15 - IFSTA Chapter 15 Flashcards
Within the two basic categories of apparatus testing, driver operators are mostly involved with?
If NFPA 1901 is being used for manufacturer specifications, choose the three required tests prior to delivery of apparatus:
Pump certification, road, hydrostatic
The road test for apparatus requires a top speed of at least 50mph as well as:
Acceleration from start to 35mph within 25 seconds
Come to a full stop from 20 mph within 35 feet
-During the hydrostatic test, the pump and associated piping should be able to withstand:
500 psi / 10 mins
Performance testing covered under NFPA 1911, requires fire pumps to be tested at least once a year as well as:
Completion of major pump or powertrain repair
According to NFPA 1911, while undergoing performance testing using a hydrant or static water source, choose the answer that is NOT included
A static water source is the only acceptable source for testing
During hose testing a scribe mark should be made next to the coupling on the hose, what is the max acceptable distance the hose can pull away before the test must be stopped.
3/8 inch
Performance test service gauges must be calibrated how often:
Within 60 days of the testing
During service testing, safety measures should include all of the following EXCEPT:
Utilizing 4 persons or greater
After conducting an engine speed check, it is determined that the tested speed is 35 rpm lower than the rated speed when the apparatus was new, this indicates:
The variant is within normal limits
When conducting performance testing, which test do many fire departments conduct first:
Vacuum test
NFPA 1911 states fire pumps of 1250 gpm and 1500 gpm must achieve prime within which time frames:
30 sec / 45 sec
Pumpers with a tank capacity of greater than 500 gallons must flow at least 500 gpm, this is determined during the:
Tank-to-Pump Flow test
All of the following are problematic issues during service testing EXCEPT:
Lift higher than 15 feet
Foam Proportioning Equipment Testing is generally done by one of two methods
Testing the rate which foam concentrate is consumed in ratio to water flow
Testing the foam-to-water concentration produced by the system
A refractometer is used in which aspect of testing:
Foam Solution Testing
An Engine Speed Check should be done:
Under no-load conditions
When testing the Discharge pressure gauge and flow meter during the operational tests, the Flowmeter cannot be more than ____ off of the pitot gauge.
During the Internal Intake Pressure Relief Valve Test all of the following are true EXCEPT:
A second pumper is not required
When using a pitot gauge, if the gauge is too close to the nozzle a higher reading will result, what is the correct distance from the nozzle:
1/2 nozzle diameter
What are the two basic categories of testing grouped as?
Preservice and performance
What are the two specific tests that the manufacturer is required to perform in addition to the pump certification tests?
The road test and the hydrostatic test
The engine speed interlock test is part of which test?
Pump certification test
If the apparatus fails to perform to the requirements outlined in the bid specifications, what should take place?
It should be rejected by the purchaser
When should a pumping engine overload test be performed?
In jurisdictions that are higher than 2,000 feet above sea level
NFPA 1911 specifies that all gauges used for service testing must be calibrated within how many days of testing?
60 days
How does a flowmeter which indicates flow in gallons per minute, within plus of minus three percent of accuracy measure up to a pitot gauge when determining flow from nozzles during a pump test?
Flowmeter offers increased efficiency
When considering saftey during service testing, why is it important to operate the engine throttle slowly?
Sudden pressure changes may damage equiment or injure personnel
While performing fire pump service testing safely, it is important for personnel to monitor the air for the presence of what?
Carbon monoxide
After ensuring that all fluid levels are within manufacturer’s recommendations, engine speed check should be conducted under what conditions?
No-load conditions
Engine speed may be determined by what?
The engine tachometer
When performing the vacuum test, if the pump fails to reach 22 inches of mercury, what should be done?
Remove the apparatus from service until repairs can be made
According to NFPA 1911, fire pumps of 1,250 gpm capacity must achieve prime in how many seconds?
30 seconds or less
What does the pumping test evaluate?
The overall operation of the engine and fire pump
The pressure control test is performed in a how many part sequence?
Three part sequence
When performing the discharge pressure gauge and flowmeter operational tests, the difference in readings between the flowmeter and pitot gauge must not be more than how much percent?
Ten percent
Pumpers with a capacity of greater than 500 gallons must be capable of flowing at least how many gpm?
500 gpm
What does the foam concentrate displacement method check the foam system for?
It checks the volume of foam concentrate that is drawn through the system to determine the accuracy of the proportioning equipment
What does the foam concentrate pump discharge volume method check the foam system for?
It checks the volume of foam concentrate that is proportioned into a fire stream
What does the foam solution conductivity test check the foam system for?
It ensures the quality of synthetic based foam produced by various foam proportioning systems and equipment
All of the following are types of testing for pumper apparatius to undergo before being placed in service except what?
Performance test
What is a preservice apparatus maneuverabilty test designed to determine the road-worthiness of a new vehicle called?
Road test
Apparatus must accelerate to 35 MPH from a standing start within how many seconds?
What testing method uses water under pressure to check the intefrity of pressure vessels?
Hydrostatic test
What is the procedure used to determine the rate of water flow available for fire fighting at various points within the distribution system called?
Fire flow test
Acceptance testing is done where?
At the jurisdiction to which the apparatus has been sold to
NFPA 1901 requires certification tests be conducted for apparatus equiped with a fire pump at a miminum of how many GPM?
A pumping engine overload test should be performed as part of acceptance testing for jurisdictions that are higher then how many feet above sea level?
The water level of a static source for pumper performance testing is at least how many feet deep?
During hose testing if the scribe mark is found to have moved more than what distance from the coupling should the hose be taken out of service?
To perform fire pump service testing safely, personnel should wear protective head gear, eyeware, gloves and hearing protection if noise levels have the potential to reach or exceed how many decibels?
An engine speed check should be conducted under what type of conditions?
What type of test evaluates the priming device, pump, and intake hose for air leaks?
Vacuum test
When preparing the intake hose for drafting the strainer must be a minimum of how far below the surface of the water?
24 inches
NFPA 1901 states that fire pumps of 1,250 GPM capacity must achieve prime how quickly?
30 seconds
Pumpers with an onboard tank capacity of 500 gallons or less must be capable of flowing how many GPM from their onboard tank?
250 GPM
What method checks the volume of foam concentrate that is drawn through the system to determine the accuracy of the proportioning equipment?
Foam concentrate displacement method
What test ensures the quality of a foam solution after it has been created by a foam proportioning system?
Foam solution refractivity test
What test is used to ensure the quality of synthetic based foam produced by various foam proportioning systems and equipment?
Foam solution conductivity test
What test is used with a meter that displays units of micro-siemens per centimeter?
Conductivity comparison testing
If the requirements of NFPA 1901 are included in the apparatus bid specifications, the manufacturer is required to perform two specific tests in addition to the pump certification tests. What are they?
Road and hydrostatic
Which test must meet minimum standards in accordance with NFPA 1901 and be conducted with the vehicle loaded to the same weight as it will be when placed in service and is considered a preservice maneuverability test?
What is the minimum hydrostatic test pressure, for a minimum of 10 minutes, when testing the pump body as well as the entire intake and discharge piping system, with the exception of the tank fill and tank-to-pump lines on the tank side of the valves?
In order to ensure that the engine develops the necessary power to operate in conditions of higher altitudes, a pumping engine overload test should be performed in jurisdictions with a elevation higher than how many feet?
Based on NFPA 1911, the standard for the inspection, maintenance, testing and retirement of in-service automotive fire apparatus, a pumper must be performance tested at least how often?
Once a year
Regarding pumper performance testing sites, the barometric pressure should be at least 29 inches on Mercury(Hg)(100kPa) when corrected to sea level. This adjustment is necessary because a 1-inch drop in barometric pressure reduces the static lift of a pumper by approximately how many inches/feet?
1 ft
To monitor the continued serviceability of the hose throughout the test, a mark may be scribed where the hose and couplings meet. During the testing process, check the couplings periodically to be sure that they are not pulling apart. Stop the test and replace the hose if the scribe mark has moved how far away from the coupling?
3/8 of an inch
Net pump discharge pressure is the difference between the intake pressure and the discharge pressure. When operating at draft, how does the net pump discharge pressure read compared to the pressure displayed on the discharge gauge?
Is more than
NFPA 1911 specifies that all gauges used for service testing must be calibrated within how many days of the testing?
When the driver/operator has the apparatus prepared for the pumping test, operate the priming system until the pump achieves prime and is discharging water. According to NFPA 1911, fire pumps rated at 1,500 gpm (6 000 L/min) must be primed within how many seconds?
NFPA 1901 contains numerous minimum standards to which apparatus should comply after construction is complete. One such minimum standard states that the apparatus must accelerate to 35mph from a standing start within how many seconds?
NFPA 1901 contains numerous minimum standards to which apparatus should comply after construction is complete. One such minimum standard states that the apparatus must come to a full stop from 20mph within how many feet?
When conducting the pump test a sufficient number of discharge hoses must be stretched and operated. What is the minimum diameter hoseline for this purpose?
2 1/2
A flowmeter, which indicates flow in gallons (or liters) per minute, within what percent of accuracy, offers increased efficiency over a pitot gauge when determining flow from nozzles during a pump test?
Plus or minus 5%
When should personnel wear hearing protection to perform fire pump service testing?
If noise levels have the potential to reach or exceed 90 decibels (dB)
Which method checks the volume of foam concentrate that is drawn through the system to determine the accuracy of the proportioning equipment?
Foam concentrate displacement
Which method is used by certain direct injection type proportioning systems to check the volume of foam concentrate that is proportioned into a fire stream? Water may also be used as a substitute for foam concentrate during testing with this procedure.
Foam concentrate pump discharge volume
Who should evaluate the apparatus if the engine is not running at the correct speed?
A qualified mechanic
Pumpers with an onboard tank capacity of 500 gallons (2 000 L) or less must be capable of flowing how many gpm (1 000 L/min) from their onboard tank?
Pumpers with an onboard tank capacity of greater than 500 gallons (2 000 L) must be capable of flowing at least how many gpm?
If apparatus bid specifications include requirements from NFPA 1901, which test are manufacturers required to conduct in addition to pump certification tests?
road test
During road test, what speed must the apparatus be able to reach from a standing start within 25 seconds?
35 mph
During road test, apparatus must come to a full stop from 20 mph within?
35 feet
The purpose of performing hydrostatic testing is to?
ensure that the pump and associated piping are capable of withstanding high pressure pumping demands
What is the minimum pressure that must be achieved during hydrostatic testing?
500 psi
During pump certification tests, which additional test must be conducted for apparatus equipment with onboard water tank?
tank-to-pump flow test
Which standard sets the requirement for pumping performance testing
NFPA 1911
Which of the following test is required as part of pump performance testing?
pressure control test
When using a static water source to conduct pump performance tests, how far below the surface of the water must the trainer be submerged?
2 feet
When conducting pumper performance testing, the water temperature should be between 35degrees and?
90 degrees
What is the minimum diameter hoseline that may be used to conduct pump performance tests?
2 1/2 inch
NFPA 1911 specifics that all gauges used for service testing must be calibrated within?
60 days of testing
When conducting apparatus performance testing, hearing protection should be worn if noise levels have the potential to reach or exceed?
90 decibels
Who should evaluates an apparatus if its not running at the correct speed during an engine speed check?
qualified mechanic
When preparing the intake hose for drafting during a vacuum test, the intake hose hose strainer should be a minimum of how many inches below the surface of water?
24 inches
A pumper rated at 1,500 gpm capacity shall achieve a prime within how much time?
45 seconds or less
When conducting discharge pressure gauge and flowmeter operational test, the difference in the reading between the flowmeter and pitot gauge must not be more than?
10 percent
Which of the following pieces of equipment is required if a flowmeter is not used during performance testing?
pitot tube
Any apparatus that receive performance test results below what percent of its original rated capacity may be placed out of service and restored or given a lower rating based on its test results?
90 percent
During a tank-to-pump flow test, pumpers with an onboard tanks of 500 gallons or less should be capable of flowing how much from their onboard water tank?
250 gpm
When is the new fire apparatus tested?
upon completion and periodically
Manufacturer’s test, pump certification test, and acceptance tests are all a part of which series of tests?
Preservice Testing
Which 3 NFPA Standards are commonly used as a basis for most apparatus bid specifications?
1907, 1906, 414
Which test is conducted to demonstrate to the purchaser that the appratus conforms to all bid specifications?
acceptance testing
If the apparatus build specs include requirements of NFPA 1901, what two tests must be performed by the manufacturer?
road test and hydrostatic test
Where is acceptance testing conducted?
purchasing jurisdiction
What procedure is used to determine the rate of water flow available for firefighting at various points within the distribution system?
fire flow test
What testing method uses water under pressure to check the integrity of any pressure vessels?
hydrostatic test
What would be ground for a purchaser to reject an apparatus?
if the apparatus fails to perform to the requirements outlined in the bid specs
Engine speed check, pumping test, priming system test, and engine speed interlock test are exmpaloys of tests required to certify pumps capable of flowing what?
750-3000 GPM
Who should have a pumping engine overload test done?
jurisdictions that are higher than 2000’
What is the preferred method of water supply for pumper performance tests?
static water supply
What can be done to ensure the couplings are not seperating from the hose during performance testing?
scribe a mark where the coupling attaches to the hose
What is the maximum distance from the centerline of the pump to the surface of the water for pumper rated at 1,500 GPM or less?
ten feet
What is the maximum distance from the centerline of the pump to the surface of the water for pumps rated at 1,500GPM or less?
six feet
What is Net pump discharge pressure?
The difference between the intake pressure and the discharge pressure
What allowances are used to determine the correct pump discharge pressure for each test when correcting for net pump discharge pressure?
friction loss
Which test evaluates the priming device, pump, and intake hose for air leaks?
vacuum test
What instrument indicates the rotational speed of a shaft in revolutions per minute?
The difference in readings between the flowmeter and the pitot gauge cannot be more than what percent?
How many inches below the surface of the water dose intake hose strainer need to be?
24 inches
what temperature should water be between for performance testing?
35F -90F
what is the purpose of hydrostatic testing?
to ensure the pump and piping are capable of withstanding high pressure demands
who should evaluate an apparatus if not running a correct speed?
qualified mechanic
What percentage below orginal rated capabilites does an appartus go out of service?
How far must an apparatus come to a complete stop from 20 mph?
what piece of equipment is required if not using a flow meter during performance testing?
pitot tube
What NFPA has requirements for service testing?
NFPA 1911
What happens if dicharge gauge is not properly tested and calibrated?
driver/operator could supply the hose dangerously high
What is the purpose of preperformance testing?
that the pump and powertrain will perform as s[ecofoed imder normal pressure
When should you were hearing protection during testing?
90 decibels
Is it necessary to do vacuum test before any performance testing?
Yes because it difficult to proceed if the pump can’t hold a vacuum
what is the minimum pressure for hydrostatic testing?
500 psi
How far below the surface must the strainer be during hydrostatic testing?
What speed does an apparatus need to reach in 25 seconds from?
how fast should a 1,500 gpm capacity engine get a prime?
45 seconds or less
what happens if pitot gauge reading a highter pressure than what actually is?
too close to the nozzle during a pumping test
What is NFPA 1911 a standard for?
requirement for pumper performance testing
What does foam solution conductivity testing measure?
quality of synthetic foam
what type of nozzles can be used with a flowmeter during performance testing?
fog or smooth bore
Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus
NFPA 1901
Standard forWildland Fire Apparatus
NFPA 1906
Standard for Aircraft Rescue and FirefightingVehicles
NFPA 414
conducted with the vehicle loaded to the same weight as it will be when placed in service.
The road test
If special requirements are sought from the apparatus manufacturer, the purchaser should write them into the bid specifications as
performance requirements
performed to ensure that the pump and associated piping are capable of withstanding high pressure pumping demands
hydrostatic test
Hydrostatic test: The pump body as well as the entire intake and discharge piping system, with the exception of the tank fill and tank-to-pump lines on the tank side of the valves, are subjected to a minimum hydrostatic test pressure of
500 psi for a minimum of 10 minutes
For apparatus equipped with an onboard water tank, what kind of test must be performed?
tank-to-pump flow test
conducted to demonstrate to the purchaser that the apparatus conforms to all bid specifications at the time of delivery
Acceptance testing
In jurisdictions that are higher than 2,000 feet above sea level, what should be performed as part of acceptance testing?
a pumping engine overload test
The requirements for fire department service testing are contained in
NFPA 1911
The water level of the static source must be at least 4 feet deep, with the strainer submerged at least 2 feet below the surface.
static water source for pump performance evaluation
The minimum diameter hoseline pump performance tests
2 1/2
the difference between the intake pressure and the discharge pressure
Net pump discharge pressure
Performance tests are conducted at
150 psi, 165 psi, 200 psi, and 250 psi
NFPA? 1911 specifies that all gauges used for service testing must be calibrated within
60 days of the testing
A pitot tube with knife edge and air chamber rated from 0 to at least 160 psi is required
if a flowmeter is not used
indicates flow in gallons per minute, within plus or minus five percent of accuracy
A flowmeter
should be conducted under no-load conditions after ensuring all fluid levels are within manufacturer?s recommendations.
Engine speed check
evaluates the priming device, pump, and intake hose for air leaks
Vacuum test
The water level of a static source for performance testing must be how many feet deep?
The strainer in a static water source for a performance testing must be how many feet below the surface?
The distance of the center line of a 1500 gpm pump and the surface of the water supply must be how many feet or less?
The distance the center line of a 2000 gpm pump and the surface of the water supply must be how many feet or less?
What should the water temperature be between for a performance test?
35 and 90
The air temperature should be between what range for the performace test?
0 and 110
What is the minimum corrected to sea level barametric pressure?
A 1 inch drop in barametric pressure reduces static lift of a pumper by how many feet?
The net pump discharge pressure is the difference between what and what?
Intake and discharge
Performance tests are conducted at what PSI’s?
What are the 3 numbers used to calculate the correct net pump discharge pressure?
Discharge gauge pressure,friction loss on the intake hose, lift
NFPA 1911 specifies all gauges used for testing must be calibrated with in how many days?
A test vacuum gauge should be calibrated to a range of?
30-0 INHG
A test compound gauge should be calibrated to ?
30INHG - 150PSI
What is the minimum range calibrated gauges should be used for pump discharge?
0 - 400 PSI
What is the minimum range for a pitot tube in testing with out a flow meter?
0 -160 PSI
When conducting a tank to pump flow test, pumpers with 500 gallons or less of water storage must be able to flow how many GPM’s?
When conducting a tank to pump flow test, pumpers with a greater than 500 gallon tank must be able to flow how many GPM’s?
Any apparatus achiving less than what percentage of the original pump capacity must be repaired or recassified?
When testing a foam proportioning equipment, what do they use as fluid?
What are the two basic categories of new new fire apparatus testing?
Preservice and Performance
Which of these is not part of preservice testing?
Overload test
Which of these is not a commonly used NFPA standard for most apparatus bid specifications?
What two tests are manufacturers required to perform if NFPA 1901 requirements are included in the specifications?
Road test and Hydrostatic test
What test is designed to determine the road worthiness of a new vehicle?
Road test
What term describes a written list of expected capabilities for new apparatus?
Performmance Requirements
Which of these is not a minimum standard for the road test?
The parking brake installed on the vehicle must conform to NFPA specifications
What testing method uses water under pressure to check the integrity of pressure vessels?
Hydrostatic test
Hydrostatic testing consists of a minimun of 500 psi for a minimum of how many minutes?
Who performs pump certicication tests?
Independent testing organizations
Where are the results of the pump certification test posted?
Stamped on a plate affixed to the pump panel of the apparatus
What procedure is used to determine the rate of water flow available for fire fighting at various points within the distribution system?
Fire flow testing
What preservice tests are performed after delivery to assure the purchaser that the appartaus meets bid specifications?
Acceptance testing
What test should be performed for jurisdictions that are higher than 2,000 feet above sea level?
Pumping engine overload test
Based on NFPA 1911, fire apparatus must be performance tested how often?
Once a year or whenever it has undergone major pump or powertrain repair
When using a static source for performance testing, the water level must be at least how many feet deep?
4 feet
What is the minimun diameter hoseline that can be used when conducting pump performance testing?
Pump testing must be stopped if the scribe mark on the coupling has moved more than how many inches?
What test evaluates the priming device, pump, and intake hose for air leaks?
Vacuum test
According to NFPA 1911, fire pumps rated at 1,500 gpm must be primed within how many seconds?
45 seconds
What is the NFPA Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus?
NFPA 1901
What is the NFPA Standard for Wildland Fire Apparatus?
NFPA 1906
What is the NFPA Standard for Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Vehicles?
NFPA 414
What should be on a piece of apparatus when its road test is conducted?
The vehicle should be loaded to the same weight as it will be when placed in service
According to NFPA 1901, the vehicle should accelerate to 35 mph from a standing start within how many seconds?
25 seconds
According to NFPA 1901, a vehicle must reach a top speed how many mph?
50 mph
According to NFPA 1901, a vehicle must come to a full stop from 20 mph within how many feet?
35 feet
What is preformed to ensure that the pump and associated piping are capable of withstanding high pressure pumping demands?
Hydrostatic testing
When preforming hydrostatic testing, the entire intake and discharge piping system are subjected to a minimum hydrostatic test pressure of 500 psi for how many minutes?
10 minutes
What is the NFPA Standard for the Inspecgtion, Maintenance, Testing and Retirement of In-Service Automotive Fire Apparatus?
NFPA 1911
When testing a new pump, if a jurisdiction uses a static water source it must be at least how many feet deep?
4 feet
When testing a new pump, if a jurisdiction uses a static water source, the strainer must be submerged at least how many feet?
2 feet
When conducting a pump test, the minimum diameter hoseline is what?
2 1/2”
What around a coupling are used to determine if a hose should be taken out of service?
Scribe marks
What type of nozzle should be used when doing pump testing?
Smooth bore of appropriate size
When preforming an engine speed check, the engine should run at the correct speed within how many rpm?
50 rpm
What instrument shows engine speed?
What test evaluates the priming device, pump, and intake hose for air leaks?
Vacuum test
During a vacuum test, if the pump fails to reach how many inches of mercury, it should be placed out of service?
22 inches of mercury
Which of the following is not a problem that the DPO may encounter when doing pump testing?
Transmission in the correct gear
What type of pre service test serves to determine the road-worthiness of a new vehicle?
road tests
During the road test, the vehicle will be evaluated based on:
the weight when it will be placed in service
During the road test, the apparatus must be able to accelerate to:
35 mph within 25 seconds
As part of the manufactures road test, apparatus must come to a complete stop from:
20 mph within 35 feet
As part of the manufactures road test, apparatus must be able to accelerate to a top speed of at least:
50 mph
As part of the manufactures hydrostatic testing of apparatus, the pump body and intake/discharging system must be able to withstand:
500 psi for 10 minutes
Who is responsible for preforming pump certification tests?
independent testing organizations
During pump performance tests, the air temperature should be between:
0 and 110 degrees F
During pump performance tests, the water temperature should be between:
35 and 90 degrees F
During pump performance tests, the barometric pressure should be at least:
29 inches mercury
Flowmeters are used to measure flow in:
gallons per minute
Flowmeters are used to measure flow within plus or minus:
5 percent
Hearing protection should be worn while preforming service testing when the noise levels are predicted to be over:
90 decibels
Fire pumps with a rating of 1,500 Games or more shall achieve a prime in more than:
45 seconds
How can engine speed be determined?
the engine tachometer
While preparing fire apparatus for a vacuum test, the strainer should be a minimum of:
24 inches below the surface of the water
What does the foam solution conductivity testing measure?
the quality of synthetic foam
When conducting discharge pressure gauge and flowmeter operational tests, the difference in the readings between the flowmeter and the pitot gauge must not be more than:
10 percent
Per NFPA 1911, all gauges used for service testing must be calibrated within:
60 days of testing
What is the minimum diameter hose line that may be used to conduct pump performance tests?
21/2 inch
With the exception of single family dwellings, it is important to determine positioning for at least which vehicles?
The first two engine companies and the first truck company
Whenever possible, what kind of layout should be avoided?
A layout that would place hand lines in the route of travel
Today’s fires burn at a rate of how many times faster than that of just 20 years ago?
10 times
How is ventilation coordinated?
With the progress of the hoseline and the engine officer’s order
How many feet should the nozzle be from the window when performing hydraulic ventilation?
2 feet
At what percentage should you fill the window opening when performing hydraulic ventilation?
What two things about smoke is an indicator of flammability?
Density and color
What two things about smoke are indicators of heat and flow path?
Velocity and pressure
What is an indicator of fire intensity?
What two things is the color of smoke an indicator of?
What is burning, and the flammability of the smoke
What two critical pieces of information on the fireground does the speed or velocity of smoke tell?
The general location of the fire and the current flow path
What is the first E in RECEO VS stand for?
What is the primary focus of any incident?
Which technique of ventilation involves the opening or removal of windows?
Horizontal ventilation
The size-up is what kind of process?
Whose responsibility is it to locate a fire inside of a building?
The initial engine company officer’s
What is the most reliable indicator to a fire’s location?
Smoke velocity or speed
What does dark stained windows indicate?
The location of a fire
The NFPA suggests that the upper range of temperature tenability for humans is around what temperature?
212 F
The earth’s atmosphere contains 21 percent oxygen. Percentages of less than what percent will result in death rapidly?
10 percent
How often are performance tests conducted?
On an annual basis
What are the two basic categories of testing?
Preservice and performance tests
Of the two types of tests, which is the driver/operator not involved in?
Preservice tests
What two specific tests is the manufacturer required to perform in addition to the pump certification tests?
The road test, and the hydrostatic test
Apparatus being tested must accelerate to 35 mph from a standing start within how many seconds?
25 seconds
What top speed must the apparatus achieve?
50 mph
The apparatus must come to a full stop from 20 mph within how many seconds?
35 seconds
What type of test is performed to ensure that the pump and associated piping are capable of withstanding high pressure pumping demands?
Hydrostatic test
The engine speed interlock test is a part of which test?
Pump certification test
In jurisdictions higher than 2,000 feet above sea level, what type of test should be performed as part of the acceptance test?
A pumping engine overload test
During performance testing, how deep should the water level of the static source be?
At least 4 feet
When conducting performance tests, what range should the air temperature be?
Between 0 and 110 F
What is the net pump discharge pressure?
The intake pressure minus the discharge pressure
When calculating the net pump discharge pressure for apparatus testing, what formula should be used?
The pressure correction formula
NFPA 1911 specifies that all gauges used for service testing must be calibrated within how many days of the testing?
During performance testing, if a flowmeter is not used to test the pump, what is required in it’s place?
A pitot tube with knife edge and air chamber rated from 0 to at least 160 psi
When comparing the flowmeter to the pitot gauge, which offers an increased efficiency when determining the flow from nozzles during a pump test?
The flowmeter
What may the engine speed be determined by?
The tachometer
According to NFPA 1911, fire pumps of 1,250 gpm capacity must achieve a prime within how many seconds?
30 seconds or less
The difference in readings between the flowmeter and pitot gauge must not be more than what percent?
The air temperature when pump testing should be between:
0 and 110 degrees F
Hose should be placed out of service if the mark is found to have moved more than:
The marks around the edge of a coupling that help determine if a hose should be taken out of service are known as:
Scribe marks
Fire pump gauges must have a range of what pressure?
0 to 400 PSI
A flowmeter must be accurate within:
plus or minus five percent
During a vacuum test, a fire pump is required to create a vacuum of at least:
22 inches of mercury
The instrument that indicates the rotational speed of a shaft is:
What test evaluates the overall operation of the engine and fire pump?
pumping test
Fire pumps with ratings of 1,250 GPMs must be primed within:
30 seconds
Fire pumps with ratings of 1,500 GPMs must be primed within:
45 seconds
The difference is readings between a flowmeter and pitot gauge must not be more than:
ten percent
When testing a discharge equipped with a flowmeter, the test must be conducted using what kind of nozzle?
Solid stream nozzle
Any apparatus with an onboard water tank must pass what kind of test?
Tank-to-pump flow test
An apparatus that achieves results less than what percentage of its original capacity, should be placed out of service or given a lower rating?
What piece of equipment is required to test an intake pressure relief valve?
Another pumping apparatus
The accuracy of an apparatus foam system must be tested prior to delivery in accordance with what NFPA standard?
NFPA 1901
The amount of foam concentrate present in the solution is measured using:
a refractometer
Which of the following is not one of the three methods of performing foam solution conductivity testing?
Direct conductivity curve testing
Before performing a direct reading conductivity test on foam, the meter must be reset to zero using:
plain water
When performing conductivity comparison testing, the units displayed are:
microsiemens per centimeter (ms/cm)
What three NFPA standards are commonly used for most apparatus bid specifications?
NFPA 1901, NFPA 1906, and NFPA 414
If the requirements of NFPA 1901 are inlcuded in the apparatus bid specifications, what two specfic tests are they required to perform?
Road test and hydrostatic test
The road test is to be conducted with the vehicle at what weight?
Same weight it wil be when placed in service
The pump body as well as the entire intake and discharge piping system are subjected to a hydrostatic test pressure of what?
500 psi
What test must also be performed for apparatus equipped with an onboard water tank?
Tank to pump flow test
Based on the NFPA 1911 standard, how often shall a pumper be performance tested?
Once each year
When conducting a pumper performance test at a static water source, what is the minium water depth required?
4 feet
When conducting pumper performance tests, what is the maximum amount of lift a 1,500 gpm pump is capable of achieving?
10 feet
A 1 inch drop in barometric pressure reduces static lift of a pumper by approximately what?
1 foot
What is the minimum diamter hose line needed for pump testing?
2.5 inch
During a performance test, a scribe mark can move no more than how many inches away from a coupling before the hose needs replacing?
3/8 inch
What is the highest psi a performance test is conducted at?
250 psi
NFPA 1911 specifies that all gauges used for service testing must be calibrated within how many days of testing?
60 days
A flowmeter indicates gallons per minute within what percent?
Plus or minus 3%
During a vacuum test, an apparatus should be removed from service if it fails to reach how many inches of mercury?
22 inches of Hg
According to NFPA 1911, fire pumps with a capacity of 1,250 gpm must a achieve a prime in what time frame?
30 sec or less
According to NFPA 1911, fire pumps with a capacity of 1,500 gpm must achieve a prime within what time frame?
45 seconds
During a tank to pump flow test, pumpers with an onboard tank capacity of greater than 500 gallons, must be capable of flowing at least how many GPM’s from their onboard tank?
500 gpm
When conducting a performance test, all discharge valves shall be closed no faster than what?
3 seconds
All adjustments during a performance test must be made without the engine speed exceeding what percentage of its peak?
The two basic categories of testing are grouped as preservice and what?
Performance tests
Preservice testing includes all of the following except for what?
Performance tests
During the road test apparatus must accelerate to 35MPH from a standing start within what time?
25 seconds
During the road test apparatus must come to a full stop from what speed within 35 feet?
What testing method uses water under pressure to check the integrity of pressure vessels?
Hydrostatic test
What type of preservice tests on fire apparatus or equipment, performed at the factory or after delivery to assure the purchaser that the apparatus or equipment meets bid specifications?
Acceptance testing
Performance tests are conducted at what PSI?
150, 165,200,250
When conducting the pump test the minimum diameter hoseline for this purpose is what?
What is used around couplings to determine if a hose should be taken out of service?
Scribe marks
NFPA 1911 specifies that all gauges used for service testing must be calibrated within how many days of the testing?
A flowmeter indicates flow in gallons per minute and should be within plus or minus what percent of accuracy?
You should wear protective head gear, eyewear, gloves and hearing protection if noise levels have the potential to reach or exceed how many decibels?
An engine speed check should be conducted under what type of condition?
During a vacuum test if the pump fails to reach how many inches of mercury should you remove the apparatus from service until repairs can be made?
When preparing the intake hose for drafting the strainer should be a minimum of how far below the surface of the water?
According to NFPA 1911 fire pumps of 1,250 gpm capacity must achieve prime how quickly?
30 seconds or less
Pumpers with an onboard tank capacity of 500 gallons or less must be capable of flowing how many GPM from their onboard tank?
What device is used to measure the amount of foam concentrate in the solution?
What testing is used to ensure the quality of synthetic based foam?
All of the following are methods of performing foam solution conductivity testing except what?
Indirect reading conductivity testing