04 - IFSTA Chapter 04 Flashcards
When arriving on an incident scene where no fire condtions are present, apparatus should ____________
Pull past the structure
What is the first tactical priority of a fire suppression incident?
Depending on the incident, apparatus, equipment and personnel operating within_____ feet of the base of a high rise fire may need to be protected from falling debris.
If a building is greater than five stories tall, attack pumpers should take a postion that allows the aerial to be placed where?
Inside of the Pumper
When should fire departments identify suitible drafting sites in their response district?
During preincident planning
Who is responsible for conducting flow tests from dry hydrants connected to a static water source?
The Authority Having Juristiction
What is a proactive method a pump operator can take to prevent kinks in an intake hose?
Twist the hose in a counterclockwise fashion
What pumping operation is used when the attack pumper is located relatively close to a water source but a great distance from the fire?
Tandem Pumping
When assigned to structural protection during a fire involing the wildland/urban interface, pump operators should position the apparatus how?
In the driveway of the structure
What is the definition of level I staging per IFSTA?
Staging applied to the initial response of one or more unit
When is it appropriate to travel in the opposite lanes of limited access highway?
It is never approriate to do so
According to the IFSTA incident scene control zones for HAZMAT incidents, where is the Rapid Intervention Team staged?
Cold Zone
what is the minimum depth of strainer in order for a dry hydrant to operate appropriatley?
24 Inches
Dual pumping is an operation where a strong hydrant is used to supply two pumpers by connecting the pumpers:
Intake to Intake
Where are Engine companies typically staged during Level I staging?
Near a hydrant or water source
Which zone is considered the “limited access zone” during a HAZMAT incident
Yellow Zone
When would Tandem pumping be required on an incident scene?
When pressures are higher than a single engine can provide
Where does the second pumper make its connections on a tandem pumping operation?
Directly to a water supply or hydrant
During wildland operations, pumpers capable of mounting a mobile fire attack should:
Keep their lines short to facilitate movement
When selecting a drafting location, preference should be given to:
Locations that are accesible from a hard surface
What is a key factor that will assist the driver/operator to make informed decisions about apparatus placement?
Preincident planning
If arriving to a reported structure fire and there is nothing evident on arrival, the driver/operator should position the pumper where?
Pull past the address
What is the first tactical priority at any incident?
Life safety
If a fixed appliance (such as deck gun or master stream) is to be operated, the apparatus must be positioned appropriately with consideration for what?
The fire stream to reach its intended target, but with consideration for the collapse potential of the structure
The only incident type that is the exception to the rule of parking upwind is what?
Wildland fires
When structural collapse is possible, apparatus and personnel should maintain a collapse zone how large?
One and a half times the height of the building
Should a collapse occur, the safest position is considered to be where?
The corner(s) of the building
When operating on a high-rise fire, what distance outside/around the building may need to be protected from falling glass and debris?
200 feet
When utilizing the “inside/outside” method of apparatus placement on a building five stories or less, how should the engine and truck position?
Engine inside, truck outside
When utilizing the “inside/outside” method of apparatus placement on a building over five stories, how should the engine and truck position?
Truck inside, engine outside
Which of the following is NOT considered to be a static water source?
When drafting, a critical factor in achieving the best possible discharge cabilities is what?
Limiting lift
To minimize the chance of intake hose kinking, the driver/operator should do what to it?
Put one counterclockwise twist in the hose between the hydrant and pumper
The operation where a strong hydrant is used to supply two pumpers by connecting the pumpers intake-to-intake is known as what?
Dual pumping
The primary point outside the incident area where responding units report to and receive initial orders for action is known as what?
Areas that are established to better organize an incident and assist in regulating the movement of response personnel are known as what?
Hazard control zones
When operating around train tracks, it is important to remember that a fully loaded train can take how far to come to a stop?
Between one to two miles
When operating around train tracks, apparatus should maintain a clear zone of at least how far from the railroad tracks?
30 feet
When operating in the street or highway on an EMS incident, apparatus should be positioned how?
Larger apparatus (pumpers) behind smaller apparatus (ambulances)
Apparatus positioning should be based on all of the following EXCEPT:
Antipated on-scene duration
What is a major consideration for drivers when supplying elevated master streams?
Friction loss for distance and elevation
When would it be acceptable to drive opposite the normal flow of traffic?
When confirmed with police that the road has been shut down
Which unit takes priority for optimum positioning close to the building?
Aerial apparatus
Which method of pumping allows two engines to be used as attack apparatus?
Dual pumping
In tandem pumping, up to how far apart can the apparatus be located?
300 feet
What is the ideal way of approaching a potential hazardous materials incident?
Upwind and uphill
How is the collapse zone determined?
One and a half times the building height
Which zone of a HAZMAT incident is refered to as the “restricted zone”?
Hot zone
In a HAZMAT incident, where is the decon corridor located?
Warm zone
Units may utilize the “inside/outside” attack method if a building is what?
Less than five stories tall
What would be the preferred positioning for a wildland fire?
What is the name for a hydrant with intake hose connection on the shore and a length of pipe extended into the water with a strainer on the end?
Dry hydrant
What is the preferred type of hose for hydrant connections?
Large diameter hose
What is the NFPA standard for Inspection, Care, and Use of Fire Hose,Couplings, Nozzles, and the Service Testing of Fire Hose?
NFPA 1962
What level of staging is being utilized when numerous apparatus are dispatched to a parking lot or large open area?
Level II
Which style of pumping is generally used to increase water pressure?
Tandem pumping
What is the term used to describe a natural or man-made barrier that will prevent the fire from encircling the vehicle and crew?
Anchor point
Any personnel working near the edge of boddies of water are required to wear what?
Personal Flotation Device
How many lanes should be blocked on a roadway emergency?
Lanes where firefighters are operating as well as an additional lane for safety
What is an indication, identified during pre-incident planning, that a building may have a high potential for collapse?
Ornamental stars or bolts for reinforcement rods
A fire department pumper?s primary function on the fireground
provide water directly for fire streams or to support other pumpers or aerial apparatus
What will determine the best placement for the first-arriving and later-arriving pumpers on the fireground.
Local policies, the company officer, and the driver/operator
What determines the most advantageous position for the attack pumper
Incident scene “size up”
Pull the apparatus past the front of the building, if feasible, when arriving at an incident where
no fire is evident
in the event connections for water supply or fire department connections need to be made or to assist in pulling attack hoselines and operating the pump.
Remain with the apparatus
The first tactical priority at any incident
Life safety
a primary concern of the driver/operator and company officer in the placement of the pumper.
Establishing water supply
Apparatus and personnel should maintain a how much of a collapse zone of any building determined likely to collapse?
one and a half times the height
Depending on the incident, apparatus, equipment, and personnel operating within how many feet of the base of a high-rise fire may need to be protected from falling glass and debris?
If a building is less than five floors tall, the attack pumper is positioned on the side of the street closest to the building and aerial apparatus are placed outboard of the pumper
the “inside/outside” method
Driver/operators should not do what to a a nonpotable (nondrinkable) water source and a potable water supply?
Any personnel working near the edge of bodies of water are required to wear
a personal flotation device (PFD)
Stopping short of the hydrant allows the intake hose to
curve slightly
A good way to minimize the chance of the intake hose kinking is
to put a counterclockwise twist in the hose
one strong hydrant is used to supply two pumpers
dual pumping
a form of relay pumping with the pumpers positioned close together rather than evenly spaced in the supply hose layout.
tandem pumping
may be needed when pressures higher than a single engine is capable of supplying are required
tandem pumping
What may also be used in situations where the attack pumper is located a relatively short distance from the water source, but a great distance from the fire
tandem pumping
A second pumper can connect directly to the hydrant to supply water to the attack pumper at pressures greater than the hydrant is capable of supplying
tandem pumping
is generally used to increase the volume of water available at a fire scene
Relay pumping
What is considered an act of preparing to manage an incident at a particular location before the indent occurs?
Pre Incident Planning
Who is considered responsible for the management of all incident operations during an emergency?
Incident COmmander
If no fire is evident, what positioning should be utilized in feasible?
Pulling past the front of the building
What is considered the first tactical priority at any incident?
Life safety
How should the apparatus be positioned if hand lines or portable master streams are to be used?
Close proximity to the building
Whenever possible, how should the apparatus be positioned?
What overhead hazards pose a threat to apparatus position underneath if fire or weather conditions cause them to fail?
Utility Lines
How many stories is a building if the aerial is positioned on the “inside” (side of the street closest to the building)?
More than five stories
Where should a pumper position to supply an FDC?
As closely as possible to the water source
What consists of an intake hose connection on the shore and a length of pope extended into the water with a strainer on the end?
Dry hydrant
What is the preferred type of hose for hydrant connections?
Large diameter intake hose
What should be done if large diameter intake hose is not available at a hydrant?
Use one or two of the 2 1/2” outlets on the hydrant
What is another name for the large diameter intake?
Steamer intake
What should be noted while utilizing tandem pumping and pumping hoseline at high pressures?
That the pressure does not exceed at which the hose is annually tested at
What is considered an area where an undeveloped wildland area meets a human development area?
Wildland/urban interface
What is considered the point at which a fire line is begun?
Anchor point
What is considered overhaul of fire or hazardous material scene?
What is considered the location at which the primary Incident Management Logistics functions are coordinated?
Which zone should the command post be in?
Cold Zone
All apparatus should maintain a clear zone of how many feet from railroad tracks?
What is the collapse zone?
1.5x the height of structure
What shouldn’t you park under because of fire or weather could make them fall?
Utility lines
When should a pumper park inside of an aerial ladder?
building less than 5 stories
Where does an apparatus park on a highway incident?
as a shield to oncoming traffic and working firefighters
Where the safest place to position appartatus in case of collapse?
corners of structure
Which way should you approach hazardous material incident?
upwind and uphill
What zone is where all the support for the incident are conducted?
cold zone
When responding to an incident this is priority #1?
life safety
what is the preferred type of hose for hydrant connections?
Large diameter intake hose
What type of pumping might be needed if pressure higher than a single engine is capable?
tandem pumping
How far can tandem pumping take place?
300 ft
What type of pumping has 2 atack pupmpers using 1 source?
dual pumping
Where the best place to stand when opening a hydrant?
behind it
where should 1st apparatus pull when nothing is evident?
past the front to see 3 sides
What lanes should you close on roadway at first?
lane firefighter are working and 1 extra
Where do engines stage in Level 1?
near a hydrant or water source
what something to consider when positioning for ems calls?
leave enough room for patient loading
Where should you position to reduce becoming an exposure on fire incident?
When best time to figuire out position at FDC connections?
preincident planning
What zone is used for decontaminate personnel and equipment?
warm zone
NFPA? 1962, Standard for the Inspection, Care, and Use of Fire Hose, Couplings, Nozzles, and the Service Testing of Fire Hose
contains test pressures for various types of fire hose
What is the second most important consideration after life safety during fire fighting operations?
the protection of property (structures)
The boundary between wildland and structural development
wildland/urban interface
Driver/operators should do what from the last known turnaround point and note the location of landmarks along the route?
back the apparatus into position
a natural or man-made barrier that will prevent the fire from encircling the vehicle and crew
anchor point
Unless the weight of the apparatus is known to be within the capacity of the structure vehicles should not be
driven over bridges
Driver/operators should not attempt to do what with a vehicle unless it has been specifically designed to operate in such conditions?
ford streams
What is a vulnerable and dangerous position unless it can be confirmed from the railroad operator that train traffic has been halted?
Driving apparatus along the shoulders of railroad beds
During what operation should hoselines should be kept short in order to facilitate movement?
mobile fire attack
Often used on any multiunit response of two or more units. If the first arriving unit has no immediate orders for later-arriving apparatus, the officer may call for this to be implemented while the incident is investigated.
Level 1 Staging
Implemented when numerous units are responding to operate at the same incident, particularly those that require mutual aid or result in the transmittal of multiple alarms.
Level 2 Staging
Advises the Planning Section or IC as to the status of resource availability
Staging Area Manager
May be established as an area from which large numbers of personnel and quantities of equipment may be deployed.
Apparatus should not travel opposing the normal flow of traffic on highways or ramps unless
the police have closed the road to traffic
The U.S. Department of Transportation Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) advises that emergency vehicle warning lights should be used as necessary to reach the incident, but once on scene their use should be
reduced as much as possible
Some jurisdictions specify the use of units equipped with what that respond to numerous highway incidents?
top mounted pump panels
Apparatus should position with what facing the incident scene?
side mounted pump panels
Do not drive the apparatus directly to the scene until the material involved can be
the area closest to the release of material
hot zone
area abutting the hot zone and extending to the border of the cold zone
warm zone
The act of preparing to manage an incident at a particular location or prier to an incident occurring?
Pre incident planning
Ongoing evaluation of influential factors at the scene of an incident is called?
Size up
Why should you pull the engine just past the front of a building when investigating ?
You see 3 sides
Why should the driver remain with the apparatus when investigating ?
To hook up to the system
What is the first priority at any incident?
Life safety
This is a point which the fire department can hook up to the building with 2 2-1/2 hoses?
To shuttle water between a source and a incident scene?
The process of acquiring water from a static source and transfer it into a pump above the water level is called?
The supply of water at rest that does not provide a pressure head for fire departments is called?
Static water supply
A permanently installed pipe that has pumper suction connections permanently installed at a static water source is called?
Dry hydrant
Operation where a strong hydrant is used to supply 2 pumpers intake to intake is called?
Dual pumping
In short relay operations where one pumper has a water source and sends it to a 2nd pumper to increase the water pressure is called?
Tandem pumping
The line , area, or zone where underdeveloped wildland and developed urban area meet is called?
Wildland/urban interface
A system of barriers surrounding designated areas at emergency scenes intended to limit the number of personnel exposed is called?
Hazard zone
Potently hazardous area immediately surrounding the incident site is called?
Hot zone
The area that usually contains the decon corridor ?
Warm zone
What is the primary concern of the driver when positioning at a fire?
Water supply
When positioning at a fixed structure what of the following is NOT a concern?
When water is from multiple courses what is a concern?
Cross contamination of potable and non potable
What is a requirement when working near a body of water?
How should driver/operaters position their apparatus?
In the location for the safest and most advantageous use of the features of the apparatus
What is the fire department pumper’s primary function on the fire ground?
To provide water directly for fire streams or to support other pumpers or aerial apparatus
What is the term for the ongoing evaluaion of influential factors at the scene of an incident?
Which of these is not something a driver/operator should do when positioning the apparatus?
Park diractly in front of the incident location
What is the first tactical priority at any incident?
Life safety
Where should you park when operating at an incident involving hazardous or flammable liquids?
Uphill of the incident
What is the distance for a collapse zone?
One and a half times the height of the building
Where should the pumper and aerial position, on a narrow street, if the building is less than five stories?
The pumper is positioned on the side of the street closest to the building and the aerial is positioned on the other side
What is the term for the point at which the fire department can connect to a sprinkler or standpipe system?
Fire department connection
What is the term for shuttling water between a source and an emergency scene using nobile water supply apparatus?
What is the term for acquiring water from a static source and transferring it into a pump that is above the source’s level?
What is the term for a permanently installed pipe that has pumper suction connections installed at a static water source to speed up drafting operations?
Dry Hydrant
Why should hard intake hoses not be used to connect to a hydrant?
They are designed to withstand the vacuum associated with drafting and are not designed to be used under positive pressure
What is the common length for large diameter intake hose?
100 feet
What is the term for an operation where a strong hydrant is used to supply two pumpers by connecting the pumpers intake-to intake?
Dual pumping
What is the term for a short relay operation in which the pumper taking water from the supply source pumps into the second pumper?
Tandem pumping
How far apart can apparatus be from each other in tandem pumping operations?
Up to 300 feet
What is relay pumping generally used to increase?
Volume of water
How should apparatus equiped with side mounted pump panels park on a highway incident?
Park on a 45 degree angle with the pump panel facing the incident
How far away from railroad tracks should apparatus be to maintain a clear zone to prevent contact with objects on railroad cars?
30 feet
When the driver/operator pulls past the front of the building, this allows the driver/operator to view how many sides?
What is the only exception for parking downhill?
Wildland fires
What is the collapse zone of a building?
One and a half times the height of any building
What is generally considered the safest position should a collapse occur?
The corners
Falling debris and glass from a high-rise may fall up to how many feet from the building?
200 feet
Why should hoselines be kept short for apparatus capable of mounting a mobile fire attack?
To facilitate movement
How should the driver/operator position when supplying aerial apparatus?
As close as practical
Large diameter intake hose is most common in what lengths?
100 feet
What is a good way to minimize the chance of the intake hose kinking?
To put a counterclockwise twist on it
With this type of pumping, there is one strong hydrant used to supply two pumpers.
Dual pumping
In tandem pumping operations, apparatus may be located up to how many feet apart?
300 feet
Tandem pumping operations may be required for what type of fire?
High-rise fire
Relay pumping is generally used to increase what at a fire scene?
The volume of water
Tandem pumping is generally used to increase what at a fire scene?
The pressure of water
Which is most likely true for wildland fire?
Apparatus are seldom positioned in the same location for the duration of the incident
When navigating thru wildland fires and vision is limited, how may a driver/operator stay alert to upcoming obstacles?
A spotter
Whenever the engine is running, what should be on?
The headlights
Whenever the vehicle has stopped to conduct a quick attack in wildland fire, how should the driver/operator position the apparatus?
In the direction of an exit path, with its front wheels straight and the emergency brake engaged
Once control zones are established, what may happen to them?
They may be expanded or contracted
Apparatus should maintain a clear zone of at least how many feet from railroad tracks to prevent contact with objects on the railroad cars?
30 feet
How should D/O’s position their apparatus?
for the safest and most advantageous use of its features
What is it called when you prepare to manage an incident at a particular location or a particular type of incident before an actual incident occurs?
pre-incident planning
What is the first tactical priority at any incident?
life safety
When positioning for exposure protection, what must be considered?
the apparatus as a potential exposure
When fighting wildfires, where should the apparatus be positioned?
What is of critical importance in achieving the best possible discharge capabilities?
limiting lift
What can help prevent the formation of kinks and does not restrict water flow?
a counterclockwise twist when connecting the hose
What operation uses a strong hydrant to supply two pumpers by connecting intake to intake?
dual pumping
In tandem pumping operations, pumping apparatus can be located how far apart?
Which NFPA outlines the Standard for the Inspection, Care, and Use of Fire Hose, Couplings, Nozzles, and the Service Testing of Fire Hose?
What is a line, area, or zone where an undeveloped wildland area meets a human development area, called?
wildland/urban interface
Wildland fire attack should begin from a natural or man-made barrier that will prevent the fire from encircling the vehicle and crew, also known as what?
anchor point
What must be established around a roadway incident?
safe zone
How should apparatus equipped with a side mounted pump panel position on roadway incidents?
with pump panel controls facing the incident scene
What can assist in regulating the movement of response personnel and prevent unauthoirzed entry?
hazard-control zone
When working near railroad tracks, how long can it take a fully loaded train to make a complete stop?
1-2 miles
What is the zone that is a potentially hazardous area immediately surrounding the incident site?
hot zone
Where does the decon corridor usually get set up?
warm zone
what can be used to increase the volume of water available at a fire scene?
relay pumping
What method of pumping is used when pressures higher than the capability of a single pump are required?
tandem pumping
What will determine the most adventageous position for the attack pumper?
Incident scene size-up
Where is the general safest position in relation to a building when considering a collapse?
The corners of the structure
How should a driver/operator position in relation when setting up for an aerial master stream?
Position as close to the aerial apparatus as practical
What can be done to ensure a fire department connection is supplied most efficiently:
Position as close to the water source as possible
This water source consists of an intake hose connection on the shore and a lenth of pipe extending into the water with a strainer on the end:
Dry hydrant
In many jurisdictions, the most common source of water is:
A fire hydrant
What is the best way to minimize the chances of an intake hose kinking?
Put a counter-clockwise twist in the hose
How should a driver/operator position in relation to the hydrant?
Either a few short or a few feet past
What kind of pumping operation is used when one strong hydrant is used to supply two pumpers?
Dual pumping
When pressures higher than a single engine is capable of supplying are required, what kind of pumping operation can be used?
Tandem pumping operation
In tandem pumping operations, how far apart may fire apparatus be?
300 feet
What kind of pumping operation is used to increase the volume of water available at a fire scene?
Relay pumping
Who is responsible for communicating available resources and resource needs to the operations section chief?
Staging area manager
An area from which large numbers of personnel and quantities of equipment may be deployed is:
When operating on a highway incident, how should apparatus equipped with a side mounted pump panel should position?
Panel towards the incident scene
When responding to a hazardous materials incident, when should apparatus be driven to the scene?
After the material involved is identified
The area used to provide support for operations in the hot zone is:
Warm zone
In what zone is the triage/treatment area located?
Cold zone
The area that surrounds the warm zone and is the area where all incident support functions are conducted is:
Cold zone
Apparratus should maintain a clear zone of how many feet from railroad tracks?
30 feet