wk 4 BB Flashcards
a situation that causes stress to a system
stress reactivity
the way we respond to a stressor
Multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis
¨ Population-based study of 6749 adults
¤ Aged 45-84 years, free of cardiovascular disease
¨ Followed-up over average 8.5 years
¨ Stress measured as burden in 5 domains:
- health problems
-Health problems of others
-Job or ability to work problems
Chronic stress (i.e. burden) at baseline predicted
increased likelihood of stroke over the follow-up
period (__% increase)
¨ Bard (1928) examined the effects of lesions on cats
¤ Removed most of cerebral cortex either with or without
the hypothalamus
Intact hypothalamus, led to ______ _______
¨ We can see this just by stimulating this region
undirected rage
The pituitary gland Releases
Somatotrophins e.g. HGH, Growth)
-Thyrotrophins (TSH, metabolism)
-Gonadotrophins (LH, FSH, Fertility)
Corticotrophins (ACTH, stress response)
Too much cortisol = __________ syndrome
symptoms =
Cushing’s syndrome
Rapid weight gain, Acne, Reduced libido or infertility, Thin skin, chronic tiredness
Too little cortisol = _____ disease
¨ Addison’s disease
Often caused by adrenal gland failing to produce
enough cortisol
¤ Weight loss
¤ Weakness/ lethargy
¤ In some cases à adrenal crisis
(low blood pressure,
Confusion/ psychosis,
loss of consciousness)
n Adrenal crisis is typically brought about by stressors
¨ Sympathomedullary system
Hypothalamus -> autonomic nervous system ->
Epinephrine/ adrenaline
From adrenal medulla
¤ Releases stored forms of energy in muscles
(protein à glucose)
¤ Stimulates heart & other organs
¨ Responsible for ‘fight or flight response’
¨ Involved in the 4 f’s: fight, fright, flight and sex
Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome
Chronic exposure to stressors led to sequence of 3
Alarm, Resistance, Exhaustion
Alarm stage in Selye’s General Adaptation syndrome
Arousal of ANS
during first encounter with stressor
Resistance to stressor drops below normal with potential for shock
here, hormones such as epinephrine and cortisol are released
SNS activated
Resistance stage of Selye’s General adaptation syndrome
Continued exposure
parasympathetic system returns physiological functions to normal levels
¤ Blood glucose, epinephrine & cortisol all remain high
¤ Heart rate, blood pressure, breathing all increased
Over time, resistance to stressor increases, levels out
at normal levels.
¨ Resistance = adaptation to environmental stressors
Exhaustion of Selye’s General adaptation syndrome
¨ If the stressor continues beyond the body’s capacity,
the stressor depletes the available resources.
¨ Loss of ability to adapt to situations
¨ Susceptible to illness, and even death
Stress – via cortisol – can directly suppress activity
of _________system
Glaser et al., 1987
¤ Blood samples from 40 1st year medical students
n During exam periods, and 1 month before exams
¤ During exams, immune system responses _____
Psychological modifiers of stress
what can help you cope/react
- outlets of frustration
- sense of predictability
- a perception of life improving
- social support