21: Lower Digestive Flashcards
What two ducts empty into the major duodenal papilla?
Common bile duct and main pancreatic duct
What duct regulates the flow of both bile and pancreatic juice into the duodenum? What structure is it a part of?
Hepatopancreatic sphincter
Part of the major duodenal papilla
Where does the ileum meet the cecum?
Ileocecal valve
What feature of the small intestine helps with absorption by increasing surface area and slowing chyme flow?
Plicae circulares
What does the capillary bed of each villi contain?
One arteriole, one venule, and one lacteal
What are intestinal crypts?
Spaces between the intestinal villi
Where is an anal sinus and what does it do?
It is between the anal columns and secretes mucous for defacation
What organs does the small intestine rely on for chemical digestion?
Liver, pancreas, and gallbladder
What grape-like structure on the pancreas is exocrine?
Which duct from the pancreas fuses with the common bile duct and which enters directly into the duodenum?
The main pancreatic duct fuses with the common bile duct, the accessory pancreatic duct runs directly to the duodenum
What islands of endocrine cells are on the pancreas?
Islets of Langerhans
Why is the bile from the liver crucial to digestion?
Lipids do not dissolve in water, so bile dissolves them.
What is the hexagon-shaped unit of the liver?
Hepatic lobule
What structure runs between the hepatocytes of each hepatic lobule?
Bile canaliculus
What is an open, blood space formed by sinusoidal capillaries from nutrient-rich hepatic portal veins and oxygen-rich hepatic arteries?
Hepatic sinusoid
How does the liver filter blood?
Blood flows from the portal veins into the hepatic sinusoid where hepatocytes filter nutrients, toxins, and waste materials. The hepatocytes also excrete into the sinusoid. The sinusoid then flows into the central vein to the inferior vena cava