement is most correct?
When backing, the driver shall maintain visual contact with a backer and refrain from glancing back and forth between mirrors, the back-up camera, or any combination of the above.
In the event a backer is unavailable, what is the procedure to back a vehicle?
Perform a vehicle walk-around, turn on four-way flashers, emergency warning lights, and tap the horn as a warning before backing.
The maximum speed of any vehicle during an emergency response shall not:
Exceed 15 MPH over the posted speed limit
The maximum speed of any vehicle during an emergency response on a limited access highway shall not exceed:
80 MPH
Who is responsible for determining the response priority of all incoming apparatus?
Incident Commander
Who has the responsibility to provide safe equipment, tools, and apparatus to perform the various services within the FRD mission?
Apparatus, equipment, and protective clothing shall be inspected how often?
Who is responsible for ensuring that employees are seated and seatbelted before the vehicle is placed in motion?
The driver/operator
During what month shall the chain inventory and inspection be completed?
What is the minimum inventory of snow chains each station shall maintain?
Two sets of cable chains and two sets of heavy chains for each vehicle
The maximum speed for any vehicle when chains are being used is:
30 MPH
At what temperature shall the pump, all the intakes and discharges, booster reels, deck guns, elbows, blind caps, and water pressure gauges be drained?
20 Degrees Fahrenheit
What fire hose shall be disconnected when the pump is required to be drained?
All pre-connected fire hose, including crosslays, front intake, side intake, front bumper line, and rear pre-connects
What is the minimum amount of 3 inch hose that shall be carried by an engine company?
300 feet
What is the minimum amount of 1.88” fire hose that is required to be carried by a tanker?
200 feet
Electronically controlled master streams on engines shall have what tip attached?
Fog nozzle
When marking fire hose, what do the first two digits designate?
The station number
Booster hose shall be service tested to what pressure?
220 PSI
What is the FRD SOP for backing procedures?
A driver shall use at minimum how many backers when backing large vehicles?
If additional spotters are available where shall they be placed?
Drivers discretion
Who is responsbile for making the driver aware of obstructions to include both sides, above, and below the vehicle?
Backer and spotter
What window should you roll down when backing?
What is the maximum speed of any vehicle governed by?
Due regard
The maximum speed shall not exceed how many miles per hour over the posted speed limit?
15 mph
What is the maximum speed limit on a limited access highway?
80 mph
What is the maximum speed limit through any traffic controlled intersection in which the vehicle has the right of way?
30 mph
What shall a vehicle do when it encounters an unguarded railroad crossing and is responding Priority 1
Come to a complete stop
In the event that several pieces of apparatus are dispatched to an incident, who is responsible for determing the response priority of all incoming apparatus?
Incident Commander
Who is responsible for providing safe equipment, tools, and apparatus to perform the various services within the FRD’s mission?
Employees are responsible for their own personal safety, however who is ultimately responsible for the safety of those assigned to them?
When may authorized alternative footwear be worn?
Physical fitness training, boat activities
When is it appropriate for emergency medical providers to remove their seatbelt?
Urgent patient care operations
When are wheel chocks not necessary?
When apparatus is parked, engine off inside an FRD facility
When shall each work location complete an inspection and inventory of all cable, heavy and automatic snow chains?
When shall the Fire Station Leadership Team complete their respective inventories, and order any necessary materials by?
Manufactures specifications indicate that automatic snow chains work effectively in what depth of snow?
6 inches
You shall not exceed what speed while chains are being used?
30 mph
An employee at the left rear of a backing vehicle who assists the driver with backing a vehicle is known as what?
Where should a spotter position?
either in front or to the right rear of a vehicle
What must be maintained between driver and backer?
continuous line of sight with left side mirror
What must happen if a driver needs to visualize something other than the backer?
come to a complete stop
What must the driver do prior to backing?
roll down dirver’s side window and remove headset
What should the driver do if there is no backer available?
walk around the vehicle
When not on a limited access highway, what is the maximum speed for repsonse?
not to exceed 15 mph above posted speed limit
What is the max speed when on limited access highways?
80 mph
All apparatus shall reduce speed to what prior to proceeding through any stop sign?
5 mph
When approaching intersections with the right of way, the speed of the responding apparatus shall be no more than what?
30 mph
When responding apparatus encounter an ungaurded railroad crossing, what must happen?
apparatus must come to a complete stop
When an apparatus is responding priority 2, what shall the driver do?
adhere to all statutes governing the operation of motor vehicles
What is the purpose of the Cold Weather Apparatus Operations Standard Operating Procedure?
Reduce the risk of preventable fire pump and piping damage from occurring during cold weather
When should pumps, plumbing, elbows, blind caps, booster reels and water pressure gauges be drained?
Whenever temperatures are predicted to be below 32 degrees fahrenheit
What shall be done once the pump and plumbing is drained?
valves left open, all caps removed, all pre-connected fire hose shall be disconnected
- When shall each work location complete an inspection and inventory of all cable, heavy, and automatic snow chains?
During the month of March
How should automatic snow chains with worn parts or operational malfunctions be reported?
M5 Fleet management system
Engines and tankers shall carry a minimum of how much 4” large diameter hose?
Engines shall carry a minimum of how many feet of 1.88” hose?
Per NFPA 1961, how long after the manufacture date is hose considered expired?
there is no hose life expiration
An employee at the left rear of a vehicle who assists the driver with backing a vehicle is called what?
A driver shall use at a minimum of how many backers when large vehicles require backing?
If a spotters are available place them where?
OIC side rear and front of the vehicle
The primary (standard) position for a backer is where?
Drivers side
If a driver must visualize something other than a backer then the vehicle must what?
Come to a complete stop
If the driver does not have a backer available he should do what?
Walk around the vehicle
At night a driver should illuminate a backer how?
Hand light and onboard vehicle lighting system
The maximum speed of any vehicle during an emergency response shall be governed by “due regard” for the safety of other motorists, the maximum speed shall not exceed what above the posted speed limit?
15 MPH
On a limited access highway the maximum speed shall be what?
80 MPH
All apparatus shall reduce speed to what prior to proceeding through any stop signs or traffic signals reflecting red in the direction of travel?
The maximum speed through any traffic controlled intersection in which the vehicle has the right of way is how fast?
Speed limit of the street traveled
A vehicle that is responding Priority 1 and encounters an unguarded railroad grade crossing shall do what?
Come to a complete stop
In the event that several pieces of apparatus are dispatched to an incident who is responsible for derermining the response priority of all incoming apparatus?
Incident Commander
How quickly should employees report all safety deficiencies to a supervisor?
Employees are responsible for their own personal safety; however who is ultimately responsible for the safety of those assigned to them?
Protective clothing shall be inspected how often?
Whenever a driver is out of the driver’s seat what shall be used?
Parking brake
Each work location shall complete an inspection and inventory of all cable, heavy, and automatic snow chains annually during what month?
Fire Station Leadership Team (FSLT) and work location supervisors shall complete their respective inventoriesby when each year?
Switching from automatic to heavy chains should be considered when accumulations above what are encountered?
6 inches
What is placed either in front or to the right rear of a vehicle to assist driver with backing?
Where is the primary position for a backer?
Driver side in line of sight with left mirror
Who identifies which position of the vehicle is more critical while backing if only one spotter available?
The driver
If no backer available, what should the driver do?
Flashers on, emergency lights on and tap horn before backing
What is the maximum speed on a limited access highway during an emergency response?
80 mph
Choose the most accurate, the speed of the responding apparatus shall be no more than 30 mph?
Intersections with the right-of-way
What actions shall happen before the mode of transport is decided?
Patients shall be carefully evaluated
Who decides the different response priorities when assigned to different incoming units?
Incident commander
This type of incident resulting in personal injuries, damage to property and equipment are unnecessary:
Preventable accidents
Choose the most accurate about, employees are expected to adhere to all s.o.p. that:
Impact safety and health
Whos is ultimately responsible for personal safety?
Who should process repairs and or replacements?
Shift leader
When is it authorized to wear alternative footwear?
Physical fitness and/or boat activities
Where can employees find procedures regarding all other operational environments besides oxygen deprived atmosphere?
Respiratory protection program manual
All of the following are motorized vehicles where seatbelts are required except:
While responding to a call, when do you don the scba?
Enroute while still seatbelted or on arrival
What is the minimum ppe that shall be worn in or near tarffic?
Helmet, eye protection, gloves, reflective vest or PPE, and steel toe boots
When should pumps and plumbing be drained and when should water tanks be also drained?
Temps below 32 degrees and when units are stored outside for more than 4 hours
What pumps should be completely drained in temps. of 20 degrees or below?
Mid ship mounted
Where can fire station leadership team verify compliance on snow chains inventory and when is due by?
Snow chain query and by April 30th of every year
What audible device must be sounded before backing a vehicle where no spotter is available?
Where must a “backer” be placed while assisting with backing a vehicle?
Left rear
What is the maximum mph above the posted speed limit an apparatus may travle?
15 mph
At what speed should an apparatus proceed through a stop sign or traffic signal that reflects red in the direction of travel?
5 mph
What resonse level is appropriate for public service calls, to include stalled elevators where no medical emergency is reported?
Priority 2
When any chains are being used on apparatus during inclement weather, do not exceed speeds of how much?
30 mph
What is the minimum amount of 3 inch hose to be carried on an engine?
300 feet
What is the minimum amount of 2.5 inch hose to be carried on an engine?
300 feet
What is the minimum amount of 1.88 inch hose to be carried on an engine?
1150 feet
Annual inspection and inventory of all cable, heavy, and automatic snow chains is done in which month?
When parking any heavy apparatus, how many wheel chocks shall be used?
How many Akron Assault with metal bale consisting of 15/16inch integrated tip and breakaway fog nozzles should an engine carry?
What do the first two digits marked on hose indicate?
Station number
When marking hose, what number should designate 1.88 inch hose?
When marking hose, what number should designagte 2.5 inch hose?
How many feet from each end should hose be numbered?
2 feet
What is the maximum length of hose that should be laid out while testing?
300 feet
No more than how many turbine teeth in a row may be broken or missing for nozzle inspection?
At what temperature should pumps, plumbing, elbows, blind caps, booster reels, and water pressure guages be drained and kept dry until temps are above freezing?
32 degrees
Pumps, plumbing, elbows, blind caps, booster reels, and water pressure gauges should be draind and kept dry when temperatures are predicted to be below what?
32 degrees