WWI causes and weapons Flashcards
What was the first chain reaction in WWI?
The Spark: Franz Fernand and wife were assassinated on June 28, 1914 by Black Hand
What was the second chain reaction in WWI?
Austria Hungary blames Serbia: issues harsh set of demands on Serbia
What was the third chian reaction in WWI?
Serbia unable to meet the demands
What waas the fourth chain reaction in WWI?
Jully 28, 1914, Austria Hungary after confering with Germany declares war on Serbia
Germany issues a Blank check of unconditional support
What was the fifth chain feaction in WWI?
Pan Slavism: Russia (largest Slav nation comes to defend Serbia and mobilize for war
What is mobilizing?
undeclared declaration of war
What is the sixth chain reaciton of WWI?
Germany: Austria Hungary ally declares war on Russia
Germany: declares war on France, ally with Russia
Exercized Schleffen Plan
What is the Schleffen Plan?
2 front war with France and Russia iniciated by Germany
Get France out of the war quick
What was the seventh chain reaction of WWI?
Germany invades Belgium (enroute to France)
What is the eighth chain reaction of WWI?
Britain honors long standing Belium alliance and declares war on Germany
WHere was the question “Who started the War” answered?
Paris Peace Conference with the Treaty of Versallies
What weapons were used in WWI?
sniper rifle tanks grenades (potato masher) aircraft machine gun bolt action rifle
What was WWI fighting style?
Napoleonic Style
Divide and conquer
WHy did Napoleonic Style fail?
due to modern weapons (machine guns)
What are the MAIN causes of WWI?
Standing army in the millions
Glorification of war
War is good and neccisary for each generation to prove itself
2nd industrialization had mass production
Europe had Franco PRussian War (seasonal war)
Europeans expected WWI to be a seasonal war
Very naive to new weapons
Most significant cause of WWI
What was Europe like in 1800s?
relitively peace and prosperity
Triple Alliances: Germany, Austria Hungary, Italy (Italy changes teams and Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria joins)
Triple Entente: Britain, France, and Russia (later Italy and is called Allies)
Main threat was Germany
Italy changed becuse Briation made a secret treaty to gie it more land
WIlson 14 points
Common Enemy Theory
Most industrial nations imperialize
Industrial naitons need raw materials and new markets
Scramble for Africa
Balance of power between European nations
extreme joy in one country winning
Standing army in the millions
WHat were the Balkans?
Powder Keg of Europe
They were apart of the weakest empire (Ottoman)
South Central Europe next to Italy
What were Seasonal Wars?
wars that last just a few months
Franco Prussian War
WHo wer the Black Hand?
Serbian nationalists
Where did Serbia want to move to?
land with sea
The Austria Hungary invasion of _ brought Russia into the War?
What was the German Kaiser during WWI was who?
Wilhelm II
What was Germany’s secret treaty to convince Mexico to join the war?
Who was the Commander of the American Expeditionary Force during WWI?
John Pershing
WHo was the president during WWI?
What years were WWI?
German Kriegsmarine pioneered the use of _ to sink enemy ship.
U boat
WHat was the pledge that Germny would stop unrestricted submarine warfare?
Suffex Pledge
WHat type of warfare was used by both sides on the Western Front?
trent warfare machine gun stalemate no mans land over the top
For the first 3 years of the war, the US practiced waht kind of policy?
What was Wilson’s campain for the 1916 election?
he kept us out of war
How was most of the money used to fund the war was raised?
sales of Liberty Bonds
The Commitee of Public Information was set up in 1917 for what purpose?
To publicize and popularize the war
What laws aloowd the US govt to silence or imprision those who oppose the war?
THe espionage
Sedition Act of 1917
The AMerican soldiers in WWI were nicknamed what by allies troops?
dough boys
WHo was the top fighter pilot during the war?
Who was the Red Baron?
What political faction orchestrated the Nov 1917 revolution in Russia?
The Bolshevilks