عملي باثولوجي Flashcards
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
دجاجة البروست
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
زي الشجرة البنفسجية و جزء منها ممدود و ممسوح
Barrett’s esophagus.
Fatty change, Liver
Fatty change of the liver.
Infarction, Kidney
(Coagulative necrosis)
A wedge - shaped kidney infarct ( yellow )
Acute Myocardial Infarction
Brain infarction (Liquefactive necrosis)
Tuberculosis of lung with
Caseation ( Caseous necrosis)
Dry Gangrene, Foot
Intestinal Gangrene (Wet gangrene)
Anthracosis, Lung
Brown atrophy of Heart
Lipofuscin granules in a cardiac myocyte.
yellowish brown lipid-derived pigment
H and E stain
Showing golden - brown , finely granular pigment.
Prussian blue stain, specific stain for iron (seen as blue granules in liver cells).
نهر قوتي الابيض
A gouty tophus
Showing homogenous deposit of urate crystals surrounded by : - mononuclear inflammatory cells
- giant cells.
- reactive fibroblasts,
Dystrophic Calcification of the aortic valve
Calcific aortic stenosis
( Congo red stain )
Amyloid deposits is stained
زي الدودة
Chronic duodenal ulcer.
Chronic duodenal ulcer.
Acute Fibrinous Pericarditis
Chronic inflammation
Caseating granuloma in The lung In a case of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Noncaseating granulomas in The lung in a Case of Sarcoidosis
Granulation Tissue
Healed Myocardial infarction, left ventricle
Healed Myocardial Infarction
Keloid formation.
Squamous cell papilloma, skin
Simple adenoma, Thyroid
Primary complex of pulmonary tuberculosis: shows
Ghon’s Focus
Primary complex of pulmonary tuberculosis: shows
Tuberculous Lymphadenitis
Miliary tuberculosis, Lung