1.2 Kahoot - exam Flashcards
Which functional group is responsible for the high solubility of carbohydrates in water
Hydroxyl group
What is the reaction that forms a disaccharide
Dehydration synthesis
Why are chitin and cellulose hydrophobic
They form many internal hydrogen bonds
What element make lipids
C, H, O
What are functions of lipids
- long term energy storage
- thermal insulation
- hormones
How are lipids stored in adipose tissue?
- as glycogen
- as fatty acid
- as triglycerides
Which functional group is found on fatty acid
Carboxyl group
What is a trans fat on a molecular level
Trans isomers of an unsaturated fat
Trans fats help … the risk of heart disease and diabetes
Phospholipid structure
Polar head and 2 non-polar fatty acid tails
Cell membrane is
Semi permeable
What types of molecule can easily cross the cell membrane
Small, non-polar molecules
Steroid structure
3 six-carbon rings w/ one five-carbon ring
Where does most of our body’s cholesterol come from
Produced in the liver
Function of cholesterol in the cell membrane
Flexibility and fluidity
LDL stand for
Low-density lipoprotein
Bad cholesterol
HDL function
Remove excess LDL and take to the liver for removal
Anabolic steroid function
Increase muscle mass
Side effect of anabolic steroids in males
- breast development
- kidney damage
- increased aggression
- hair loss
Side effects of anabolic steroids in women
- decreased breast size
- deepened voice
- Altered menstrual function
Monomer of all proteins
Amino acids
Main elements found in proteins
C, H, O, N
R structure in amino acid
A side chain/functional group
How many amino acids do we use in our body
What does it mean if an amino acid is essential
Amino acids aren’t produced by the body naturally and need to be ingested
Bond between 2 amino acids
Peptide bond
What is the secondary structure in protein formation
The repeating pattern of a helix and a B pleated sheet
What happens in the secondary structure that causes the helix and pleating
Regions are stabilized by hydrogen bonds
Description of the primary structure of a protein
Linear chain of amino acids
What happens to form the tertiary structure
3-D shape stabilized by interactions between side chains
How many polypeptide chains are involved in the quaternady structure of a protein
All proteins must be in their quaternary structure to be functional
Structural change of a protein that results in loss of function
Causes of denaturation
- change pH
- change temp
- change in NaCl concentration
Protein molecules change shape when denaturing because
Intermolecular bonds are broken
2 types of nucleic acids
DNA function
Store and transmit genetic info
RNA function
Protein synthesis
Monomers of nucleotides are called nucleic
Backbone of a nucleic acid molecule
Phosphate and sugar
Structural differences between DNA and RNA
- DNA has deoxyribose, RNA has ribose
- DNA has thymine, RNA has uracil
- DNA is double stranded, RNA single stranded
In DNA cytosine pairs with
In RNA, adenine bonds
Structure of a nucleotide
5 C sugar attached to a phosphate group and nitrogen base