2.12B. Circulation of the brain. Cerebrospinal fluid. Blood-brain barrier. Flashcards
I. Circulation of brain
1. Characteristics of brain circulation
- Cerebral circulation is controlled almost entirely by local metabolites and exhibits autoregulation + functional/reactive hyperemia
- Most important local vasodilator is ↑CO2 (or ↑ H+) which is sensed by central chemoreceptors
- ↑ in cerebral pCO2 causes vasodilation of cerebral arteries, which results in ↑ in
blood flow to assist removal of excess CO2 - Hyperventilating leads to ↓CO2-levels
-> cerebral vasoconstriction -> unconsciousness
I. Circulation of brain
2. What is the most important local vasodilator?
Most important local vasodilator is ↑CO2 (or ↑ H+) which is sensed by central chemoreceptors
I. Circulation of brain
3. What are the consequences of increasing in cerebral pCO2?
↑ in cerebral pCO2 causes vasodilation of cerebral arteries, which results in ↑ in
blood flow to assist removal of excess CO2
I. Circulation of brain
4. What are the consequences of hyperventilation?
Hyperventilating leads to ↓CO2-levels
-> cerebral vasoconstriction
-> unconsciousness
II. important parameters of Cerebral circulation
1. What are the important parameters of Cerebral circulation?
QB = 750 – 800mL/min (15% of CO), regional differences (Qgray matter > Qwhite matter)
AVDO2 = 60mL/min (extracts less O2 from blood than heart)
If QB stops for:
- 5 seconds = loss of consciousness
- 5 minutes = irreversible brain damage
II. important parameters of Cerebral circulation
2. What happen if QB stops for a specific time period?
- 5 seconds = loss of consciousness
- 5 minutes = irreversible brain damage
III. Regulation of cerebral blood flow
1. What does cerebral blood flow depend on?
Cerebral blood flow depends on resistance and perfusion pressure
III. Regulation of cerebral blood flow
2A. How can Resistance regulate cerebral blood flow?
By using these 5 mechanisms
1. Autoregulation
2. Metabolic changes
3. Effect of pCO2 on QB
4. Myogenic mechanism
5. Using astrocytes
III. Regulation of cerebral blood flow - Resistance
2B. How can Autoregulation participate in Regulation of cerebral circulation
- Intrinsic ability of a body part to maintain a constant blood flow despite changes in perfusion pressure
- Processes that occur in the absence of neural and hormonal influences
III. Regulation of cerebral blood flow - Resistance
2C. How can Myogenic mechanism participate in Regulation of cerebral circulation
- Tissue itself regulates the blood supply
- Ex: we run -> Pa↑ - but do not need QB↑
- Pa↑↑ (> 160mmHg) -> SYM activation -> vasoconstriction (alpha1-R) -> extended range of autoregulation -> keep QB constant
III. Regulation of cerebral blood flow - Resistance
2D. How can metabolic changes participate in Regulation of cerebral blood flow
Neuronal activity↑
-> metabolism↑
-> pCO2↑ (pO2↓)
-> [H]↑, [K+]EC↑, adenosine↑
=> Vasodilation -> QB ↑
=> Most important regulators in cerebral circulation: pCO2, [K+]
III. Regulation of cerebral blood flow - Resistance
2E. How can Effect of pCO2 on QB participate in Regulation of cerebral blood flow
- Blood vessels in brain have high pCO2-sensitivity, sensed by central chemoreceptors
- ↑ in pCO2 -> vasodilation (↑QB) for the removal of excess CO2
- If we hyperventilate -> pCO2↓ -> cerebral vasoconstriction -> loss of consciousness (collapse)
III. Regulation of cerebral blood flow
2F. How can astrocytes participate in regulation of blood flow
- Are in close contact with synapses of neurons
- Take up K+ and other vasoactive metabolites
-> Release them to the VSM -> vasodilation
III. Regulation of cerebral blood flow
3. How can volume participate in Regulation of cerebral blood flow?
Vbrain tissue + Vblood + VCSF = constant
- Since skull is rigid = fluid is constant
- Any change only occurs if others change
- Increase will compress the brain tissue -> brain damage
III. Regulation of cerebral blood flow
4. How can Intracranial pressure participate in Regulation of cerebral blood flow?
(Cushing reflex): Intracranial pressure (ICP↑) -> compression of cerebral arteries -> decreases cerebral perfusion and activates chemical chemoreceptors -> peripheral vasoconstriction + cerebral vasodilation
- ↑ arterial BP due to ↑ ICP -> arterial baroreceptors detect that PARA activation -> HR↓
- In short: ↑ICP -> ↓HR + ↑BP
IV. Blood-brain-barrier (BBB)
1. How is Blood-brain-barrier (BBB) formed?
- Formed by capillaries, which are connected by tight junctions
IV. Blood-brain-barrier (BBB)
2. The role of Blood-brain-barrier (BBB)
Prevents the solutes in the lumen of the tight capillaries from having direct access to the brain ECF
IV. Blood-brain-barrier (BBB)
3. How does transport occur in Blood-brain-barrier (BBB)?
Transport only possible through capillary endothelial cells
- O2, CO2 = lipid-permeable
- Glucose = GLUT1 transporter
- Amino acids = AA transporters
- H2O = aquaporins
- ABC transporter (require ATP)
=> Important to remove toxic substance from the brain
V. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
1. What is the volume of Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)?
150 mL
V. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
2. What is the production rate of Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)?
production rate = 550mL/day
V. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
3. What are the characteristics of Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)?
- Mechanical protection (like a helmet)
- Brain floats in the CSF
- Acts like a ‘’sink’’ for the brain (helps to provide constant environment for neurons)
=> CSF is a clear fluid produced by ependymal cells in the choroid plexus of ventricles
V. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
4. What are the component of CSF?
Compared to blood:
- LowK+
- Low protein concentration (0,03g/dL)
- Lower pH
V. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
5. How does CSF secretion occur?
- Active removal of K+ from CSF = reduce [K+]EC
2.17. Circulation of the brain. Cerebrospinal fluid. Blood-brain barrier.V. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
6. How does Absorption of CSF occur?
- Passively through arachnoid villi (transcytotic manner)
=> Driven by pressure of CSF - Goes through superior sagittal sinus
- CSF pressure = 100mmH2O
- If CSF pressure increases = absorption increases = brain damage in brain tissue