13 - IFSTA Chapter 13 Flashcards
NFPA 1901 specifies that tenders must be filled at a rate of what?
Water tenders under this ammount can have 1 drive axel and over it 2 or more axels.
2000 gallons
What is the disadvantage of using LDH to fill tenders?
The hose stays partialy filled and are hard to move.
NFPA 1901 requires that water be able to be dumped from how many sides?
3 (left, right, rear)
In a gravity dump what is the minimum size dump opening?
With this being inadequite, it can cause issues with filling and dumping.
What are the 4 parts of a water shuttle?
Dump site, fill site, route of travel, number of vehicles
Which of the following is not a consideration of the route of traval?
Multi-lane road
In a large scale water shuttle operation. Who is responsible for fill site and dump site issues?
Water supply group supervisor
This one action can help prevent pumps from overheating and let the driver know they still have a prime.
Booster line or small diamiter hose flowing
What is a marker to be used to help tender drivers know where to stop?
Traffic cone by driver’s side door
What is a concerrn to have with non hard surfce fill site areas?
The ground getting soft.
What is a concern of a static water supply?
Tank or pump contamination
What is NOT a dump site operational method?
Static water supply
When using a pump to off load a tender what is the biggest restriction to flow?
Tank to pump line
When you are drafting from a portable tank what can happen in the water that can cause issues?
What is the recommended of a portable tank when compared to the tender?
500 gallons bigger than the tender
Fire flow over this amount are best served with multiple tank operations.
300 GPM
What is the standard % of water a tender dumps?
What is not part of the water shuttle flow rate equation?
Number of trips
What type of apparatus may be used to deliver water to an incident?
Any apparatus with an onboard water tank
The decision to use a relay pumping operation or a water shuttle operation is based on all of the following except what?
Size of LDH hose carried
Most water shuttles require at least how many pumpers for water supply?
In accordance with NFPA 1901, water tenders must be designed to be fillled at a rate of at least how many GPM?
1,000 GPM
In order to be considered a tender under NIMS typing what is required?
An onboard or portable fire pump
What variables that can be controlled play a vital part in the success of the water shuttle at the fill and dump site?
Attempting to “make up time” by driving faster then recommended during road travel is dangerous for all the following reasons except?
Inability to extinguish the fire
With LDH in wide use throughout the fire service how many lines are often used to as a fill line for water tenders?
All of the following are requirements of NFPA 1901 that water be capable of being dumped from all of the following locations except what?
LDH discharge
The success of a water shuttle operation relies on several decisions that must be made at the outset of an incident. The following are all decisions that affect it except what?
Amount of GPM required
What is a major cause of death and injury to firefighters each year involving mobile water supply apparatus?
Rollover accident
What type of fill sites is preferred?
Apparatus backing is not required
Fully loaded tenders should travel in what direction versus on the return trip empty tenders should make?
Downhill / uphill
All of the following are used to advise motorists of the presence of fire apparatus except what?
Emergency triangles
When a Water Supply Group is established, the person in charge is known as what?
Water Supply Group Supervisor
If possible water tenders should be filled at what rate?
1,000 GPM
When an exact fill spot has been determined what should be placed to denote the stopping point for the water tender driver/operator?
Traffic cone
Jurisdictions should attempt to standardize their water tenders for what?
1 hose size
Each fill site firefighter should be responsible for how many fill lines?
The following are primary methods for operating a dump site except for what?
Nurse relay operations
In order to fill at the maximum capacity, where is a pumper usually required to be?
At the hydrant
In accordance with NFPA 1901, water tenders must be designed to be filled at a rate of at least 1,000 gpm. Based on NFPA 1901, what must the rated capacity be for pumpers assigned to the fill site?
1,000 gpm or greater
What is generally considered the maximum capacity(in gallons) for single rear axle apparatus due to vehicle weight restrictions?
2,000 gallons
Pumper/tenders refer to apparatus equipped with a large water tank and pumps capable of flowing at what capacity?
750 gpm or greater
Which type of apparatus has the capability of self-filling from a static water source at a rate of up to 2,000 gpm with a lift of up to 22 feet and a discharge rate up to 1,750 gpm?
Vacuum tender
How many direct-tank external fill connections should apparatus be equipped with if medium diameter supply hose is used for filling?
Which type of route is the optimum arrangement for a water shuttle circuit? It allows a full tender the ability to leave the site by following one route toward the dump site independent of the empty tanker returning to the fill site?
Which NFPA standard defines the roles, responsibilities, and standard operating procedures (S.O.P.) used to manage emergency operations, may also be referred to as Incident Command System (ICS)?
Which site provides a continuous supply of water to the apparatus attacking the fire?
Dump site
Any tank, regardless of type, should be set up on a surface that is as level as possible and have a capacity of at least how many gallons larger than the water tank on the apparatus supplying it?
When operating at incidents on a narrow lane, driveway, or dead end street, which location may be more advantageous for setting up the dump site so that a dump site pumper can then relay water to the attack pumper?
Nearest intersection
What must a self-supporting, or frameless water tank, be set up on in order to hold its maximum water capacity?
A level surface
What do water tenders without pumps have that can still be useful in water shuttle operations?
A dump valve
With the exception of operations that feature a vacuum tender or the use of a hydrant, most water shuttles require at least how many pumpers for water supply?
What is one advantage and one disadvantage when comparing relay operations to shuttle operations?
Relay pumping usually provides more reliable supply of continuous water with the use of fewer apparatus.
But it is more labor intensive to take up when an incident is terminated.
Which water tender dump valve design often does not meet the flow requirements of NFPA 1901?
Who is responsible for the water shuttle operation?
Water supply group supervisor
What is the most favorable aspect of a water shuttle operation?
The ease with which it is terminated.
When positioning to draft at a static water supply, which position should be sought in order to maximize the flow available to supply the tender?
Whichever requires a minimum of lift
Depending on the distance from the fire scene and the particulars of the operation, which unit may also have to operate as the attack pumper?
Dump site pumper
Depending on the distance from the fire scene, the dump site pumper may also operate as the?
attack pumper
Fill site pumpers operating from static water sources and dump site pumpers must carry what to conduct drafting operations?
hard intake hose
Each department must choose the appropriate capacity if their tender based on?
local water supply availability and road conditions
Vehicle weight restrictions require that a water tender with tandem rear axles or larger will have what capacity?
2,000 gallons or greater
The valve mechanism for a gravity dump valve may be designed for manual operations from?
the discharge location (side or rear of the apparatus)
The in-line discharge on jet assisted dumps is supplied by the fire pump on the water tender creates what, that increases the water flow through the large tank discharge?
venturi effect
Which of the following would be the best way to avoid having to back up or turn water tenders around?
a clear intersection
Faster water shuttle operations are achieved by?
efficient filling and dumping operations
When operating a water shuttle at incidents located on a narrow lane or driveway, it may be most advantageous to locate the dump site near?
at the nearest intersection
A water shuttle circuit in which full tenders leaving the fill site follow one route toward the dump site and empty enders leaving the dump site follow a different route to the fille site is called?
a circular route
Where are water shuttle operations MOST likely to create hazards where overflow or spilling of water from apparatus might freeze?
Near fill or dump sites
Which of the following BEST describes the safety issues water shuttles face from steep grades?
it creates increased wear on apparatus
When establishing a water shuttle operation using incident command structure what is recommended to adhere to?
National Incident Management System
In order to maximize the flow available while supplying a tender during drafting operations, the driver/operator should seek a position that?
requires a minimum lift
In cases where the static water supply is inaccessible to apparatus, which of the following may be employed to relay water to the fill site pumper?
high volume portable pumps
Water tenders pumping water from their tanks directly into the pump intake of an attack pumper is?
direct pumping operation
A dump site that involves positioning a large water tender immediately adjacent to the attack pumper and thus serving the same role as a portable tank is?
nurse tender operations
When drafting from a portable water tank, the pumper should use a low-level strainer to allow for continuous drafting at a point of about?
2 inches
Incidents that require a flow rate in excess of 300 GPM are best served by?
using multiple portable tanks
The goal of multiple portable tank operations is to keep which tank full at all times?
the one from which the attack pumper is drafting from
When hydrants and regular relay operations are not feasible, what other option should the IC consider for water supply?
Water shuttle operations
What is the name of the location tha tankers/tenders will be loaded during a water shuttle operation?
fill site
Which of the following is the approved location for water shuttle apparatus to discharge their water for other apparatus to draw during incident operations?
dump site
What are the three major components of a water shuttle operation?
Fill site, shuttle route, dump site
What are the two primary types of apparatus associated with water shuttle operations?
water tenders and pumpers
Which apparatus is located at the water source and has the responsibility of filling water tenders?
fill site pumper
Why are remote controlled vents preferable to manually operated vents on tenders?
Manually operated vents may require the driver/operator to climb on top of the tank
Vehicle weight restrictions generally limit single rear axle apparatus to a maximum capacity of how many gallons?
2,000 gallons or less
If a water tender is not equipped with a pump, they must be equipped with what?
Suitable dumping system
Which of the following apparatus do not need a separate pumper at the fill site?
vacuum tender
Which apparatus is capable of filling from a static water source at the rate of up to 2,000 GPM at a lift of 22 feet?
vacuum tender
To be considered a tender under NIMS typing, what must an apparatus have?
On board or portable pump
How can you make water shuttle operations faster?
Efficient filling and dumping operations
NFPA 1901 requires water be capable of being dumped from which sides of the apparatus?
left, right, and rear
Which dump site method involves positioning a large water tender immediately adjacent to the attack pumper?
Nurse tender operation
Of the dump site operation methods, which is generally considered to be the simplest and quickest method to ensure a constant water supply?
Portable water tank operation
What percentage of their load do tenders dump before leaving the dump site?
Any tank, regardless of type, should be set up on a surface as level as possible and have a capacity of how many gallons larger that the water tank on the apparatus that will supply it?
500 gallons
Single portable tank operations are generally adequate for firefighting operations that require less than what flow rate?
300 GPM
What are the two time elements used in the formula from the ISO to evaluate water tender performance?
Travel time and handling time
What water tender can self-fill from a static water source at a rate up to 2000 gpm?
vacuum tender
What are required on water tenders with a capacity greater than 2000 gallons?
Tandem rear axles, tri axles or semi trailers
What are 2 primary types of large tank discharges used on water tenders?
gravity and jet-assisted dumps
What do in-line discharge supplied by a fire pump create to increase water flow?
Venturi effect
Which NFPA should wter tenders meet for dump requirements?
when is the best time for setup and decisions about water supply on target hazards and geographical areas?
preincident planning
what is the optimum arrangement for water shuttle?
a circular route
what should the route of travel for water tender be selected on?
safety and operational effectiveness
What is the ideal position of a fill site pumper?
Allow view of both water source and wter tender being filled
which of the following should be considered a factor of overall tender performance?
tank size
Why does ISO equation use 90% of a tenders total tank capacity?
to account for water lost or undischarged and remaining in the tank
what is the formula for travel time of a tender (miles)?
travel time = .65+(1.7)(distance)
what should any portable tank be setup on?
level as possible ground
What must have an opening of sufficient sixe to allow free movement of water at bottom of the tank and air movement at the top?
tank baffles
How can water tenders be designed so they do not need to be equipped with a fire pump when using portable tanks for dump site supply?
an adequately sixed dump valve
What operation allow multiple water tenders to simultaneously resupply an attack pumper?
direct pumping operation
What supply operation uses a large water tender as same role as a large portable tank?
nursing operation
when water supply ends all driver/operators should do?
fill their tanks
how many external fill connections piped directly to the tank when using medium diameter hose for filling apparatus?
how should personnel close valves once water tank is full?
close slowly
What type of operation is used when relay is not an option?
The location where tankers and engines will be loaded during a shuttle operation is what?
Fill Site
The location approved for apparatus to discharge their water for other apparatus to draw during the incident is what?
Dump Site
Shuttle operations usually require at least how many pumpers for water supply?
The dump site pumper may also act as what on a fire scene?
A relay pumper
What is the NFPA Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus?
NFPA 1901
Vehicle weight restrictions limit single rear axle apparatus to a maximum capacity of how many gallons?
2,000 gallons
Filling through what intake is dangerous and should be discouraged?
The tops of tanks
NFPA 1901 requires apparatus to be able to dump water from all but what side of the apparatus?
The front
What type of large tank discharge often use 8” piping and passively allow water to exit the tank?
Gravity Dump
What type of tank discharge generally uses a small diameter in-line discharge inserted in to the piping of the large tank discharge?
Jet-assisted Dump
Inadequate venting during dumping operations may result in what?
A suction effect will collapse the tank
When operating at an incident located on a narrow lane, it may be advantageous to locate the dump site where?
At the nearest intersection where a pumper can relay water to the attack pumper
When possible, a water supply source capable of supplying at least how many gpm should be chosen?
What type of accidents involving water supply apparatus cause death and injury every year?
Rollover accidents
When positioning to draft at a static water supply, seek a position that requires what?
Minimum of lift
Regardless of the source, what should be continuously operated by the DPO when drafting and acting as the fill site pumper?
A small discharge
When an exact fill spot has be determined, what should be done to assist pumpers coming in to be filled?
A cone shouold be placed
If an inline gate valve is not available for the hose used for filling, what else may be used?
An LDH manifold
When positioning at a fill site, where should the DPO stop to be filled?
When the drivers door is parallel with the indicator
In order to hold its maximum capacity of water, what must a frameless water tank be?
Set up on a level surface
Which of the following statements about using large diameter hose for filling operaions is most accurate?
Can be extremely heavy and difficult to handle
How are incidents that require a flow rate in excess of 300 gpm best served?
Using multiple portable tanks
When operating a water shuttle at incidents located on a narrow lane or driveway, where may it be most advantageous to locate the dump site?
At the nearest intersection
Although most water shuttles require at least two pumpers for water supply, which of the following would be an exception?
Operations that feature a vacuum tanker or the use of a hydrant
Which of the following would be the best way to avoid having to back up or turn water tenders?
A clear intersection with through access
Which of the following should be continuously flowed in view of the driver/operator in order to help prevent loss of prime or overheting the pump?
A booster line or other small discharge
When drafting from a portable water tank, the pumper should use a low-level strainer to allow for continuous drafting to a point of about what?
2 inches
Depending on the distance from the fire scene and the particulars of the operation, what may the dump site pumper also operate as?
Attack pumper
Apparatus that use medium diameter supply hose for filling should have at least how many external fill connections piped directly to the tank?
Fill site pumpers operating from static water sources and dump site pumpers must be equipped with what aside from strainers in order to conduct drafting operations?
Hard intake hose
The apparatus that may be equipped with a front dump valve do not meet the NFPA 1901 flow requirement of how many gpm?
1,000 gpm
The in-line discharge on jet-assisted dumps is supplied by the fire pump on the water tender and creates what type of effect that increases the water flow through the large tank discharge?
Which of the following can self-fill from a static water source at a rate of up to 2,000 gpm?
Vacuum tenders
In order to utilize the manual operation of the valve mechanism for a gravity dump, where would the valve be located?
The discharge location (side or rear of the apparatus)
During water shuttle operations, it is most critical that the Incident Commander keep the Group Supervisor apprised of what?
Flow requirments
If an inline gate valve is not availale to use with a LDH that connects to tenders at the fill site, what should be placed between the last two sections to act as a valve?
LDH manifold
Which of the following requires multiple hoselines to be used in order to flow to each mobile water supply apparatus so that fill times are decreased?
Medium diameter hose
In order to maximize the flow available while supplying a tender during drafting oprations, what position should the driver/operator seek?
One that requires a minimum of lift
Although any member competent in water supply operations may be assigned by the Water Supply Group Supervisor, the job often falls to who?
Company officers or drivers/operators
The location where a tanker will be loaded during a shuttle operation is designated as what in the shuttle operation?
Fill site
The location approved for water shuttle apparatus to discharge their water for other apparatus to draw from during incident operations is designated as the:
Dump site
Which of the following are NOT one of the major components of a shuttle operation?
Tanker size
Per NFPA 1901, tankers must be designed to be filled at what rate?
1,000 GPM
Tandem axles are required for fire apparatus carrying over how many gallons of water?
2,000 gallons
In order to be considered a tanker/tender under NIMS, what piece of equipment is required to be carried by the apparatus?
An onboard or portable fire pump
NFPA 1901 requires tanker apparatus be able to dump water from what side(s) of the apparatus?
Left, right and rear sides
The two primary types of large tank discharges in use on tankers are:
gravity and jet-assisted dumps
Where should the dump site location be set up?
Close to the scene, but not close enough to hamper operations
The water source for a rural water supply fill site should be capable of supplying how much water?
1,000 GPM
What is a major cause of death and injury to firefighters every year?
Rollover accidents involving mobile water supply apparatus
What travel route is considered to be optimal for water supply operations?
Circular route
Who is the person in charge of the water supply group?
Water supply group supervisor
When two or more water shuttle operations are established, the IC may establish what?
Water supply branch
What measure should be taken to prevent loss of prime or overheating the pump during drafting operations?
Open & continuously flow a booster line or discharge
How should water tankers should be positioned at the fill site?
So that a minimum amount of hose is required from the fill site pumper
Flow from the fill site pumper should be controlled how?
Using the discharge gates on the pumping apparatus
When using a reliable water source, high fill rates may be achieved using what type of system?
Top fill method
Each firefighter at the fill site should be responsible for how many fill lines?
Which of the following is NOT one of the primary methods for operating a dump site?
On-board supply operations
Most water shuttles require at least how many pumpers for water supply?
According to NFPA 1901, water tenders must be designed to be filled at a rate of at least what?
1,000 gpm
Single axle apparatus weight restrictions generally limit the maximum tank capacity to what?
2,000 gpm
What is the NFPA standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus?
NFPA 1901 requires that water be capable of being dumped from all but what sides of the apparatus?
What are the two primary types of large tank discharges in use on water tenders?
Gravity and Jet assisted
A fill site capable of supplying what gpm should be chosen?
1,000 gpm
What is the optimum arrangement for a water supply circuit?
Full loaded tenders should travel in what direction when coming from a fill site?
Down grade
What should be placed to denote the stopping point for the water tender driver/operator?
Traffic cone
Which of the following are primary methods for operating a dump site?
All of the above
Which type of method is generally considered to be the simplest and quickest method for a constant water supply?
Portable tank
NFPA 1901 requires all tenders to have the capability to dump an average flow rate of 1,000 gpm for what percent of its tank capacity?
90 percent
What type of operation is generally adequate for firefighting operations that require relatively low flow rates?
Single portable tank operations
A portable tank should have a capacity at least how many gallons larger than the water tank on the apparatus that will supply it?
500 gallons
Incidents that require a flow rate in excess of what gpm are best served by a multiple tank operation?
300 gpm
A jet siphon has an inlet for what size hose?
1 1/2”
Parallel jet siphons should be used on operations requiring more than three tanks and what gpm?
500 gpm
What rate should water tenders be filled at?
1,000 gpm
When a water supply group is established, the person in charge is know as what?
Water Supply Group Supervisor
What usually provides a more reliable supply of continuous water with the use of fewer apparatus?
Relay pumping
What is the location at which tankers/tenders will be loaded during a water shuttle operation?
Fill site
What is the location approved for water shuttle apparatus to discharge their water for other apparatus to draw during incident operations?
Dump site
Another major consideration for relay pumping versus tanker shuttle operations is what?
The decision to use a relay pumping operation or a water shuttly operation may be based on all of the following except what?
Type of apparatus a particular jurisdiction uses
What unit is responsible for filling tenders in water shuttle operations?
Fill site pumper
What unit drafts water from a portable water tank?
Dump site pumper
In accordance with NFPA 1901 water tenders must be designed to be filled at a rate of at least what?
1,000 GPM
Pumper/tenders have a large water tank and the ability to pump at a minimum of what GPM?
750 GPM
Vehicle weight restrictions generally limit single rear axle apparatus to a maximum capacity of how many gallons?
Apparatus that use medium diameter supply hose for filling should have at least how many external fill connections piped directly to the tank?
Filling through the tops of tanks should be discouraged because?
It is dangerous
Water tenders should meet the dump requirements of what NFPA standard?
What helps prevent damage to water tanks during fill operations?
The success of a water shuttle operation relies on all of the following except what made at the onset of the incident?
Pre-incident planning
When possible a water supply source should be capable of supplying at least how many GPM?
1,000 GPM
What is a major cause of death and injury to firefighters each year involving mobile water supply apparatus?
Rollover accidents
Fill sites preferred for apparatus when?
Backing not required
Flow through LDH should only be controlled at the pumper or with what?
Valve appliances
Each fill site firefighter should be responsible for how many fill lines?
Choose the best option about the most reliable method to supply continuous water:
Relay pumping
In which operation unless a hose failure occurs, there is little danger involved?
Relay pumping
The decision to use a relay or a water shuttle operation may be based on all of this except:
Type of apparatus available
What is usually required at the fill site in order to fill at maximum capacity?
A pumper at the hydrant
Depending on the distance from the fire scene, which apparatus may also operate as the attack pumper?
Dump site pumper
What is the rated capacity of the fill site pumpers to be able to fill water tenders based on NFPA1901?
1,000 gpm or greater
Which is a consideration when departments choose the capacity of their tenders?
Bridge height
What does NIMS require in order to be considered a tender?
Portable fire pump
Which apparatus is capable of discharging its water at a rate up to 1,750 gpm?
Vacuum tender
What are the controllable variables to increase efficiency on a water shuttle operation?
Filling and dump times
How many external connections should an apparatus that uses MDH have?
At least two
In most circumstances, how many LDH intake are/is necessary to fill the tank?
Only one
What is preferred to have in order to avoid pressurizing the onboard tank?
Air gap
Which type of apparatus often does not meet the 1,000 gpm flow NFPA 1901 requires?
Front dump valve apparatus
What type of system uses a small diameter in-line discharge inserted into the piping of a large tank?
Jet-assisted dump
What happens if an apparatus is parked on a grade that allows water to run out of the vents?
Significant portion of water may fail to discharge
What helps prevent damage to water tanks during fill operations?
What allows the IC or the WSGS to be able to establish a reliable water supply faster?
Predetermining advantageous sites and routes
What should not be so close to the incident that could hamper the operation or be in danger of exposure or collapse?
Dump site location
What could be geographically separated from the dump site when operating on a dead-end street?
Attack pumpers
During fill operations, it is recomended to have a waste line flowing on the fill site pumper in order to prevent?
Loss of prime/overheating
What is the tanker called that is stationed at the fire scene and serves as a portable reservior rather than as a shuttle tanker?
Nurse tanker
Incidents that are best served by multiple portable tanks require a flow rate in excess of?
300 GPM
Apparatus that use medium diameter supply hose for filling should have at least how many external fill connections piped directly to the tank?
Low-level strainer allow for continuous drafting to a point of about?
2 inches
According to NFPA 1901, water tenders must be designed to be filled at a rate of at least?
1,000 GPM
What are the two primary types of large tank discharges in use on water tenders?
Gravity and jet-assisted dumps
What kind of route is the optimum arrangement for a water shuttle circuit?
Circular route
Which of the following is not a primary method for operating a dump site?
Rural water supply pumping
What dump site pumping method is generally preformed only when a minimal volume of water is required?
Direct pumping
What dump site pumping method is generally considered to be the simplest and quickest method to ensure a constant water supply for fire attack operations?
Portable tank method
What is the minimum preferred capacity for a portable water tank?
500 gallons
What is the most favorable aspect of a water shuttle operation?
The ease with wich it is terminated when the incident is concluded
Vehicle weight restrictions generally limit single rear axle apparatus to a max capacity of how many gallons?
What two variables can be controlled through equipment and training to increase efficiency in water tender operations?
Filling and dump times
Which NFPA standard must be adhered to if a fire department has chosen to convert other types of tank trucks to mobile water supply apparatus?
NFPA 1901
Which NFPA standard requires that water be capable of being dumped from the left, right and rear of the apparatus?
NFPA 1901
What may result from inadequate venting during dumping operations?
Suction effect that collapses the tank
Jet-assisted dumps use a small diameter in-line discharge inserted into the piping of the large tank discharge and rely on what effect to increase the water flow?
Venturi effect
Where should a traffic cone or other marking device be placed to indicate to the driver at the fill site to stop?
Drivers door
Which of the following can self-fill from a static water source at a rate of up to 2,000 gpm?
vacuum tenders
Apparatus that use medium diameter supply hose for filling should have at least how many external fill connections?
Which of the following BEST describes the safety issues water shuttles face from long driveways?
it may require apparatus to back out to a turnaround point
Although any member competent in water supply operations may be assigned by the water supply group supervisor, the job often falls on the?
company officers or driver/operators
If an inline gate valve is not available to use with a LDH that connects to tenders at the fill site, it is possible to place a appliance between the last two sections to act as a valve, what is that appliance?
the discharge location (side or rear of the apparatus)
The in-line discharge on jet assisted dumps is supplied by the fire pump on the water tender and creates what?
LDH manifold
Personnel working at the fill site, including company officers and the fill site officer should monitor ground conditions as the shuttle operations progresses because water spillage may?
make ground conditions dangerous
When using portable tanks for dump site supply water tenders do not need to be equipped with a fire pump as long as they are designed with?
a proper side dump valve
In order to hold its maximum capacity of water, a farmless water tank must be?
set up on a level surface
For operations that require more than three tanks and jet siphons that flow more than parallel jet siphons should be used to transfer water to the tank supplying the attack pumper at what gpm?
500 gpm
Where are water shuttle operations MOST likely to create hazards where overflow or spilling of water from apparatus might freeze?
Near fill or dump sites
Which of the following BEST describes the safety issues water shuttles face from steep grades?
it creates increased wear on apparatus
When establishing a water shuttle operation using incident command structure what is recommended to adhere to?
National Incident Management System
In order to maximize the flow available while supplying a tender during drafting operations, the driver/operator should seek a position that?
requires a minimum lift
In cases where the static water supply is inaccessible to apparatus, which of the following may be employed to relay water to the fill site pumper?
high volume portable pumps
Water tenders pumping water from their tanks directly into the pump intake of an attack pumper is?
direct pumping operation
A dump site that involves positioning a large water tender immediately adjacent to the attack pumper and thus serving the same role as a portable tank is?
nurse tender operations
When drafting from a portable water tank, the pumper should use a low-level strainer to allow for continuous drafting at a point of about?
2 inches
Incidents that require a flow rate in excess of 300 GPM are best served by?
using multiple portable tanks
The goal of multiple portable tank operations is to keep which tank full at all times?
the one from which the attack pumper is drafting from
what is it called when a water tender serves the same roll as a portable tank next to an attack pumper?
nurse tender operation
what does water tenders not need if designed with an adequately size dump valve?
fire pump
how do you maximize water from a hydrant?
connect to all available hydrant discharges
what is recommended for a full station pumper to so not to lose prime or overheat?
remain in pump gear with a waste line flowing
how many medium diameter hose to use when supplying water?
what is a circular route for water shuttle?
use one direction to go for filling and come back a different route to dump
what an issue using long driveways during water shuttle?
vehicles need to back out
what water shuttle operations called when water tenders pump directly into the attack pumper?
direct pumping operations
what must tank baffles have sufficient size in to allow movement?
opening at bottom for water and at the top for air
what makes shuttle operations faster?
efficient filling and dumping
how low can a low level strainer go until?
2 inches
where should tank fill inlets be placed for a top fill design water tender?
where hose can be attached easily from the ground
when should you use multiple portable tanks?
when flow is greater than 300gpm
what the best way to keep water tenders from backing up ?
use intersections with thru access
what must be know between command groups during water shuttles?
flow requirements
what shuttle operations site must be?
good source for water connections and water tender travel
which portable tank is the most important to keep full?
the one the attack pumper is using
what the most accurate way to determine the water left in the tank after a water dumps it water?
weight the water tender full and after dumping
what a safety issue with water tenders using narrow roads?
what is a vacuum tender capability to self-fill from static source?