Wk 1 BB Flashcards
nervous system
Directions in the Nervous
Anterior/Rostral –
Front, towards face
which directions of the nervous system are opposites
Rosttral - Caudal
Ventral - Dorsal
Anterior posterior
Directions in the Nervous system
behind, towards Back
Directions in the Nervous System
Dorsal: Toward the top of the brain or the back of the spinal cord.
Directions in the Nervous
Ventral: Toward the bottom of the brain or the front of the spinal cord
Directions in the Nervous
Towards side / edge
Directions in the Nervous
Toward middle
Directions in the Nervous
same side
opposite side
Transverse section -
of brain
right angle to neuraxis
(separate top and bottom)
Saggital section of brain
parallel to neuraxis, perpendicular to ground (side to side)
Frontal/Coronal plane
of brain
separates front and back
Although the brain comprises only
about __% of the body weight it
Uses about ___% of the body’s
blood supply and consumes __-
20% of the oxygen
The human brain contains around
___ miles of blood vessels.
Large hole in skull is called
allows passage of
Foramen Magnum
spinal cord
Dura Mater
tough, flexible outermost meninx
skin of brain
Arachnoid (mater)
middle layer of the meninges
like a sheet of cling film draped over the brain.
doesn’t dip into valleys of brain contour
Pia mater
last layer of meninges which adheres to the surface of the brain
subarachnoid space
filledwith what
space between the arachnoid membrane and pia mater filled with CSF (cerebrospinal fluid)
Ventricles (in brain)
set of hollow chambers within the brain filled with CSF
4 ventricles of the brain
Flow of CSF
1.created in Lateral ventricles by choroid plexus
2. Third ventricle (central point)
3. Cerebral Aqueduct
4. Fourth Ventricle (then to spine + brain in subarachnoid space)
5)then sinuses
6)then jugular vein
7)then to heart
The forebrain
Contains these 2 areas:
contains Telencephalon and Diencephalon
cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, limbic system
Grey matter is composed of
Cell bodies of the neurons
White mattter is composed of
axons and dendrites
The limbic system
set of structures involved in Learning, emotion and Memory
-Limbic Cortex
-mammillary bodies (part of hypothalamus)
basal ganglia
Set of structues involved in processing information for motor movement. (and reward)
Major structures include:
-Caudate nucleus
-Globus pallidus
Part of forebrain consisting largely of the thalamus and hypothalamus
main sensory Relay for all senses (except smell) and the cortex
Set of nuclei involved in regulating the autonmic nervous system, controlling the pituitary gland.
Much of the endocrine system controlled by hormones produced in hypothalamus
primarily concerned with body and its regulation
fighting, feeding, fleeing, fucking
The midbrain
compromised of the tectum and the tegmentum
- superior colliculi = subcortical sensory pathway involved in fast eye movements (vision (turn towards door opening))
- inferior colliculi = part of auditory pathway (turn towards loud noise)
Role in motor movement
1. reticular formation
2. red nucleus
3. substantia nigra (dopaminergic cells first creating dop)
The hindbrain
contains metencephalon and myelencephalon
comprised of the cerebellum and the pons
appears as a mini brain
-involved in motor coordination and smooth execution of movement
part of the reticular formation
-involved in sleep and arousal
-link between cerebellum and cerebrum
contains medulla oblongata
involved in basic life functions such as breathing, swallowing, vomiting, coughing, sneezing, sleep-wake cycle and heart rate
- The spinal cord communicates with
the sense organs and muscles
below the level of the head
- Primary Components of the Spinal
- Dorsal Roots (out back)
- Ventral Roots (come out front)
Dorsal roots carry ____ info to the ___
which are =
Ventral roots carry ___ info to the ____
away from CNS =
muscles and glands
Cranial nerves
Set of 12 motor and/or sensory nerves attached to the ventral surface of the brain
Sensory and motor functions of the head and neck