End of WWII and WWII on the Home front Vocab Flashcards
Island Hopping?
Going towards Toyko to seize nearby islands to deprive them of supplies and make airplane bases for the US
Suicide pilots from Japanthat could plunge into ships in hopes of sinking them
They were generally teenage boys and it was a great honor to their families
Enployment increased for Mexicans to work as farm laborers
Zoot Suit Riots?
Thousands of off duty mexican soldiers and sailors joined with hundreds of civilian whites assulted Hispanics, Blacks, and Filipinos in Los Angeles
Created by the OPA
Rationed sugar, cheese, gasoline, rubber, and coffee
National speed limit was 35 mph
Recycle as much to build more military supplies
Office of War Mobilization?
If govt wanted production to increase, then they must regulate and direct industrial production
Office of Censorship?
designed to promote patrotism and influene public opinion
eamined letters going overseas
causualty figures from pearl harbor were not initially reported
photos of american war dead prohibited for a while
Later the media was encouraged to publicize accounts of Japanese autrocities vs US
A Philip Randolph?
Blck leader who organized a march on DC in 1941 to pressure FDR to issue an executive order to ban discrimination industries
Executive Order 8802
War Production Board - WPB?
produced more military goods than Germany, Italy, Japan combined
Conversio of economy from civilian to military suplies
Office of Price Administration - OPA?
in charge of rationing and was empowere to establish price controls to counteract the war time inflation
Created ration books
Executive Order 9066?
110,000 JA were relocated into internment camps
2/3 were US citizens
Most camps were in the remote parts of the west
Rosie the Riveter?
Iconic image of woman dressed in overalls who became the symbol women in the male workforce launched by the govt
American Civil Labor Union?
Tries to get the liberties back from the 9066
Tries to get liberties back when they are infringed on
Congress of Racial Equality (1942)?
Created Civil Rights Organization during WWII that comitted itself to using nonviolent techniues to end racial segregation
What was the Supreme Court case that got rid of internment camps?
Korematsu v US
Manhattan Project?
Used University professors to create and test the first atomic bombs
National War Labor Board - NWLB
Imposed stopping the increasing wages
Yalta Conference?
Big 3 meet again Germany accepts defeat Decided UN continues UNITED NATIONS: continued MOST CONTROVERSIAL: EASTERN EUROPE - especially POLAND Free Elections: STALIN promised USSR: desired a “buffer zone” from Germany ROOTS OF COLD WAR
Fair Employment Practices?
Created by FDR after Randolph marched on DC and gave people equality without discrimination in the defense industry
Potsdam Conference
NAZI influence = PURGED from German Culture
Occupation of Germany
Battle of Bulge?
Hitler;’s last attempt to win the war 12/16/44-1/25/45
VE Day?
Victory in Europe
VJ Day?
Victory in Japan
Normandy landing
Liberated Paris
War Bonds
debt securities issued by a government to finance military operations and other expenditure in times of war
Code Talkers?
Use their languange so that Germany and the axis couldnt decifer allied messages
Office of War Mobilization?
coordinate all government agencies involved in the war effort
Office of Information?
consolidate existing government information services and deliver propaganda both at home and abroad
Victory Gardens?
were vegetable, fruit, and herb gardens planted at private residences and public parks in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Germany
Iwo Jima?
Battle of Iwo Jima was fought between the Japanese army and the United States Marine
japan fights thee Last Man
Allied forces invade the island of Okinawa and engage the Japanese in the bloodiest battle of the Pacific War.
japan fights thee Last Man
Atlantic Charter?
A broad war aims statement from Churchill and FDR
Battle of Stalingrad?
Nazis on defensive war for the rest of the war