Research is a
systematic way of thinking and knowing and has a distinct vocabulary
research uses
orderly scientific methods (multiple) to answer questions or solve problems
thought and action process of the researcher are clearly specified so that they are
- logical
- understandable
- confirmable
- useful
research helps provide
answers about daily practice -validated
research develops and tests
theories that form the bases for practice
research generates relevant theory and knowledge about
human experience and behavior
knowledge obtained from research is critical in guiding legislators and regulatory bodies about
best policies and procedures
research contributes to the evolution
of research methods as they answer better questions
research helps us become more
crticial consumers
scientific researcher endeavors to
- understand
- explain
- predict
- control phenomena
we go about research in a more
orderly and systematic fashion
scientific method involves formal application of
- systematic
- logical procedures that guide investigation of phenomena of interest
sources of human knowledge
- tradition
- authority
- experience
- logical reasoning
knowledge passed down
certain title or position have a source of knowledge
your own experience