two types of wound according to intent
two types of wound according to skin surface
open wound
closed wound
Result of planned therapy or treatment that requires
invasive measures ; edges are clean and bleeding is controlled ; risk of infection is decreased ; ex. surgical incisions, IV, punctures
intentional wound
accidental, occurs from unexpected trauma ; jagged edges and bleeding is uncontrolled ; high risk for infection and longer healing time ; ex. accidents, burns
unintentional wound
classfications of wound according to possibility and degree of contamination
clean wound
clean contaminated
dirty or infected
uninfected wound in which minimal inflammation is
encountered ; not enter respi, alimentary, genital, and urinary tracts ; close wounds
clean wounds
surgical wound which enter respi, alimentary, genital, and urinary ; no evidence of infection
clean contaminated wound
open, fresh, accidental, or surgical wound involving a
major break in sterile technique or with a major
contamination from the gastrointestinal system ; inflamed tissue and high risk for infection
contaminated wound
wound containing dead tissue and with evidence of clinical infection
dirty or infected wound
confined to skin (epidermis an dermis) and heals by regeneration
partial thickness
involves dermis, epidermis subcu, and possibly muscle and bone ; requires connective tissue repair
full thickness
classification of wound according to healing time
what are the 2 classfications of wound
partial thickness
full thickness
this type of wound usually hels within days to weeks, edges are well approximated ; risk for infection is lessened
acute wound
do not progress through normal sequence of repair ; edges are not approximated ; infection is increased ; healing time is delayed
chronic wound
it is an open wound, edges in close approximation and aligned ; cutting by sharp instrument
open wound ; tissues are torn and edges are jagged ; blunt instrument, machinery
open wound ; rubbing or scraping the epidermal layer of the skin
open wound, penetration of the skin and often underlying tissues by a sharp instrument such as a needle
it is an open wound ; penetration of the skin and undelying tissues usually unintentional
penetrating wound
open wound ; tearing a structure from normal anatomic position causing possible damage to blood vessels, nerves and other structures
close wound ; results in soft tissue damage and ruptured blood vessels ; blow from a hard object
contusion or bruise
open or closed wound ; secretion and release of toxins by living organisms
open or closed wound ; chemical agents such as acids