it is the provision of health services to individuals, families, or communities by at least two health providers who work collaboratively with patients and their caregivers
- to the extend preferred by each patient
- to accomplish shared goals within and across settins to achieve coordinated high quality care
team-based health care
- shared goals
- clear roles
- mutual trust and respect
- effective communication
- measurable processes and outcomes
- leadership
principles in team-based health care approach
is able to detect areas in need of health improvement, taken in the lead in health promotion, able to assist patients to change their behaviors and lifestyles to obtain optimal health
3 types of nurses
registered nurses
adavanced practice nurses
licensed practical nurses
these nurses are required to pass a written examination ; holder of a bachelor’s degree in nursing from a college or university that complies with the standards of nursing education duly recognized by the proper government agency
registered nurses (RN)
have more education and experience than RNs ; clinical nurse specialists, nurse anesthetists, nurse midwife, and nurse practitioner
advanced practice nurses
these are licensed vocation nurses ; they train for about one year at a community college or vocational school and are licensed by their state
licensed practical nurses (LPN)
their role in health assessment is to oversee the hoslitic care of each patient, collect data, shift through all patient information and make judgments as to what information will impact patient safety and quality of care. they also identify what is important on a daily basis and ask questions to determine the health information that influences the day-to-day care and how it affects the person’s qulity of life
nurses in health assessment
they are responsible for the medical diagnosis and for determining the therapy required by a person who is ill or injured ; a person who is legally authorized to practice medicine in particular jurisdiction
two kinds of physicians
primary care doctors
these type of physicians focuses on preventive healthcare (regular checkups, disease screening tests, immunizations, and health counseling). they are family practitioners, internal medicine or osteopathic doctors, and pediatricians
primary care doctors
these type of doctos diagnose and treat conditions that require a special area of knowledge, have specific short term condition, and chronic disease. they are involved in endocrinology, dermatology, and obstetrics
they help people form healthy eating habits to improve health and prevent disease. they provide nutritional counseling, meal planning, and nutrition education programs ; their duties include providing direction to patients on healthy living and good nutrition, implementing meal plans, developing and preparing meals, working with healthcare personnel regarding patient’s nutritional needs, teaching patients and clients about food selection and nutrition principles, advocating for nutrition labeling, and conducting research
these are professionals who aim to enhance overall
well-being and help meet basic and complex
needs of communities and people. they focus on those who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in
they help to provide and advance the following
social impacts:
✓ Civil Rights
✓ Unemployment Insurance
✓ Disability Pay
✓ Worker’s Compensation
✓ Reduced Mental Health Stigma
✓ Medicaid and Medicare
✓ Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention
social worker
they help patients when they have an injury, disability or medical condition that limits their ability to move or function and test a patient’s strength andability to move and create a treatment plan. their goal of treatment is to improve mobility, reduce pain, restore function or prevent further disability.
physical therapist (PT)
they help patients perform tasks needed for every-day living or working, work with patients who have
physical, mental or developmental disabilities, help stroke patients who have lost function on one side of their body, heart or lung disease patients with activity or breathing limitations, or diabetes patients
who have had a limb amputated, and help clients find new ways to dress, cook, eat or work
occupational therapist
they are also called speech-language pathologists. they work with patients who have problems
related to speech, communication or
• speaking: may teach them to use
communication devices, sign language
or alternative ways to communicate.
• swallowing: may teach patients to
strengthen muscles or new ways to
swallow food and liquids without
speech therapist
they diagnose and treat problems with teeth and mouth, along with giving advice and administering care to help prevent future problems
• teach patients about brushing,
flossing, fluoride, and other
aspects of dental care.
• treat tooth decay, fill cavities and
replace missing teeth
they supervise the preparation of meals
according to the doctor’s prescription.
• assesses the patient’s nutritional and
hydration needs and monitors the patient’s
response to those needs
• because dietitians frequently monitor
mealtime activities, they may be the
professionals who initially detect a
swallowing disorder
they are responsible for offering the support and resources that patients need in order to fully recover from a medical illness or injury as well as the resulting emotional, physical, or psychological concerns.
they conduct psychological assessments, develop
discharge plans, arrange home care services, provide appropriate referrals, offering support groups, and advocating for patients and their families
medical social worker
they examine & study specimens such as urine, feces, blood & discharges from wound. logic technologists.
their main duties include:
✓Receiving, processing and analyzing samples. Depending on the work setting, the samples may consist of blood and tissue (health care); air, water, soil, and rock (environment, public health and mining); chemical products (chemical and pharmaceutical industry), etc.
✓Conducting tests on new products or experimental processes.
✓Designing and conducting lab tests according to standard procedures.
✓Using, cleaning and maintaining various types of equipment.
✓Handling and storing chemicals and other materials.
✓Handling of compressed gas cylinders.
✓Administrative tasks such as maintaining notebooks, documenting procedures, and preparing orders and invoices
laboratory technologists
they are medical doctors that specialize in diagnosing and treating injuries and diseases using
medical imaging (radiology) procedures
(exams/tests) such as X-rays, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), nuclear medicine, positron emission tomography (PET) and ultrasound.
• provide diagnosticinformation about functioning of a patient’sliver etc.
• diagnostic radiology and interventional
they are responsible for the quality of medicines supplied to patients, ensure that the supply of medicines is within the law, medicine prescribed to patients are suitable, advise patients about medicines.
they also supervise the medicines supply chain and ensure pharmacy premises and systems are fit for purpose, advise other healthcare professionals about safe and effective medicines use, respond to patients symptoms and advise on medicine for sale in pharmacies, provide services such as smoking cessation, blood pressure measurement, and cholesterol management, and supervise the productin and preparation of medicines before they are supplied
they are skilled in therapuetic measures used in care of patients with resipratory problems. they also help improve outcomes for people with asthma, pneumonia, emphysema, lung trauma, and other diagnoses. ; assesses breathing, recommend exercises, and monitor progress
inhalation or respiratory therapist