2010 final Flashcards
2 months baby was brought to the hospital unconscious by his mother, who admitted to strongly shaking the baby to stop crying. CT revealed massive subdural hemorrhage. Which blood vessel is affected?
Communicating veins
Long Term Poteniation
↑ entry of Ca & insertion of AMPA
α-motor neuron -> Gamma modulated sensitivity
Sensory fiber of golgi tendon -> Ib
Patient with infective endocarditis had a stroke?
Septic emboli
Patient who is able to draw perfectly but unable to read?
Associative agnosia
Patient who can’t recognize his relatives’ faces?
Drug causes malignant hyperthermia?
What is the characteristic of myelination of CNS?
Oligodenderocyte supplies more than one axon
- In Alzheimer’s, what forms the tangles?
What is the precursor of Aβ?
What is the content of plaques in AlZheimer’s disease?
A brain shows fibrils?
Corticospinal tract in the internal capsule?
Posterior limb
What muscle is affected by damage to motor nucleus of trigeminal?
Which nerve is responsible in corneal reflex?
Nasocilliary (branch of ophthalmic)
Which part is responsible for the eye field?
Superior frontal gyrus
Which part is responsible for the auditory area?
Superior temporal
Nucleus involved in papillary light reflex?
L-dopa 3- methytransferase?
D2 receptor agonist?
A patient presented with lesions filled with plasma cells and spiral shaped microorganisms?
Enlarged cells with cytoplasmic and nuclear inclusions?
Patient with meningioma, his temporal fields are both affected. Where do you suspect the lesion?
Optic chiasm
Loss of discriminative touch in the right lower limb. What is most probably affected?
Right gracilis fasciculus
Right leg is spastic, what is affected?
Right lateral corticospinal tract
Loss of pain in the left leg, where is the lesion?
Right spinothalamic
Learning how to ride a joggling balls (skilled learning) is by which part of the brain?
What is the effect of dopamine on skeletomotor function?
Activation of the motor cortex
GAA repeats?
Friedreich ataxia
Ion channels defect?
Function of premotor cortex?
Choose the appropriate synergistic muscle
Cyst consists of protrusions of the cranial meninges that is filled with cerebrospinal fluid?
Cranial Neural tube defect w/ nercosis?
- Craniorachischisis
- Rachischisis
- Anencephaly
- Craniorachischisis
What is the precursor lesion to acute cerebral ischemia?
How to treat Military outbreak of meningitis?
Vaccine A + C
Vaccination of children less that 2 against meningitis?
- Conjugated C vaccine
- Cefotaxime + vancomycin
- Conjugated C vaccine
Old male had Cyst with reactive gliosis?
Brain abscess
Anxiolytic drug used to induce sedation and amnesia before procedure?
Which drug inhibits the re-uptake of GABA?
A brain biopsy of a child was stained with tolidine blue and turned into red. What is the diagnosis?
Arysulfatase deficiency
What is the characteristic of receptor potential?
It depends on the strength of the stimulus
What makes the parasympathetic nervous system discrete and localized?
“one-to-one” ratio between pre/post ganglionic neurons
What make the wave in EEG?
Ionic currents in dendrites
What does measles cause?
Sub-acute sclerosing panencephalitis
What is the embryological origin of medulla oblongata?
(pic about conductive hearing loss-à bone conduction is better than air conduction) What part of the ear is damaged?
Middle ear
In which wall is the lesser petrosal nerve located?
- Labyrinthine
- Mastoid
- Labyrinthine
Tonus of the smooth muscles of the brain vessels under normal physiological conditions is controlled mainly by?
What is the consequence of NK-1 activation?
Intracellular Ca will increase by inositol triphosphate
What is the mechanism of action of amphotercin B?
Binds to ergosterol and causes leakiness
A woman had vertigo, tinnitus& was diagnosed with meniere’s disease. Which part is affected?
- Endolymphatic sac???
- Semi-circular canal????
In crossed extensor reflex, axon of sensory neuron to the extensor muscle directly synapses with what?
Excitatory interneuron
What is true about diabetic retinopathy?
After 20 years, more than 75% diabetic will have some form of
diabetic retinopathy
Fat tissue hormone responsible of regulation of body weight?
Hormone responsible for brain reward system?
Most common fungus that leads to meningitis in immunocompromised?
EBM: Which site is used to view complete lists of systemic reviews & studies?
- PubMed (not sure)
- Or Up-to-date????
EBM: If pre-test probability is 50%, sensitivity 97%, specificity
67%? PPV low, NPV very high