24 - Rural Water Ops Flashcards
When placed in automatic mode, the automatic air primer will autimaticaly begin priming when discharge pressure drops below how many PSI?
20 PSI
A jet siphon can move up to how many GPM between tanks?
800 GPM
A low-level suction strainer allows the DPO to make best use of avaiable water in the dump tank down to how many inches?
How often should dry hydrants be back flushed and tested?
Every 6 months
All engines need what to draft from a dry hydrant?
A 4.5” to 6” double female bell adapter and a 6” double female
How often should storage tanks be checked for proper operations?
Every 6 months
Rule of thumb states that if the distance from the incident to the water source is greater than how many pumpers, it should become a shuttle operation?
3-pumper relay
When drafting from a dry hydrant, what is the maximum distance that the connection can be from the water line?
What is the preferred distance that a dry hydrant connection is from the water line?
10’ or less
A non-hydrant area is defined as a structure that is greater than how many feet from the closest hydrant?
In a direct fill operation, if the dump site is less than 200’ from the incident the first tanker should do what?
position out of the route of travel, connect a line to the siamese, and serve as the direct fill tanker.
In a direct fill operation, if the dump site is more than 200’ but less than 1,000’ from the incident then the first tanker should do what?
proceed with the first engine to the incident scene and supply the first engine.
In a direct fill operation, if the dump site is more than 1,000’ from the incident the first tanker should do what to complete the water supply?
refer to the preplan and lay out a supply line from predetermined location.+B22
If the dump site is less than 200’ away from the incident, in a direct fill operation, what should the first in engine DPO do to help complete water supply?
Lay in or hand jack hose back to the dump site
The general rule of thumb says that the minimum flow for a Jet Siphon Strainer is what?
500 GPM
What is the maximum flow for a low-level strainer?
750 GPM
What is the proper PPE to be worn at a dump site?
Traffic vests and firefighting helmets
At a fill site, there should be a minimum of how many fill stations set up?
In a nursing operation using direct fill, the second engine DPO should do what if there is NO tanker on scene when they arrive and the incident is less than 200’ from the dump site?
Supply water to the first engine through a 4” siamese
Due to their typical size, what should not be used as the sole water source?
Storage Tanks
The movement of water at fires will almost always consist of three types of operation except:
Fill site ops
Which is one of the goals of rural water supply ops?
What is a tanker task force ?
3 tankers,1 engine,1 command officer
The WSGS is normally established by:
Third engine
At a minimum, how many stations each fill site should support?
At what rate & psi should the fill site engine fill tankers at?
Minimum of 1000gpm, 100 psi
What distance is considered for a driveway to be long driveway?
200-1000 feet
During a long driveway operation, What does the second tanker do?
Connects to siamese
What position does the third engine officer take after 2nd chief officer assumes wsgs?
Dump site unit leader
What is the rule of thumb if the distance to the water source is greater than:
3 pumper relay a tanker shuttle is better
The tool that uses the venturi principle to evacuate air from suction hoses and the pump by using the air supply from the apparatus onboard air tanks is called?
Automatic air primer
What does a turbo draft do?
Allows access water supply that would normally be out of reach when using a hard suctionhose
What tool uses the venturi effect to move up to 800 gpm between tanks?
Jet siphon
What is a floating dock strainer?
Device that picks up water from the surface of the source
What can be set up to augment the water supply in a tanker shuttle ops?
Dump tanks
What is the preferred method for continuos water supply operation?
Tanker nursing attack engine
Which device allows for drafting from dump tank down to a water level of approximately 2 inches?
Low level suction strainer
Which device can be used to get water from the dump tanks without having to draft ?
Low profile jet siphon strainer
The water supply officer bag includes all these except:
Command board
During a shuttle operation, the second engine will do this tasks except:
Drop siamese
Who will be tasked as the Dump Site Unit Leader?
OIC of third Engine
Who will be tasked as the Fill Site Unit Leader?
OIC of fifth engine
Who is responsible for the job of Water Supply Group Supervisor until relieved?
OIC from third engine
Who has priority at fill sites?
Fill site engines with electronic governor controls always need to draft in what mode?
RPM mode
Fill site personnel operating near an open water source shall wear a PFD within what distance of the water?
10 feet
What is the formula for Tanker Flow Calculations?
Tanker flow = (Capacity -20%)/ Round trip time
A Tanker Task Force shall consist of how many Tankers?
During a direct fill operation, if the dump site is less than 200 feet from the incident, what unit shall lay out?
How many fill stations shall the fifth engine setup at the fill site?
During a direct fill operation, when the incident is more than 200 feet, but less than 1000 feet from the dump site, where shall the first Tanker go?
Proceed up the driveway with the first engine
If the second in engine arrives on scene with no tanker, what shall they do?
Supply engine through siamese
What is the typical size of a 1500 gallon dump tank?
10’ 3” by 10’ 3” by 30”
What is the typical size of a 2100 gallon dump tank?
11’ 3” by 11’ 3” by 30”
A low level strainer is able to supply water from a dump tank down to approximately what depth?
2 inches
What is the maximum flow for a low level strainer?
750 gpm
What is the minimum flow for a jet siphon strainer?
500 gpm
During a relay, what is the maximum distance between engines?
1000 feet
What pressure should all incoming tankers supply the clappered siamese at?
70 psi
At the fill site, tankers should be filled at a minimum what gpm?
1000 gpm
All of the follow are methods of moving water during a rural water incident except:
static operations
Who is the DSUL until the arrival of an additional command officer arrives on scene?
3rd due engine OIC
What is the definition of a non-hydrant area?
Hydrants located in excess of 2,000 feet from a structure
During nursing operations, the first arriving engine and tanker will proceed to the fire location while a tanker is located at the dump site supplying attack apparatus through:
a clappered Siamese valve
Relay operations generally require:
three or fewer engines
What is the maximum length of a supply line in a relay operation?
3000 ft
What is the minimum pump capacity of a tanker?
1000 GPM
What is the minimum water tank size on a tanker?
2000 gallons
Fill site engines shall have the govern controls set in what mode to reduce the probability of damage to the pumps?
RPM mode
Personal flotation devices are required when working within how many feet of an open water source?
10 feet
Relay operations from a static water source using 4 inch hose are feasible at distances over:
1 mile
In order to connect to a dry hydrant and complete a draft, all units shall need what kind of adapter?
41/2 inch to 6 inch double female National Pipe Taper and 6 inch double female
Water storage tanks should be checked:
6 months
How many gallons does a 13’3 by 13’3 by 30” dump tank contain?
3000 gallons
Which appliance used in rural water operations allows engines the ability to get water from the dump tanks without having to draft?
low-profile jet siphoned strainer
Automatic air primers begin priming when pressure in the system drops below:
20 PSI
All incoming tankers should supply the clappered Siamese from the engine at:
70 psi
What is the minimum rate at which fill site engines should fill tankers?
1000 GPM at 100 PSI
What is the maximum amount of vertical lift that can be found in a dry hydrant system?
20 feet
What is the minimum depth in which a water storage tank should be buried?
3 feet
Who is designated to be the fill site unit leader?
OIC of the fifth due engine
A “non-hydrant” area is defined as an area with how many feet between a structure and a hydrant?
2,000 feet or greater
Relay operations should not exceed what distance between the incident and the water source?
3,000 feet
A tanker task force consists of what minimum response?
Three tankers, one engine, one command officer
The length of a driveway in a rural water supply scenario that changes from a “short driveway” to a “long driveway” scenario is what distance?
200 feet
Who is designated to be the dump site unit leader?
OIC of the 3rd due engine
What is the calculation for determining tanker flow?
TF = (Capacity - 20%) divided by Round trip time in minutes
Upon arrival at the incident scene, what is the responsibility of the driver of the third due engine in a rural water supply scenario?
Transfers water to the dumpsite, then becomes part of the shuttle
How often should dry hydrants be tested and back-flushed?
Every six months
What is the maximum flow for a low-level strainer?
750 GPM
What is generally the minimum flow for a jet siphon strainer?
500 GPM
An automatic air primer will automatically being priming whenever the discharge pressure drops below what PSI?
20 PSI
What is the maximum distance between engines in a relay operation?
1000 feet
What is the minimum fire flow through 4 inch supply line in a relay operation?
500 GPM
The minimum flow/pressure to supply the first due tanker at the dump site?
70 PSI
At least how many fill stations should be set up at the fill site?
At what rate should tankers be filled at at the fill site?
1000 GPM at 100 PSI
What is the maximum lift from a dry hydrant?
20 feet
If utilizing a storage tank, what must also be considered at the end of an incident?
The storage tank must be refilled
A typical dump pit can fit how many gallons of water?
Between 1500 to 3000 gallons
What are the 4 goals of rural water supply operation?
Rapid, efficient, expandable and uninterupted
What are the 3 types of rural water supply operation?
Nurse, relay, shuttle
How far from a structure must a hydrant be to be considered “non-hydrant”?
2000 feet
Who is the dump site unit leader?
OIC from 3rd engine
Who is the fill site unit leader?
OIC from 5th engine
No more than how many engines may be used in a relay operation?
What comprises a tanker task force?
3 tankers, 1 engine, 1 command officer
Who initially assumes the role of water supply group supervisor?
OIC from 3rd engine
What is the tanker flow calculation?
(Capacity-20%)/round trip time
With proper preplanning, relay operations with 4-inch hose is feasible at what distance?
Over one mile
How often should dry hydrants by back flushed and tested?
Every 6 months
What is needed in order to draft from a dry hydrant?
4 1/2-6 inch double female bell adapter and 6 inch double female
What is the NOVA recommended minimum for a tanker pump and water tank capacity?
1,000 GPM pump and 2,000 gallon water tank
What is the maximum flow of a low-level strainer?
750 GPM
What is the approximate minimum flow for a Jet Siphon Strainer?
500 GPM
How many GPMs can a Jet Siphon move between dump tanks?
The automatic air primer will automatically begin priming when the discharge pressure drops below what?
20 PSI
What is the maximum distance allowed between engines during relay operations?
1,000 feet
What is the term for the tanker that proceeds with the initial attack engine to the incident scene provides water for the initial attack?
Nurse tanker
What is the maximum vertical drop in dry hydrants?
20 feet
What goal of rural water supply is described as providing maximum GPM/fire flow based on available water?
Which unit OIC is considered the DSUL until additional command officers arrive?
Third Engine
What is the distance between hydrants to be considered a non-hydrant area?
More than 2000’
During nursing operations, where will the first arriving tanker be typically located?
At the fire location
How many tankers come in a tanker task force?
Who’s responsibility is it to supervise the water supply group?
Who’s responsibility is it to calculate turnaround time and GPM per unit in shuttle and provide total GPM to WSGS
Who’s responsibility is it to manage all activities at the fill site?
Who determines the fill site locations?
First arriving engine OIC
What PPE should personnel ensure they have on at the dump site?
Traffic vests
If working within 10’ of an open water source, what should personnel be wearing?
What is the tanker flow for a tanker with 2500 gallons, a travel and fill time of 10 minutes have?
200 GPM
What Virginia code states that fire departments have the right to acquire water from whatever source is available to prevent the spread of fire?
Title 27, 27-20
If a tanker task force is not dispatched initially to a non-hydrant area, who’s responsibility is it to request it?
First arriving engine OIC or first arriving command officer
During nursing operations, which unit arrives at the fill site and assumes FSUL?
Fifth Engine
What does the driver of the fourth engine do during a shuttle operation?
Transfer water to tanker at dump site and become part of shuttle if needed
Due to the size, what systems should not be used as the sole water source?
Storage tanks
How many 6” hard sleeves is it recommended to be carried on all tankers?
What is the maximum flow for a low level strainer?
750 GPM
What is the approximate minimum flow for a Jet Siphon Strainer?
500 GPM
What must you do before using a dry Hydrant?
back flush
What does an automatic air primer use to evacuate air form suction hoses and the pump?
the venturi principle
What depends on the success of using a staic water source?
Accesibility and the water depth
How often must storage tanks be checked as a water source?
every 6 months
What must be asigned to a fire boat location if being used a water supply?
an engine company
What do relay operations need to be?
preplanned and the preplan followed
What are goals rural water supply operations?
rapid, efficient, expandable, uniterrupted
What is supply hose 4-inch diameter or greater called?
large diameter hose
What operation does the tanker supply the attack engine?
nursing operation
What is used to divide in the tanker flow calculation?
round trip time
wht percentage is used to minus capacity in tanker flow calculations?
Who is responsible for fill sight safety and ensuring all personnel know their assignments?
What mode must fill site engines with electronic governor must always draft and fill in?
RPM mode
What will an engine generate none of which during a draft will make the pump think it is cavitaing when in pressure mode?
Who must FSUL keep updated constantly on staus of the fill site and its capacity?
upon creation of a dump site, what must arriving companies do to support the site?
transfer their water to the site
What does FSUL stand for?
Fill site unit leader
Who recommand travel routes of tankers?
Who is WSGS unitl relieved?
3rd engine officer
With tanker task force, who is responsible for providing adequate water to the incident?
Water supply group
The goals of rural water supply operations are
Rapid, Efficient, Expandable, Uninterrupted
Normally established by the third-arriving engine officer until relieved by the command officer dispatched with the Tanker Task Force
Water supply group supervisor
This person’s role is to constantly and continuously monitor dump site operations for safety
Dump Site Unit Leader
Keep Water Supply Group Supervisor apprised of the fill site conditions upon request
Fill site unit leader
Have Priority at Dump Sites
Typically, the fifth engine is responsible for setting up and maintaining the
Fill site
Typically the OIC of the fifth engine is the
Fill site unit leader
The first engine shall communicate the
fill site location
Fill site engines with electronic governor controls need to always draft and fill in
RPM mode
The fire flow that can be obtained from a particular unit can be estimated using the following formula
Total Capacity of Tanker minus 20% divided by the round trip time
A Tanker Task Force consists of
One engine, Three tankers, One comand officer
If tankers are dispatched without engines, it is strongly recommended
an additional firefighter is placed on the unit for a crew of two.
First Engine
Arrive and layout LDH with a Siamese from a point that is suitable for the selected rural water supply operation.
First Tanker
A: Arrive and position in close proximity of the attack engine.
B: Connect a LDH supply line to the attack engine and supply water.
C: If the first arriving engine does not drop a Siamese, the tanker should drop theirs.
Second Engine
o Arrive at the incident scene and complete the setup of the nursing operation.
o Engine will supply their water into the system when no tankers are available.
Second Tanker
o Arrive at the nursing site and supply their water into the system.
o Join the water shuttle operation.
o If a combination operation is anticipated, consider dropping rural water supply (RWS)
equipment as needed.
Third Engine
o The officer of the third-arriving engine will assume the role of the DSUL.
o The DSUL will manage the responsibilities of the WSGS until relieved.
o Engine will supply their water into the system when no tankers are available. o Position out of the route of travel.
Fourth Engine
o Engine will supply their water into the system when no tankers are available.
o Position out of the route of travel.
Fifth Engine
o Arrive at the fill site and the officer will assume the FSUL position under the WSGS. o Establish two fill stations positioned sufficiently apart to permit ease of vehicle
Additional Tankers
o Arrive at incident and transfer water into the system.
o After transferring water, unit will become part of the water shuttle operation.
Who establishes the water supply group?
Third engine officer
Who gets priority at the fill site?
Who is responsible to figure to the turn around time and GPM per vehicle?
Dump Site Unit Leader
Who is responsible for the efficiency at the fill site?
Fill Site Supervisor
Where should the dump site be?
End of the driveway leading to the structure
Who is typically responsible for the fill site?
5th Engine
What are personnel to wear at the fill site?
Safety Vest
If personnel are working within 10 feet of the water what needs to be worn?
Personal Floatation Device
What must be done with the route of travel?
Be kept open and have a place for tanker to pass
How shall rural water supply areas be recorded at each station?
In a pre plan book
What does Virginia code Title 27 Section 27-20 Chapter 2 allow?
Water usage agreement
How many tanker do you get with a tanker taskforce?
What is the minimum dispatch for a tanker task force?
1 Engine, 3 tankers, 1 Command Officer
Who needs to begin the set up for a water supply operations when enroute to a fire ?
1St engine officer
If the fill site is less than 200’ from the incident who lays hose on the ground?
1St Engine
Where does the first tanker position on a short lay ?
Out of the route of travel at the dump site
What does the 2nd engine do when the 1st tanker is on scene and the incident is 200’ from the dump site?
Dump water to the tanker and become part of the water shuttle
What does the tanker do on a long lay?
Becomes the water reserve for the 1st engine
What does the 3rd engine officer do?
Becomes the Dump Site Unit Leader
What must the 5th engine do at the fill site?
2 Hose lines to fill and give tankers priority
What is the term for a nursing operation that provides immediate water to the fire ground eliminating the need for portable dump tanks?
Direct Fill
What is the role of the second tanker in a short driveway scenario?
Transfer water to the first tanker and then become part of the shuttle operation
What is the role of the second tanker in a long driveway scenario?
Position to receive water from units in the shuttle operation and serve as the dump site
Non-hydrant locations are areas that are how many feet from a given structure?
2,000 feet
What units make up a tanker task force?
Three tankers, one engine, and one command officer
What unit has priority at the dump site?
What unit is responsible for setting up the fill site?
Fifth engine
What mode do fill site engines with electronic governor controls need to be in to draft and fill?
RPM mode
What is the tank flow calculation?
Total capacity of tanker minus 20% divided by the round trip time
What is the role of the third due engine crew in a nursing operation?
Set up the dump site
A long driveway is when the dump site is more than how many feet from the incident?
200 feet
What are feasible distances for relay operations with 4-inch hose?
Over one mile
How often should dry-hydrants be back flushed and tested?
Every six months
How often should storage tanks be checked?
Every six months
Which of these is not part of the minimum equipment cache to be carried on all tankers?
Personal flotation device
Which of these is not part of the minimum equipment cache to be carried on all engines?
Dump tank
Which of these is not part of the the water supply officer bag?
What piece of equipment allows the engine company drafting to make the best use of all available water in a dump tank down to a water level of approximately two inches?
Low-level suction strainer
What piece of equipment allows engines the ability to get water from the dump tanks without having to draft?
Low-profile jet siphon strainer
What auxiliary item helps to move water between dump tanks and helps with water conservation in the operation?
Jet siphon
What are the most common ways to move water at a non-hydrant fire scene?
Nursing Operation, Relay Operation, Shuttle Operation
What are the goals of rural water supply operations?
Rapid, efficient, expandable, uninterrupted
Who is assinged as the Dump Site Unit Leader?
OIC of the 3rd engine
Who is responsible for setting up the dump site operations, establishing a staging area, and determining the best route of travel for tankers?
Dump Site Unit Leader
What is a “short driveway scenario?”
Driveway less than 200’
In a short driveway scenario, what will the second tanker do?
transfer water to first tanker, then becomes part of the shuttle
What is a “long driveway scenario?”
driveway more than 200’
What will the second tanker do in a long driveway scenario?
position to reveice water while serving as the dupm site
What procedure is used during initial fire attack and may be used in place of a dump site operation when deemed necessary?
nursing operation
A relay operation should not exceed how far from the incident?
Who should be assigned to the Water Supply Group Supervisor position (WSGS)?
Second arriving command officer
What is the role of the WSGS?
developing an adequate water supply delivery system
Who is in charge of the fill site?
OIC of the 5th engine
Who is responsible for determining the water supply plan?
OIC of the 1st arriving engine
A 13’3” by 13’3” by 30” dump tank is expected to hold approximately how many gallons?
Which strainer is designed specifically for dump tanks?
Low-Level suction strainer
To qualify as a non-hydrant area, how far are the hydrant from any given structure?
> 2000’
What auxiliary item can be used to help move water between dump tanks and helps with water conservation in the operation?
Jet siphon
How much water can be moved between dump tanks using the venturi effect?
800 gpm
What device allows engines and tankers to draft from a static water source without needing additional equipment to keep it off the bottom of the water source?
floating dock strainer
Which engine is the attack engine?
The first arriving engine on scene
What size hose is considered to be LDH?
4-inch diameter or greater
What are considered to be non-hydranted areas?
All known locations where hydrants are more than 2,000 feet from a given structure
What is considered a relay operation?
When three or fewer engines supplies the attack engine directly from the water source through a supply line that should not exceed 3000 feet from the incident
What best describes a shuttle operation?
The procedure of using engines and tankers to move water from a fill site to the incident scene
What is NOVA’s recommendation for a tanker?
1,000-GPM pump and a 2,000-gallon water tank
What is a tanker task force?
Three tankers, one engine, and one command officer
Initally whose role is it to fill the Water Supply Group Supervisor position?
The third due engine officer
Whose responsibility is it to establish an alternate radio channel or channels for the water supply operations?
The water group supervisor
Initally who shall announce the fill site locations?
The first arriving engine officer
What is appropriate PPE for personnel at the dump site?
Traffic vests and firefighting helmets
Which formula is appropraite to use when estimating the fire flow that can be obtained from a particular unit?
Total capacity of tanker minus 20% divided by the round-trip time
What does the first “S” stand for in WSGS stand for?
How many fill stations should the fifth due engine setup in a nursing operation?
How many lines will come from the fifth engine to facilitate the rapid filling of units coming to the fill site when conducting a direct fill option nursing operation?
What can fire boats be used as during a relay operation?
A drating unit to supply a relay
How often should dry hydrants be back flushed and tested?
Every six months
How often should storage tank systems be checked?
Every six months
What is the typical size for a 2100 gallon dump tank?
11’3” by 11’3” by 30”
The general rule of thumb is that the minimum flow for a Jet Siphon Strainer is approximately how many GPM?
500 GPM
Who does the fill site unit leader report to?
Water supply group supervisor
The NOVA recommendation for a tanker is a minimum:
1,000-GPM pump and a 2,000-gallon water tank
A tanker that proceeds with the initial attack engine to the incident scene and provides water as needed for the initial attack is known as:
Nurse tanker
Non-Hydrant areas include all known locations where hydrants are more than how many feet from a given structure?
2,000 feet
Who is responsible for determining the water supply plan enroute to the call?
The first due engine company
The dump site on an incident scene is typically located:
Near the end of the driveway leading to the structure
Fill site engines with electronic governor controls need to always draft and fill:
in RPM mode
Personnel at the fill area need to wear personal flotation devices (PFDs) if working within what distance of an open water
10 feet
What is the formula for determining tanker flow?
(Capacity - 20%) / Round trip time
What should the fire department set up with the owners of private water sources that could be used during a firefight?
Water usage agreement
The minimum dispatch for a Tanker Task Force shall consist of:
One engine, three tankers, one command officer
Who initially assumes the role of “Water Supply Group Supervisor” until relieved?
Third due engine officer
How often should dry hydrants be back-flushed and tested?
Every six months
What is the typical range of dump tank sizes?
1500-3000 Gallons
What is the maximum flow for a low level strainer?
750 GPM
An automatic air primer will begin priming whenever the discharge drops below:
20 PSI
An auxiliary item that helps move water between dump tanks and helps with water conservation:
Jet siphon
A device that allows a unit to access a water supply that would normally be out of reach when using a hard-suction hose is a:
Turbo draft
The maximum distance between engines in a relay should be:
1000 feet
Each fill site should support at least how many fill stations?